No. 65966
I cum better without porn. Looking at internet porn takes me into a more... cerebral space I guess you could call it. I don't have as much body awareness, I'm more focused on the images on the screen. When I masturbate without porn, I'm much more focused on my body, how my hand feels rubbin mah d, etc so when I orgasm it's much more intense and whole-body.
This applies to my fantasies while masturbating. When I'm looking at porn, I'm focused on the computer screen, on images, and it is a visual experience, often devoid of larger context. When I fantasize without porn, I am more focused on the sensations in the fantasy, and the fantasy itself has a larger focus on a connection or experience with larger context.
Obviously being in this mindset also translates to better sex, on those rare occasions when I can trick some poor girl into letting me put my horrible penis inside her.