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File 140624626113.gif - (948.15KB , 450x280 , cat shit.gif )
64394 No. 64394
Seriously guys, stay away from these things:

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>> No. 64395
That has to be fake. How can that cat projectile shit like that?
>> No. 64397
File 140625104868.gif - (1.70MB , 272x181 , ObstructedColon.gif )
It's called a bowel obstruction. Not just humans can have those.
>> No. 64399
This thread is heroic.

Some 99chan hero needs to buy these and record his experience.
>> No. 64408
I'm pretty sure those are joke reviews and the candy does not cause diarrhea at all in the vast majority of the population.
>> No. 64420
Prove yourself right and the rest of us wrong. Order a bag of those and take a video of yourself eating the whole bag's worth and then whatever happens afterward.
>> No. 64422
I would gladly do all of that aside from buying the bag. I am very cheap when it comes to the entertainment of others.
>> No. 64425
Kickstarter that shit. It's more entertaining than potato salad.
>> No. 64426
Fire everyone that isn't named Aaron Andrews.
>> No. 64491
Apparently they're out of stock. I'd have ordered some otherwise.
>> No. 64496
I shit on a cat as vengeance for what happened in that .gif.
>> No. 64500
one time when i was a kid i poured a cat of cat food on my cat's head because i thought "oh hey wouldn't it be cute if these kittens were literally eating off their mom"

i had to wash the cat :(
>> No. 64547
Did you slip a pinky inside the pussy and rub the asshole?
>> No. 66235
"Cats are clean and loving pets"
Damn bullshit, I'm sure that lil hooligan planned that on his human slave, he then laughed the rest of the day and licked his balls.
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