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File 141092989842.jpg - (227.28KB , 1164x1067 , hevisaurus.jpg )
66213 No. 66213
You now have a new favorite band.


By the way, posting videos is still broken.
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>> No. 66232
File 141101019966.jpg - (33.90KB , 288x290 , old.jpg )
The only let my kids listen to GG Allin.
>> No. 66236
You just now found out about them?
>> No. 66253
Is it just me or is there absolutely no Hevisaurus porn on the entire internet?
>> No. 66257
Oh fuck yes.
>> No. 66258
I'm done with you, Finland. Russia can take it from here.
>> No. 66281
I think we found an explanation for their suicide rates.
>> No. 66312
File 141141378187.jpg - (316.28KB , 802x996 , louhikaarme_by_bitchkiller-d7pbcbs.jpg )
I haven't been able to find any, but it didn't pass the DeviantArt Thread test.
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