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File 141072283098.jpg - (195.90KB , 1024x1365 , sanik.jpg )
66125 No. 66125
For the past day my cigarettes had a slight off-flavor to them, and I couldn't figure out why. At first I thought I was getting sick and that was messing with my tastebuds, but then I realized. I used my ashtray to cum in when I ran out of toilet paper, and then sloppily rinsed it out. There was a thin layer of semen coating it that I didn't notice. Usually I would put out my cigarette halfway through and relight it later on. I've been smoking my own semen.
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>> No. 66126
Yes, it's news that cigarettes taste bad.
>> No. 66127
Did it get you high? Did you get high on sperm?
>> No. 66130
I just cum on the floor wherever. I don't give a shit.
>> No. 66134
>not cumming in a bottle and storing it
>> No. 66139
File 141074285975.png - (1.27MB , 1067x729 , shitjug.png )
I shit in jugs.
>> No. 66141
The funniest thing about a picture like this is going to /r9k/ and seeing nothing but threads upon threads of guys complaining about not getting laid and blaming women for it.

Maybe the problem isn't women but that you're the kind of guy who shits in jugs.
>> No. 66171
Girls always be trying to get your shit. They can't handle a guy that's trying to save up.
>> No. 66202
Nice timestamp.
>> No. 66203
Is that all cum? Looks like shit.
>> No. 66204
Do you think you can make alcohol from cum?
>> No. 66205
Yeah, r9k is basically fedora central. Elliot Rogers probably browsed that board daily while shitting in jugs.

Have you seen the yandere threads on that board? There are a bunch of guys who actively seek psychotic bloodthirsty girlfriends. Shit be crazy.
>> No. 66207
There's a girl who frequents the yandere threads who cooks with vomit because she likes the thought of her hubby absorbing her nutrients.
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