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File 14109324572.jpg - (69.47KB , 512x500 , Bavario-Scottish_Flag.jpg )
66215 No. 66215
So, the head of the Jacobite line of Scottish-acknowledged royalty and the Kings of the Bavarian Wittelsbach family are the same person.


I think we should get in on the ground floor of this and support a true Empire in its infant stages. I think that reasons for supporting this beautiful union are obvious with the alcoholism sure to blossom in the empire. As for gayplay, well, Franz has never married or had offspring, which is a recurring theme in his family, going back to great granddad, the dude who built swan castles and wanted to fuck Wagner really bad.

What say you all? I'm getting my shit ready to fight for Franz.
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>> No. 66217
I don't care about history. I just want an independent Scotland, because those sassenachs suck.
>> No. 66218
All I want to know is how independence might affect the Scotch industry. If it doesn't effect it at all, then I don't care.
>> No. 66221
The only way it would affect us is that Scotch prices will go up for a while.
>> No. 66222
If they vote yes or no? Don't tell me both.
>> No. 66223
if they vote yes
>> No. 66224
File 141097466264.png - (13.30KB , 1280x640 , 1280px-Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom_svg.png )
Well then you could say it's time for those disloyal micks to fall in line.
>> No. 66225
You could say a lot of things.
>> No. 66228
Do you think the tories will make the lowlands run with blood, for ballza old times sake?
>> No. 66249
Well, it's over, and our future empire is dead before it even began. Also, I have no idea what decides when this vote can happen, so who knows if and when it will ever happen again.
>> No. 66250
The Scottish Parliament can vote to hold another vote next year if they want. London made some promises to Scotland to try and dissuade them, depending whether they follow through or not it could happen again at some point in the near future.
>> No. 66269
It's not the micks, it's the macs.
>> No. 66270
They're all Gaelic trash that are only useful for their whiskies, and even then Eire only makes a few ballza ones.
>> No. 66273

Funny you should say that:


>Orange Unionists attack peaceful independence demonstration, in the middle of Glasgow.

The reprisals have begun.
>> No. 66274
Seems sort of weird, shouldn't it be the secessionists who want to beat people up? What kind of side wins a huge election and then proceeds to stomps on the losers?
>> No. 66275
>What kind of side wins a huge election and then proceeds to stomps on the losers?
The Anglo
He starts war, he fuels war.
>> No. 66279

You should read up on the history of the Orange Unionists. They are rather infamous for this sort of thing.

It all comes back to the carrot and stick approach employed during the Empire. The Anglos would either ship in or raise up a favored minority, knowing full well the rest of local society would hate them. They became diehard loyalists, a fifth column in a foreign land. The various Orange brigades are descended from this tradition. Scotland has had a reawakening lately, which has galvanized the Orangists after a previous long and slow decline.

Videos somewhat related.

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