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File 141514609718.jpg - (43.08KB , 600x371 , B1H1LrAIUAAsrTd.jpg )
67768 No. 67768
Hello, /b/. In about 11 months I plan to join a military force. I will join the American military if they are at war and if they will accept me. If not then I plan to fight the Islamic State alongside the Kurdish or any other anti-IS group. I was considering joining the IS but I'm afraid I'll be killed for screwing up or accidently offending Islam, also, I wouldn't want that on my conscious.

So, my question is, do you plan to join the military or go to war any time soon? If so, then which military or militant group will you join?

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>> No. 67769
So, you turned 17 one month ago?
>> No. 67776
The French voting public doesn't give a shit about the Legion because they're foreigners. The President can send them off to get slaughtered and no one will really care, hence the adventure.
>> No. 67777
You guys do realize that the French Foreign Legion stopped being a group of bad asses a few decades ago, right? It's basically like any other group of mostly do-nothings with occasional "hey, look at that " with exercises. Fucking idiots.
>> No. 67780
Oh, I forgot, 99chan is all an authority on the FFL.
>> No. 67781
They've been pretty active in Africa over the last decade. I'm sure it's not a gunfight/'splosion per minute, but it's fairly frequent semi-plausible combat zone type stuff, at least moreso than you'll get with any other European force or peacetime American service.
>> No. 67782
File 141516658040.jpg - (40.88KB , 1152x648 , Sand Hearts.jpg )
ISIS needs its own moe visual novel, then they'll lighten up for sure.
>> No. 67783
I absolutely agree with your unfounded speculation.
>> No. 67784
I really thought Haley would have developed the larger breasts, but what a shock Alex was, right? Those things are out of this world. Phil looks so sad this season. I hope he is okay. I'm glad that Jay got hipper glasses, because they look ballza. Gloria doesn't have the largest rack anymore!
>> No. 67791
One of the weird things about the FFL is that morning libations always include cranberry juice. It's real cranberry juice but everyone gets sick of it eventually.
>> No. 67794
I contribute when I feel it will educate, entertain, or be of amusement for myself. If you believe the people I had replied to are truly deserving of being taken seriously, I'm afraid it's not I who is the real shitposter.
>> No. 67800
If we were talking about the communion I'd say it was so that Muslim legionnaires aren't forced to drink wine. But for a libation? Why would they get sick of it? Do the drill instructors force them to drink it off the ground afterward?
>> No. 67801
As one of half a dozen experts on the French Foreign Legion here, they do not like the way the cranberries affect the palate when cheese is taken. Also, as a former Legionnaire, like most experts here, it takes time away from the monumental amount of killing that needs to be killed every single day.
>> No. 67807
That's perfectly fine and understandable, but a libation is wine or another liquid that is poured on the ground as an offering. If you are referring to the wine that is ceremonially drunk in the Catholic rite to represent the blood of Christ that is the Communion, not a libation.
>> No. 67810
I will not sit here and suffer you to redefine words. I'm now standing.
>> No. 67816
Destroy the evil terrorists. Shoot many in the head for me.
>> No. 67845
File 141544898588.gif - (434.36KB , 314x246 , tumblr_lpbeygfN7x1qbdd9j.gif )
>The US military is a sack of shit. More soldiers die from suicide than enemy action. The people who get promoted are the biggest assholes and bullies, or those with the right connections. Drug abuse is out of control, alcohol abuse is worse than drug abuse, assault is commonplace.

Well, thanks for confirming that you've never actually served - or if you did, you were a POG who got stuck in a shitty command and you're still bitter about it. More than anything, it sounds like you had a friend that served and got kicked out, and went on long rants that gave you zero context, and now you're just parroting his bullshit.

Drug abuse hasn't been "out of control" since they implemented the zero-tolerance policy. I knew maybe three guys who got kicked out during my enlistment for drugs, and it was all weed. It's not like motherhooligans were shooting up in the barracks or some shit.

Alcohol abuse? Sure, plenty of hardcore alcoholics, but nearly every one is functional. Commanders don't like anyone under them, especially those in a leadership position, being a falling-down drunk. DUI's and other alcohol-related incidents are the one way to guarantee your career is fucked. And I was in the Navy, for fuck's sake; we can drink the other branches under the table and we still wouldn't put up with someone whose drinking was affecting their work.

"Assault is commonplace"? This one literally made me laugh out loud. Hazing does exist, if you want to qualify that as "assault", but it's almost never anything serious enough to actually cause damage, because the military actively pursues hazing. Hazing incidents are a huge embarrassment to a CO. We had two guys get NJP because they taped a dude to a chair. Taped him! That's it! They didn't even hurt the guy, and he wasn't even the one that reported it! Other than that, there's the occasional off-duty bar fight, but it's not like motherhooligans are just going around beating each other up. Even Marines won't tolerate that shit.

The suicide thing is actually somewhat accurate... depending on what year it is. Sure, for 2014, there's more suicide than deaths by enemy action, because there's barely been any enemy action. You wouldn't see the same numbers for 2001-2006, though.

There are plenty of douchebags and unqualified jackasses who get promoted, but it's not everyone. And what "connections"? Obviously some people learn how to schmooze with the higher-ups and become buddy-buddy, but it's not even close to everybody. Officers and senior enlisted aren't going to promote incompetent people who will embarrass them when they fuck up. It's all about CYA.

Sack of shit... I'll give you a sack of shit. Eat my ass, kid.
>> No. 67847
The only thing I got from that was a slightly sad feeling that you didn't die while serving.
>> No. 67851
You know he was for reals in the military because of all the in-the-know acronyms he used.
>> No. 67852
Nah, he wasn't talking about JO buddies, so he wasn't really in the US military at least. JO time is an integral part of the US military in any branch and the body system prevents injuries from improper JO technique and grip holds.
>> No. 67858
Great, now we have to watch two idiots compare pens sizes.
>> No. 67861
Okay, then don't. I don't see how his belief system is tied into yours. Or why you feel the need to spend such effort on pointing out what you see as logical fallacies. Have you ever changed anyone's opinions or beliefs using this strategy of yours? I'm willing to bet you haven't. Keep banging your head against the wall, though.
>> No. 67863
The soldiers should probably stop killing babies in Vietnam.
>> No. 67864
Hey, in all fairness babies can be considered enemy combatants.
>> No. 67865
I don't *entirely* disagree..
>> No. 67866
I was a Bridgeadier General during Vietnam and I can say that over 90% of babies were viet cong. Still, we gave them the benefit of the doubt. That's the army way.
>> No. 67867

The benefit of 45 millimeters of doubt?
>> No. 67916
But who reads anything more than five lines long unless it is directed at them?
>> No. 68000
I read >>67856 in its entirety. But I am hung over, so there's that. I thought it was pretty compelling though, and certainly much more intelligent and authoritative than "YOU OBVIOUS WERENT IN MILITARY, KID"

Anyway, the thing I originally wanted to say in this thread is why do so many young men think war or violence will solve all their problems? "I'm planning to go running off to war, I don't care who I fight for! I was thinking about joining ISIS..." OK sure. So fucking much on various imageboards I've seen guys talking about how they think joining the French Foreign Legion will solve all their problems and give them an exciting, fulfilling life. Am I the only one who thinks the FFL sounds like the exact opposite of an adventure, but a soul-crushing experience of being abused and then deployed in antiquated colonialist action on behalf of a country that doesn't even want you in the first place?
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