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File 141028636760.jpg - (21.72KB , 300x300 , ryan-newman-top-tweet.jpg )
65876 No. 65876
How can I get over my addiction to jailbait pics?

Looking at JB is so addictive and I need to look at some every day. How can I stop?
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>> No. 65879
File 141028697935.jpg - (7.12KB , 200x200 , scared-cat.jpg )
stop being a pedophile
>> No. 65880
That girl's picture is heavily photoshopped if you can't tell. Beautiful regardless though.
>> No. 65881

What about it has been shopped?
>> No. 65882

The face.
>> No. 65883
File 141028748376.jpg - (56.65KB , 500x334 , rammellzee-and-basquiat-2.jpg )
Turn off your internet at home
If you have pics/videos saved to your HD, delete them
Take your laptop to a nearby coffeeshop and use wifi to check emails, do any miscellaneous reading, etc.
If you don't have a laptop, check your emails at the library

After a few months of this, get internet at home again but you're not allowed to use the internet before 6pm unless it's for work or school or a tutorial for something you're teaching yourself. Keep your computer in a shared area of the house, not your bedroom.

(Why the shit would you post something that could be helpful to OP when he is clearly a faggot?)
>> No. 65886
File 141028792028.jpg - (101.78KB , 640x400 , kotikota.jpg )
The eyes, the nose, the lips, the skin. The eyes are too big, the lips too plump, the skin too clear, the background too perfectly blurry. The picture is flawless.
>> No. 65889
Don't. Embrace it. Go find real life jailbait and fuck them behind some filthy truck stop in a nearby town.

Go do it, OP. Do it for me.
>> No. 65891
Whenever you feel the urge to drool over pictures of underage girls, look at pictures of your father instead. Eventually your mind will associate lustful thoughts to images of your father and that is a step in the right direction.
>> No. 65892
First, develop some willpower, you sad animal. Second, use that willpower to stop being something you don't want to be.
>> No. 65895
File 141030706097.jpg - (753.79KB , 1349x2627 , 1394944428538.jpg )
Being sexually attracted to young girls is perfectly normal; youth is, after all, one of the primary indicators of reproductive fitness.

If you have a problem, it is not that you seek out new pornography of a specific type of girl each day. the thing to focus on here is your overuse of porn in general.
>> No. 65896

Yeah, I understand it's normal to find adolescent girls highly attractive, that's why JB is so addictive. The issue is how to control it.
>> No. 65898
I think the solutions to these kinds of problems come in the form of lifestyle changes. If you spend a lot of time in front of your computer, you are inevitably going to encounter pornography of some sort which will trigger your urge to seek out more pornography and to masturbate.

The trick is to avoid the situations which trigger your behaviour. For example, a recovering drug addict would do well to avoid their drug-using friends and acquaintances until such a time as they had conquered their addiction. It might be the case that you need to find some way of avoiding spending prolonged periods in front of a computer screen to curb your pornography habits.
>> No. 65912

You can't brute force your way to success with "willpower." You have to create an environment for success.
>> No. 65914
spend time with teen girls and you will realize they are annoying and dramatic as fuck. they are not these beautiful ideal sexpots.
i think your only exposure to them is these photos and you have created a delusion in your mind making them out to be something they are not.
>> No. 65915
That environment is my fist in your face.
>> No. 65936
File 141036498226.jpg - (105.06KB , 800x800 , pervert.jpg )
>> No. 65944
stop watching porn, maybe even masturbating for a while (because it will make you want to watch porn). Porn especially though. you aren't gonna kick it unless you cut out porn 100%. If you dont youd be looking at some older girl and in the heat of the moment be like "this sucks" then search for JB. plus imo life is much better w/o porn, you just gotta give it at most a week and you should already see what I mean.
>> No. 65966
I cum better without porn. Looking at internet porn takes me into a more... cerebral space I guess you could call it. I don't have as much body awareness, I'm more focused on the images on the screen. When I masturbate without porn, I'm much more focused on my body, how my hand feels rubbin mah d, etc so when I orgasm it's much more intense and whole-body.

This applies to my fantasies while masturbating. When I'm looking at porn, I'm focused on the computer screen, on images, and it is a visual experience, often devoid of larger context. When I fantasize without porn, I am more focused on the sensations in the fantasy, and the fantasy itself has a larger focus on a connection or experience with larger context.

Obviously being in this mindset also translates to better sex, on those rare occasions when I can trick some poor girl into letting me put my horrible penis inside her.
>> No. 65968
I would say don't try to quit masturbating and looking at porn at the same time. That's like trying to quit smoking while quitting heroin or something. Masturbate all you want but away from the computer. That way, if you feel a strong urge to dig into the JB porn, you can bust a quick nut to your imagination and then carry on with your day.

Plus masturbating to your imagination is great. Your imagination is a muscle, etc.
>> No. 66046
I feel personally quitting just porn never worked for me. after cumming id get tired and lose a lot of my will. i was givng advice OP probably didnt yet consder. im sure he already thought of just quitting porn
>> No. 66196
File 14108945748.jpg - (58.96KB , 500x682 , dannimeow.jpg )
You guys got any porn of svelte girls with big butts?
>> No. 66197
File 14108945971.gif - (285.39KB , 250x187 , 133110537774.gif )
I think this counts maybe
>> No. 66208
>masturbating [...] will make you want to watch porn
Where do you come from?
>> No. 66211
Because jailbait is hot, no one disagrees. We want our women to stay young and hot with everything in the right spot, old skanky bitches are not hot. The days of the 35 year old bushy porn stars is over, amateur porn with two attractive 18 year olds is here to stay and THANK GOD. I actually remember fapping to Beverly Hills Bordello in the fucking 90's it was such shitty porn and even shittier production quality, albeit from the 90's it was TERRIBLE.
>> No. 66219
I mean thats just me. It'll be boring w/o porn whle you're doing it then afterwards when you're tired you'll want to feel ballza again
>> No. 66220
Replace it with toddler CP.
>> No. 66260
> It'll be boring w/o porn
Masturbating without porn is way more satisfying. I think about the butts of teenage girls in tights that I see on the bus and I cum waaaay harder than I do when looking at porn.
>> No. 66522

I didn't notice it before, but you're right, that shit has been airbrushed to fuck.
>> No. 66525
I don't always want to cum hard, though.
>> No. 66529
Not that much.

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