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File 140926755724.png - (138.95KB , 379x229 , tiny.png )
65353 No. 65353
What are some ballza mobile games? I am addicted to tiny dice dungeon right now.
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>> No. 65537
I'm addicted to tiny d dungeon but I think that's different from what you're talking about

unless you are also talking about a small penis humiliation website
>> No. 65538
Deer Hunter 2014 - iPhone I love it. :(
>> No. 65540
Paper toss i think its android and iphone you have to throw a wadded up piece of paper into a trashcan with a fan blowing it, requiring you to compensate for the wind resistance.
>> No. 65543
Why not just actually throw some paper in a bin? I have a fan and a trash basket and some scraps of paper, why the fuck would I do it on my phone?
>> No. 65544
We only have one planet
>> No. 65549

We only have one planet today. We're not going to gather our collective shit and realise that we need more unless we start to run out of oil, paper and porn on a global scale. By not wasting resources you are contributing to the apathy towards space travel currently being exhibited by everyone.
>> No. 65563
barcode kanojo
>> No. 65566
Why isn't the scanning working?!?
>> No. 65567
I'm addicted to Words By Post. It's a Scrabble game that pairs you with random people who have a similar rating as you. I'm currently playing upwards of 70 simultaneous games. It's the only game I play. It is my life. I forgot to eat both lunch and dinner due to this game. I am slowly dying and I do not care. Help me. Please.
>> No. 65590
Barcode games will scan barcodes I google on my laptop, but they will not scan real life barcodes. Is real life not high definition enough or something?
>> No. 65591
What "real life" barcodes are you referring to?
>> No. 65594
Nevermind, I'm a fag. It's because I'm using an old device which is apparently really shitty for scanning.

I meant that when I tried to scan barcodes on books or other items around my house it didn't work.
>> No. 65673
I keep creating honkys with short brown hair and brown eyes in barcode kanojo. Why?
>> No. 65772
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I play Pixel Dungeon when I'm taking long dumps. It's very fun and addicting, though it took a while beating the third boss. But I thing the recent updates balanced some things out.
>> No. 65780
I have an iPhone for the iPod and because it was on sale for a dollar. I like phone games but I play them with all of my free time when I play them till I get the highest score out of all my friends (and dont get me started about ones hooked up to facebook) then stop until theres a new game everyones playing. Now I just let them pass me by cause I turn into a competitive asshole. Some people can't socialize, some can't drink, I can't play phone games.
>> No. 65790
Pixel dungeon makes me anxious as fuck. I've got a warrior on like lvl 15 or something and I'm paralyzed to go any further because I might die and lose it all.
>> No. 66158
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The iOS ports of the Ace Attorney games are fucking great.
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