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File 141069470561.jpg - (41.84KB , 640x593 , michelle-waterson-1405919100nk48g.jpg )
66108 No. 66108
what's your hangover cure?
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>> No. 66109
I rarely get them. But when I do I usually eat black coffee with a side of vodka and sausage.
>> No. 66111
Wait until you get closer to 30. God, I wish I drank more in my early 20s, because I was awesome and could down a bottle of vodka and then go hiking the next morning. Now I get a two-day hangover after six shots and a few beers. Life is not fair.
>> No. 66112
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3 advil/ibuprofen and a large powerade zero.
>> No. 66113
One dozen raw eggs, lightly whipped with a fork, chugged, and one carrot.
>> No. 66116
I'm getting close to 30. Jesus. I hate hangovers. There is no cure, drink water while drinking only way to prevent it.
>> No. 66118
I can't tell you how many times I've hair-of-the-dogged it into full blown binge drinking that landed me in the hospital from withdrawals. Wait, actually, I can tell you. Five times.
>> No. 66121
I just drink water and deal with it like a man.
>> No. 66124
You've obviously only experienced little girl hangovers.
>> No. 66128
Hangovers are punishment for being immoral. I don't get them, because I am not immoral. Fucking love alcohol, though. I like putting it in my ass and then drinking it from someone else's ass. Maybe that is the reason I don't get them.
>> No. 66129
For light ones I do weed then coffee with greasy breakfast food. For mornings after U.S. college-grade binge drinking your only friends in the universe are the shower, yellow gatorade, and utter darkness
>> No. 66132
Just keep sleeping until you feel better.
>> No. 66133
Just keep drinking until you feel better.
>> No. 66140
Omega-3, something with electrolytes (Gatorade or grey sea-salt dissolved in water), both before going to bed and upon awaking.

I crave frozen pizza when I'm hungover so I usually go to the store and buy a Delissio or whatever the fuck is on sale.
>> No. 66163
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and sometimes ibuprofen
>> No. 66165
I'm just coming off a three day bender and I have to say, nothing is making me feel any less miserable. I feel very unhealthy.
>> No. 66172
When you get the splitting headache a nice bong rip will set you straight. It's a commonly prescribed pain reliever, why not use it like that.
>> No. 66174
A couple pulls off the ol' O2 tank clears a fellow up every time.
>> No. 66185
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>> No. 66190
You do know that placebos can work even if you're aware they're placebos, right?
>> No. 66233
Going for a run. Blood flows through your kidneys at a greater rate causing alcohol to be filtered out of your blood more quickly.

Of course none of you would do that, you're all a bunch of fucking pot heads
>> No. 66234
Apple soy juice. It kills my hangovers like magic.
>> No. 66237
This is by far the worst advice I've ever heard concerning hangovers. I have never felt worse than when I am running after a night of drinking. It may filter your blood more quickly, but trust me you feel it. This isn't an 'I'm out of shape waaah' thing either. I run half marathons and I find it difficult to even squeeze out a 5k after drinking.
>> No. 66242
Seconded and backed up by dozens of other people. He just thinks he clever.

I've heard from a friend of mine that he would get an IV from a hospital buddy that cures hangovers instantly. Basically just pump water with a little salt/suger or something into yourself and that's it. Just not too much of it at once.

While typing this I decided to look it up, and though I do trust my buddy, there are "Doctors" out there shilling the IV. Dunno. Whatever.

Me, I just sleep a lot and eat some bacon sandwich. My liver is directly descended from Hercules, so I'm ballza. Even at 30+ I can get "shitIcan'twalk" drunk and have zero hangover when I wake up. Luvitt.
>> No. 66246
Drinking water before you go to sleep is the only way
>> No. 66247
When I drink a lot I get angry.
>> No. 66248
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Gatorade. I've recommended it to so many people, works every time.
>> No. 66256
Me too.
>> No. 66263
Coconut water, Gatorade/Powerade, some other electrolyte drink, a big greasy breakfast, and blowing a nice load.
>> No. 66264
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This and Gatorade.

It's magical.
>> No. 66265
Water won't help when your electrolytes are depleted, Bronlonius.
>> No. 66266
What's better than gatorade is pedialyte. Basically gatorade on steroids if steroids were more salt. My cure though is just powdered gatorade by my bed so I can mix it with water I hopefully left somewhere in the room.
>> No. 66268
Cool, I just looked into pedialyte and it has half the sugar of Gatorade and way more sodium and potassium! I know what I'm buying next time I get blackout drunk.

This post brought to you by the wholesome ballzaness of Pedialyte™

>water I hopefully left somewhere in the room.
This is a ballza strategy since my room usually has 2 or 3 half-full glasses, mugs, mason jars or bottles of water or tea lying around at a given time.
>> No. 66280
I always keep a couple of doses of equvalent rehydration therapy pills at home. They're ballza for intense workouts, when you're sick, when it's exceedingly fucking hot, and of course hangovers (though I have yet to experience a proper one, had a mild one that lasted for maybe an hour or two after waking up)

Contains a lot of fat and some ballza proteins but you'd be equally well off boiling or frying those eggs, unless you like the flavor. I don't blame you, I love the taste of eggnog. Mind the risk of salmonella.

Surely pacing yourself while hydrating properly wouldn't be a problem, no?
>> No. 66288
Look at the other solutions here. Most have to do with replenishing your electrolytes. What does running do? The exact opposite. Can you run after drinking if you hydrate properly? Sure. That's completely missing the point though. If you're properly hydrated (such that you should be able to run long distance) you're already over the hangover.
>> No. 66299
I tend to puke out all the excess alcohol and bile that is in my stomach.

Then I slowly drink water, ginger tea, and vitamin rich substances. I think Pedialyte would be excellent.

I know get horrible hangovers, sometimes I puke bile. It is really gross and doesn't stop until I'm fully rid of it. I'm going to eat more food and drink lots of water before sleeping.
>> No. 66347
Running increases your blood flow though. Maybe just mild physical activity is sufficient. The goal isn't to sweat, it's to bring fluids out and into your body.
>> No. 66348
I don't need them because I've never had a hangover.
>> No. 66350
wuss. drink more

>> No. 66412

Apparently there's a reason Brits love their curry.
>> No. 66450
Because they're all immigrants from curry countries?
>> No. 66453
Rough anal sex cures my hangovers, because my bummy hurts so much it's all I can think about! :'(
>> No. 66488

No fucking shit. A serious hangover will leave you bed ridden.
>> No. 66548
Does drinking so much that you're on your hands and knees puking up your lunch count as more?
>> No. 66550
Has anyone here hallucinated from alcohol withdrawals?
>> No. 66551
Yeah, sometimes I'll hear and see things. But not much more than when I'm really sleepy. I think it's because a brain doesn't get rem sleep enough when you are drunk.
>> No. 66578
lol alcohol is so cool xD getin wasted is s much fun xDdxxd lulz
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