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File 141019615011.jpg - (34.35KB , 527x409 , anus.jpg )
65813 No. 65813
How do girls manage to keep their assholes so clean? Every girl I've fucked has had a spotless asshole but mine always has a bit of residue on it.
>> No. 65814
Sorry to break it to you, OP, but you're just unclean.
>> No. 65817
Girls don't have anus hair.
>> No. 65818
The secret is in the panties. Have you ever noticed how panties are much tighter than boxers? Sometimes they must get in between women's butt cracks and get rid of the poo residue like toilet paper would.
>> No. 65829
>> No. 65842
I dated a girl with an unclean butt once. It wasn't terrible, but I didn't like doing it doggy and one time got a piece of poop on me. I'm not a squeamish guy but that was definitely off-putting.

We didn't have sex until after we were pretty emotionally involved so it wasn't like I could just dump her...

I also dated a girl with a hairy buttcrack. I don't know why she didn't shave it because her pussy was almost always immaculately shaved. It's like she forgot she had a bum.

Other than that, yeah, girls have yummy, sparkling buttholes most of the time. Most of the girls I've talked to about butt hygiene are pretty meticulous with their asses - wiping with baby wipes, etc.
>> No. 65849
They trim and bleach it.

I don't know how my anus looks, but ever since I started trimming it I feel much more cleaner. I would bleach it, but first I should figure out how to get rid of red bumps on my ass cheeks before I start making magic in between of them.
>> No. 65850
shave and avoid toilet paper. use water, it works way better and you feel so much cleaner. plus tp always scratches you up.
>> No. 65852
Wait a few years, young man. And date some other ethnicities. In any case, once you're banging girls over 30, they tend to not care about asshole hairs and neither do I. They're sexy.
>> No. 65853
Real girls do not bleach their assholes. That is reserved for celebrities, porn stars, and girls from Southern California who are barely human to begin with.
>> No. 65856
get a bidet
>> No. 65866
Idk man, I've seen some assholes during my tenure as a strip club connoisseur and they were all sparkling, but some looked kinda angry, like they had been attacked with harsh solvents to force them to look clean.
>> No. 65868
Well, that settles it. Using strippers as a cross-reference of all women, women do bleach their assholes.
>> No. 65872
Seems reasonable enough. Shall we declare this matter settled?
>> No. 65873
>> No. 65878
I live in the pacific northwest and I know a bunch of ladies who have bleached their bungs.
>> No. 65897
Unless they're all strippers, you're full of shit.
>> No. 65899
For some reason, no matter how many times I wipe, I can never make myself adequately clean by wiping alone. I can wipe for 20 minutes and still there will be shit on the paper somehow. The solution to this I've found is to dampen a bit of toilet roll (be careful not to make it so wet that it just disintegrates and falls apart, you might also find it useful to fold it over to thicken it and make it more sturdy), insert it using a finger slightly into the anus, and then gently move it around in a sort of circular motion to clean out the area. Do this until you find no shit residue on the toilet paper (3-5 times) and then you're as clean as you're going to get without showering.

Oh. and while we're talking toilet tips, throw some toilet paper into the toilet bowl before taking a shit to stop the water from splashing you.
>> No. 65903
Or you could shave your asshole lips. I had the same problem until I shaved my asshole lips.
>> No. 65905
Shaving body hair is awful unless you can somehow summon the motivation to do it every single day. On day #1 it's nice and smooth, but for the 7 days or so after where the hair is growing back it is awful. The constant prickling of the sharp little hairs causes unbearable itching.

Never again.
>> No. 65909
I shave my bumcrack and I don't have that problem. I do it once every week or two.
>> No. 65916

I actually really like that prickly, itchy feeling between my cheeks. I shave my armpits for that sensation as well.
>> No. 66000
An ex of mine asked me what I thought of bleaching the B-hole. I personally think it's best to leave it natural, and some research I've read says that the color of a womans nipples will almost always match the color of her asshole. Can I get some data from those of you out there who aren't homos?
>> No. 66002
My nipples are pink but my asshole is brown.
>> No. 66004
Women are disgusting. Fuck you. I hope you choke to death on a vagina.
>> No. 66009
I shave every now and then and the itching only occurred the first time.
>> No. 66067
I'm afraid to ask you to post a picture to verify that because I think I'll get a dudes taint.jpg
>> No. 66070
>my asshole is brown
That's because it's covered in poop residue.
>> No. 66100
I've got a cafe au lait spot on my anus. It gives the appearance of a dirty anus. No one ever sees it so it's alright.
>> No. 66131
>> No. 66145
>As crazy as it sounds, many heterosexual couples use the "doggy style" position
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