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File 141566145775.jpg - (75.13KB , 467x640 , bieber_cock.jpg )
67914 No. 67914
For those of you that have been waiting for this day (some have undoubtedly seen it already but here it is. Justin Biebers penis.
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>> No. 67915
I've seen some rumor milling going on saying it's a shop..
>> No. 67920
I really don't think I can care. I honestly would not be able to name a song of his or recognize his voice.
>> No. 67925
Much bigger than I expected.
>> No. 67927
That picture isn't being spread everywhere on the net. Googling Justin Bieber penis doesn't bring it up. I think it's fake.
>> No. 67954

...Unless OP is justin bieber.
>> No. 68001
"Justin Bieber posts erect selfie on anime forum"
>> No. 68067
File 141612866221.jpg - (322.59KB , 2000x2000 , 141449146922.jpg )

Also: His d is slightly bent to the left..
>> No. 68074
Justin Bieber is today's Morrissey.
>> No. 68156
To the extent that he's an obnoxious cunt, yes.
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