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File 141048930614.jpg - (40.07KB , 501x360 , woman-fight-10496681854.jpg )
66029 No. 66029
How many average women could you beat up in one go?

I honestly think I could take on 10.
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>> No. 66031
define average
>> No. 66033

>> No. 66036
Bullshit. Women fight far dirtier than men. You'd be lucky to beat up two women.
>> No. 66037
there's zero chance of you surviving against ten physically able adult humans regardless of their gender or physical abilities you do realize that right
>> No. 66039
Is this thread because of that new UFC reality show with bitches and lesbians?
>> No. 66043
File 141051013865.jpg - (63.77KB , 601x400 , Tecia-Torres.jpg )
i can't believe tecia torres is out in the first round.
>> No. 66049
I think that Randa is going to win it.
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