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File 141583306916.jpg - (88.95KB , 620x349 , scut-farkus.jpg )
68007 No. 68007
Tell me about that kid.

I grew up for a time with a kid named Joey. Joey would insult people, sometimes when they were bothering him but usually just because they happened to be nearby, by calling them skeesh and bleacher. He called a classmate of mine a "Swedish pantyliner" and on one occasion he called me a petunia.

One time in fifth grade my cousin was in the boy's bathroom during recess, pooping. Joey came in and started throwing pebbles over the top of the stall, my cousin telling him repeatedly to get lost. Then, out of nowhere, Joey kicked in the stall door, threw a handful of rocks on my cousin and then ran away.

A few years later, he started a fire on his family's farm, burning a million dollars worth of pig barns and bankrupting the family. He was institutionalized in some capacity (as kids, we weren't told much about where he went but he was gone and there was a lot of talk about "juvie."). I don't know where he is now.

Who was that kid when you were growing up? What did he do? Was he violent or just strange? What kinds of encounters did you have with him?
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>> No. 68009
I stabbed my bully in the face with a pencil when I was 10. That was nearly twenty years ago. I saw him on the friends you may know feature on Facebook and he still has the scar. What was the question again?
>> No. 68013
I was the strange kid, All the other kids picked on me because I was into things past my age group like action figures and pokemon. I was always very different from the other kids I tended to be more quiet and too myself I would doodle in my note books and not pay attention in class. I use to analyze how they acted and interacted rather than interact with them.

As for the violent kid it was probably a distant cousin of mine named mat. He use to rough house too much and his parents were low class super blue collar dirt bags. He nearly drowned me when I was 9 from rough housing in a river one summer. I have not seen or talk to him since I was 10, He is probably a convict drug addict now, think I will look him up.
>> No. 68018
he was held back a couple times. a real ass to others but we got along. when we were in 5th grade he would walk up to my desk with a visible erection in his pant leg and he would rap it with his knuckles and laugh.
then one day the math teacher chewed us out for like 20 minutes. when she finished i just looked at her with a plain face and said "next time you are gonna yell at someone so much, make sure you brush your teeth first, your breath stinks"
she quit that year
>> No. 68262
A kid I grew up with was held back twice and pooped his pants 3 times in middle school. I felt sorry for him more than anything.
>> No. 68466
Seeing as I can't think of a tale, that child was probably me.
>> No. 68499
File 141765145333.jpg - (1.17MB , 1801x2509 , Alpaca_-_Raalte_(1).jpg )
The person in OP's pic makes me think thats what the human version of an alpaca would look like.

Picture attached for comparison.
>> No. 68513
File 14176682721.jpg - (108.62KB , 451x628 , alpaca.jpg )
wow ur right
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