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File 141575571010.png - (30.76KB , 592x360 , ScreenshotXIV.png )
67977 No. 67977
Post your bans or other peoples bans

I just got banned from from Wizardchan for posting this

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>> No. 67978
File 141575573317.png - (96.44KB , 722x619 , ScreenshotXOWVCC.png )
Heres the ban image
>> No. 67984
File 141576135024.png - (421.26KB , 618x454 , serious_face_by_spoofaloo_chan-d4g1sor.png )
Ah it's okay, We all get banned sometimes for no...ballza...Reason.
>> No. 67987
I would've banned you for posting a shitty kopipe memetext story as well
>> No. 67995
It has come to this? Has the glorious 99' become the chan to whine when you have been banned from other chans?
>> No. 67996

>Has the glorious 99' become the chan to whine when you have been banned from other chans, and then get banned shortly afterwards?

It is alright, young one. Everything is as it has been, and as it always be. The young will come from other chans, riding high on their bans, only to be banned in turn. Over time, the bans will mold them into what we want. It is only a matter of time before they too will be as pretentious as the rest of us.
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