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File 14107557139.gif - (4.84MB , 300x225 , what a fucking baller.gif )
66155 No. 66155
Hey guys,

I am on the 1st floor of a 3-flat and I have a fireplace in my living room. What are my chances of getting the landlord to let me pay for it to be cleaned and using it? What are the chances of it working at all?

Thanks babe,


(Holy fuck you're stupid.)
>> No. 66157
You are an idiot, yes? The landlord should have it cleaned with no expense to you, idiot. Stand up for yourself, idiot.
>> No. 66159
Yeah, it's probably part of your tenant rights to have it cleaned. Check your local ordinances.
>> No. 66175
He doesn't even need to cite his technical rights.

>Hey, this is Gaius in 14. Any chance you could clean my fireplace so I can use it? No? Yeah, okay, I'm going to go ahead and just use that pre-existing feature of the apartment I'm now renting anyway and hopefully it doesn't set a dangerous explosive chimney fire.

It'll get fixed.
>> No. 66177
Chimney fireplaces should be illegal, wood fires can burn to a temperature of 1200 degrees farenheit. That's scary.
>> No. 66178
Yeah, cheap warmth is what's wrong with the world. It's the devil.
>> No. 66262
Ask him to clean it. If he doesn't in a timely fashion or refuses, have it cleaned at your expense, keep the receipt and give him a copy with a letter asking for reimbursement. If he doesn't reimburse you, go to the Tenancy Board or whatever it's called where you live.
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