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File 141136740429.jpg - (113.15KB , 850x1133 , Beautiful girl.jpg )
66302 No. 66302
I recently helped a friend hunt down a woman he fell for after a one night stand at an anime convention.

How do you interfere with other people's loves lives, friends?
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>> No. 66306
File 141136814428.png - (72.54KB , 813x197 , 124881581764.png )
I think involving yourself in other peoples lives is easily the worst thing you could do for yourself and those involved.
>> No. 66307
I guess it's acceptable if they've already banged.
>> No. 66308
Which anime convention. That looks like it might be Otakon but the floor doesn't look right. You're also using an old-fashioned camera, that's weird.
>> No. 66311
I don't, which is a goddamned shame.
>> No. 66315
File 141143012266.jpg - (33.60KB , 250x250 , 1394678327938.jpg )
congoers are a bunch of normies who should be gassed

I won't let the normie plague infect the last bastion of NEETs and weirdos there is, understand? Leave my Chinese cartoons alone.
>> No. 66317
Yeah people of all races and genders perusing, discussing, and buying gay porn in public is totally the mark of normie.
>> No. 66320
I once set up one of my Asian friends with some fat Italian chick. She had a thing for oriental men, and he was desperate. They're engaged now.

At least I can sleep well at night knowing he gets his little linguine noodle sucked something fierce by a hungry Guidette.
>> No. 66321
File 141144000233.jpg - (629.76KB , 1280x1623 , dannimeow8.jpg )
Do you think he's happy with her even though she's a fatass?
>> No. 66323
How common is hooking up at anime conventions? I feel like I could fucking slay some pussy there...
>> No. 66324
That's a ballza question. I wonder if not knowing about anime would be a handicap, or if some would inevitably want to hang out with someone who wasn't greasy and didn't try to chat them up about cartoons.
>> No. 66325
I imagine it would be just like any other grouping of young people. I went to MagFest 2013, and it was nothing but 18-25 year olds sharing hotel rooms and hitting up the one or two bars near the convention center. There must have been shitloads of weird cosplay parties and stuff after hours. Provided you're not a brony and have a decent grasp of social skills, I'm sure just about anyone could get laid at one of these things.
>> No. 66326
Cons are full of niwakas and normies, because those are exactly the types of people who feel the need to go to cons and show off their epic Naruto cosplay. Comiket, Reitaisai, and similar events are a different story. The real truNEETs and anime-pros are at home watching anime and not at normiecon 2015 banging dumb 3D sluts who don't even care or know about the character they are cosplaying.
>> No. 66329
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Does it matter? I don't know that he was ever looking for love so much as simply not being alone. Maybe that's pathetic, but I think that's a fundamental part of human nature. But from a base perspective? I'd love to sodomize her. I want to force her fat cheeks open and stretch her ass. I want to hear her groans of pain and submission to my cock.

At any rate, it could have been worse.
>> No. 66332
As someone who has been to quite a few cons... it's not really a place to go to "slay pussy". People fuck, sure, but the people who fuck are usually already friends/lovers. If you want to hook up, you pretty much have to be hot/cosplaying someone hot. Caring about cosplay and being ballza at it turns girls on, those that are cosplaying at least. Cosplaying something from a show girls like (read: the ones with lots of dudes in them) will heighten your chances. Not being a fat neckbeard is another one. A lot of the girls don't particularly know how to talk to guys either or have bad social skills as well.

But it's not simply a matter of not being fat/having social skills. Most girls there are not there to hook up, even if they are single. Trying to hit on them openly at best will get you laughed at and at worst called you a drooling sexist slob.

The closest I got was when I wasn't even trying. I was chatting up a somewhat plump Asian girl who was selling translated Hetalia porn doujin in the dealer's room, I was translating manga myself at the time. I can't really say I was pretending to like the gay porn, because I sorta like some of the stuff. I almost felt like an infiltrator, though. It's hard to explain how it feels to have two early 20s women try to recommend gay porn and which ones are more rapey than others.

Unfortunately I was only at that con (NYCC/NYAF) for a day because I fucking hate NYCC and I couldn't get any even if I wanted. Still, she was giving me looks. There were a few other situations at various cons, queue chatter can be great in such situations because you know you have something in common, but most are really guarded.

But yeah, like most things the best way to get pussy is to not care about getting it so damn much. It's like some Buddhist puzzle.
>> No. 66334

Yeah, I'd second that. You can get laid at an anime convention, but you could also get laid at a grocery store or library. Doesn't mean it's likely.
>> No. 66336
It's more likely if you, you know, try. I've never slept with anyone I met at the grocery store, but I've met a lot of girls in coffee shops, on the bus, etc.
>> No. 66337

But people seem very reticent to talk on public transit...

>> No. 66340
My chickens are much better behaved, so I am generally very popular on the train.
>> No. 66346

Why would you say that, pal?
>> No. 66349
I don't. When anything involving love and sex starts to interact with me people instinctively run away or ignore me.
>> No. 66495

Nobody likes a meddler.
>> No. 66526
My broar and I have interfered too much in this one couple's life.

a girl I knew from high school. I invited her out to go camping with this big group of friends of mine and that was where she met a guy ay started dating after about a week of knowing each oar. A few years later ay get engaged, which is pretty cool.

After a few months of that, I was about to turn 21, and my older broar threw a rager in my honor and of course a two of am went as well. All of us got super hammered including a two of am (which was out of character for her because she was one of those strict catholic girls). A few months later, we hear a announcement that she is pregnant. We hear a due date, do a math, and it seems that a date of conception was right around my birthday. Chances are, a two of am got smashed, fucked up a birth control and now have a baby.

So yeah, I'm sort of responsible for am meeting and my broar is sort of responsible for an additional life in this world.

baby is cute though.
>> No. 66528
I intentionally try to sabotage oars' relationships, because I'm a bitter butt.
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