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File 14157426537.gif - (4.17MB , 400x203 , pile_of_shit.gif )
67966 No. 67966
i do this thing on social media where i talk about how im sad or my life is falling apart or i have substance abuse problems
and they laugh
and they applaud
and i have a lot of likes you know

but i still feel weird about all of it
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>> No. 67967
File 141574285377.jpg - (68.85KB , 972x598 , mecca-cola.jpg )
i didn't go to class today

i'm half an hour late to work

i'm not posting this here because i think you'll give a shit. i'm posting this here because it's the only place i don't feel shame.

i started just typing letters with no regard towards grammer because
ok im not sure why i started doing it it's an affectation
can't drop those apostrophes tho-
>> No. 68005
File 141583189573.jpg - (43.79KB , 630x420 , bob.jpg )
Did someone open up to you?
>> No. 68010
Holy crap! Use Meatloaf for the next joker!
Yeah, dude! Nice one!
>> No. 68011
I'm going to be honest with you. The only reason you get "likes" is because they're scared of you, of what you might do to yourself or others. You frighten people. Get professional help.
>> No. 68016
I do this thing on social media where I don't use it because I'm not an attention whoring cunt.
>> No. 68020
I don't think you can take the high ground here, mister antisocial creep-a-zoid.
>> No. 68026
Is an imageboard not social media...?
>> No. 68027
Not really.
An imageboard is the most asocial way to post on the Internet and still interact with other humans.
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