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File 141529691939.png - (1.52MB , 1280x852 , hope.png )
67811 No. 67811
Why are underage b&s a thing on 99chan? 15 and I'm pretty sure that most of the demograph here are in their mid teens to late teens. I can understand banning someone because they're on a nsfw board, its illegal to distribute porn to minors, not to mention nsfw board also has illegal content on it. But there is no reason to ban underage from sfw boards like /a/ or lets say from /vg/ back when it was still around. What are your thoughts? Please, no flaming, lets have a rational debate.

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>> No. 67812
Oh god a teenager thinks that they belong here. How far have we fallen?
>> No. 67813
I don't think teenagers are likely to add any interesting content, so I'm for being safe and banning all of them. For every cool teenager, there are millions of fucking whiney bores.
>> No. 67814
Serves you right for turning this place into a liberal hipster circlejerk over the years. You, specifically, yes you. Don't think I don't know who you are. Benghazi.

NOKO has been used.
>> No. 67822
I'd like to think most of us are mid 20's given the history of chan migration, irc and fb regs also back this up. Once upon a time the people of 4 big dicks up my asshole said this place has become shitty! let us move and start anew! thus 7chan was born. Eventually the people said this place has become shitty! let us start anew! thus 78chan was born. Not very long after that the people thought this place is going to go the same way as the last two! fuck this moving again! and 99chan was born in all its glorious elitism and superiority. Some people have claimed this place has gotten shitty but its been fairly constant in adequacy over the years. Everything thats been tried other than here (64 big dicks up my asshole, whatever else) has more or less fallen flat.

Not sure how a teenager found themselves here and its cute that you think thats the majority demographic but you are very wrong. ~Mr_Lahey
>> No. 67823
Yeah, the people who stayed around are in their mid-to-late-20s. I'd like to think a bunch of us are still around and reasonably active. There is also a group of 30-somethings.
>> No. 67824

I'm 21, and I've been here since a few months after 99chan went up, but I've always felt like I've been on the younger side of the site.
>> No. 67825
My 12 year old niece comes here a lot, she really loves /fubot/, /docta/, and /cat/.
>> No. 67826
You are why banning young is ballza. You don't even realize what you're saying. Yes, you are on the young side, genius. Fuck. Say something else obvious for us.
>> No. 67828
I think most of the demographic is early to late twenties.
>> No. 67829
I think the main demographics are young black men enthusiastic about social justice topics.
>> No. 67830
Eh I've always thought 99chan goes through phases of being ballza for a few months, then being shitty for about six months.
>> No. 67832
You are the type of hatefulness that makes 99chan elitist and great. Keeping on trucking. Call me a slut next, I like it.
>> No. 67837
You're all a gaggle of fucking sluts.
>> No. 67840
I'd like to gaggle some sluts.
>> No. 67842
I'll gargle your slut if you know what I mean.
>> No. 67844
I don't know what you mean, you son of a fuck shit, fuck.
>> No. 67862
The presence of teenage elements invariably lowers the quality of discourse, as teenagers' brains are not yet fully developed.
>> No. 67869
That's what your mom said.
>> No. 67870

Joke's on you, fuckface. All my mom ever told me is that she wished she got an abortion.
>> No. 67998
File 141581854025.jpg - (214.72KB , 1920x1440 , images.jpg )
I'm a baby and I make some of the most successful threads on 99chan.
>> No. 68048
This thread might put a kink in some poor teenagers developing neural networks.
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