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File 14102515348.jpg - (17.50KB , 180x240 , 372169830_c04be5d02d_m.jpg )
65862 No. 65862
New season is out and it. is. fanfuckingtastic. Luckily we don't have another arrested development on our hands.
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>> No. 65865
Arrested Development was great! Unless you mean getting cancelled after three seasons.
>> No. 65871
What is this show? Why do you assume we all know what you're talking about? You are a terrible human being, OP. You bring shame on 99chan. Terrible human being shame.
>> No. 65884
How did a non-Canadian get on here? Next you're going to tell me you're not gay or an alcoholic either.

Anyway yea I'm glad it came back its like a family reunion, everything is basically the same but everyone is a bit older. Its better I think now they are on Netflix and free from CRTC censorship. I hope a season 9 happens.

>> No. 65887
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You're the one bringing shame, Bronlonius. If you don't know Bobandy when you see him, you don't belong here.
>> No. 65894
Is 99chan really a canadian thing? I stumbled on this chan like a month ago and I never got what the 'theme' is
>> No. 65911
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The servers are hosted in Moose Jaw and a number of the founding admins live in or around Medicine Hat and one is based in Sherwood Park. The site started as a place for gay men in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba to chat and network, as the prairies are typically socially and politically conservative and it's not the easiest place to be young and gay.

Obviously 99chan has expanded substantially since then, with the addition, in late 2005, of /alc/, an alcoholism support board, /be/, a breast expansion board, and /inc/ an incest board.

I don't know how many of the admins still live in Medicine Hat. I think Sundevil moved to Halifax for theater school.
>> No. 65918
I'm liking the new season, but not as much as I liked old seasons. This season seems way more structured. Like they establish an over-arching plot right away with a clear conflict and antagonist. Then small plots and character drama develops in the individual episodes. I mean the writing is solid but part of what drew me to TPB was the feeling that every episode was just the boys fuckin around. I guess it feels like the writing has lost that touch of real-life absurdism that I loved so much.
>> No. 65920
My favorite season is autumn.
>> No. 65971
season 7 was bad and the movies haven't been that great, but Say ballzanight to the Bad Guys was pretty ballza so I'll probably check out 8 at some point. I miss Corey and Trevor and that skinny guy who dresses like Julian is a terrible actor and not funny.
>> No. 65973
Hail! I'm so fucking happy
>> No. 65999
I need to check this show out, but it would be such a time investment...
>> No. 66073
Just watch the first 6 episode season and see how you feel.
>> No. 66074
Breastfeeding releases hormones that help shrink the uterus back to its pre-birth size. That is why I'm for breastfeeding and for that reason alone.
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