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File 141084414251.png - (73.23KB , 512x274 , moham.png )
66179 No. 66179
itt: religion
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>> No. 66181
File 141084736356.jpg - (215.00KB , 1463x1500 , avalokitesvara.jpg )
this hooligan has too many arms
>> No. 66182
I love coming up with fictional religions, as well as fictional worlds in general. It's just unfortunate that fantasy is a dead genre and no one will care if I do take the time.

I did have the idea of writing a fantasy story written in Biblical-style prose from a prophet/convert of a fictional religion in a fictional setting. I figure it might be too high-concept for most people.
>> No. 66183

Make sure to be as idiomatic as possible, so future generations won't know what the fuck you're talking about.
>> No. 66184
File 141085020047.jpg - (46.73KB , 480x800 , 4NfAY.jpg )
>> No. 66187
File 14108655855.jpg - (734.20KB , 1024x768 , 1351985018917.jpg )
I like religions because they have cool looking art. I think this pic is pagan or something
as a kid my friends and I made Treevangelism. our rituals consisted of us dropping acid and drinking hot toddy in my tree with Treesus. btw the world ends in 2047 when a disease starts killing off the worlds cannabis plants and it is an activity for the wealthy. the resulting anger and sobriety cause the proletariat to revolt causing WWV
>> No. 66194
My religion is I shit on people's lawns.
>> No. 66198
Do you shit inside and put it in a baggie which you then bring outside or do you drop your pants and shit directly on the lawn?
>> No. 66199
Directly on the lawn.
>> No. 66210
You sound like the kind of idiot who makes people who smoke pot want to deny it.
>> No. 66212
I don't smoke pot.
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