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I've got a bad case of lovin' you.

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File 137366033731.jpg - (48.23KB , 500x500 , Yoga-Pants-21.jpg )
2548 No. 2548 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
What are some good ways to reduce sex drive? I'm a 19 year old male so it's normal for me to constantly be thinking about women but it's beginning to be maddening, whenever I'm in public all I can think about is sex. Regardless of whether it's true or not I feel surrounded by beautiful women whenever there is a girl remotely close to me, and it doesn't help that revealing clothing is becoming more and more popular. I can't focus and I'm beginning to be depressed because of my lack of success despite the insane amount of hormones pumping through my blood. I have sex probably on average once every three months or so when I get lucky but it's not enough as ridiculous as that sounds

How am I supposed to focus with hordes of girls in yoga pants and sports bras roaming around everywhere, at work, in classes, during exams, at the grocery store, at the post office... I'd like to get a girlfriend so I wouldn't have to be constantly pursuing girls (which I hate doing) just so I don't feel like I'm going to constantly explode, mentally and physically. That's another issue entirely though.

Should I start masturbating constantly or something? Are there herbs or medicines I could take to make me think about sex less? Hopefully someone empathizes with what I'm talking about.
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>> No. 2572
You don't need to reduce your sex drive, you need to get laid.

I recommend cougars. You're at the prime age to attract hot as hell older women, and they won't fuck around with your mind all day like girls your own age.
>> No. 2578
>>2555 has some very good advice. Focusing on one particular response or thought or feeling tends to make us see it and nothing else; just accept that there are many beautiful women in the world around you, enjoy that fact, and move on to focus on the task at hand.
>> No. 2579
Though also, when the apocalypse comes and we're all reckoning for our sins, I hope I get a credit when the guy who invented Yoga Pants is identified. It's his fault I'm sinful in thought.
>> No. 2630
Prostitutes. They'll normalise your thoughts. Especially if you get a couple of crappy ones. Then you'll level out to a regular sort of sex drive rather than a manic obsession, you'll realise that there's Bad Sex and quite honestly you'll probably be more successful at getting actual sex once you've gotten some perspective.

Amen. So popular. So delicious!
>> No. 2640
I am >>2556 until I learned how to cope with it. I used to come home from school and jerk it for an hour before my parents came home. Everyday. Even to this day I stare at tits and asses wondering what they'd look like with me boning them. Just a dude thing I think.

Then one day I discovered how to fix it. I started talking to the girls. Anyone that actually looked interested I played my game.

Now instead of relying on my hand to blow my loads I can either text them or just take them on a quick date.

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2470 No. 2470 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I'm a self-loathing, low-self-esteemed, 1.5 years to wizard level, anon. I think this may be caused by sexual frustration. In the past few weeks I've decided to lose my virginity to a prostitute. Will finally getting this over with cease my unhealthy obsession?
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>> No. 2492
Are you sure that means you're gay? o_o
>> No. 2504
it doesn't
>> No. 2541
And don't forget your home. There's temporary untidiness, such as hair in the bathroom sink or dust bunnies in the corners. Then there's systematic untidiness, such as bad heating or a sub-standard bathroom. Of course that's no excuse for not cleaning. But on the other hand, it's a perfect good excuse for not cleaning - because your home can only be so good.
>> No. 2557
What the fuck are you talking about? A dude sucked your dick so now you're gay? It's not a disease, you know. If you truly mean you just realised you're gay, then just calm the fuck down and live your life. Changing lifestyles? Really? Have you ever considered that maybe whatever it is that you prefer to fuck doesn't dictate what kind of person you should be or how you should act?

I mean fuck, you don't decide to do a life-changing 180º turn when you realise you prefer sweets to salty food. Fuck.
>> No. 2635
Sure, it was dismal and gave me some perspective. Was much more relaxed after. Levelled me out to the regular and don't worry about >>2479 you silly bastard - I didn't come in the chick but the blowjob did the business. Blowies from a professional are OUTSTANDING. They know what they doing. Set up us the bomb for sure.

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2535 No. 2535 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
So I'm in a loving relationship but one thing weird my girlfriend has always done and she actually told me before we ever fooled around is that whenever she gets close she starts begging "No no no no" before a climax.

I'm just wondering if anyone has an idea about this.
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>> No. 2539
people say all kinds of crazy shit while cumming
>> No. 2563
Ask her. Jesus. How are we supposed to know what's going through her head?
>> No. 2567

I have. She told me she has no clue as to why she does it.
>> No. 2581
As one approaches orgasm, one's coherence often can go flying out the window.
>> No. 2633
Yeah? Me too! Also "Ah, SHIT!" "Oh for fuck's sake! (lol)" and "Oops".

No mystery here. I am just enjoying the sex and didn't allow for the delay effect properly and didn't slow down in time to avoid blasting a pipe full o beans. Or I was not in control and got ridden too hard too fast. Either way, wasn't ready for the sex to end. A climax is an anticlimax, most of the time, as far as I'm concerned. It's far from an uncommon viewpoint.

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2189 No. 2189 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
So I'm a 26 y/o dude. I'm currently boning a 21 y/o girl. It's just a fuckbuddy thing, really: we drink some drank and smoke some weed, we fuck, we play video games/watch anime, fuck some more, and part ways.

My best chick friend, however, says I'm being immature and that boning a girl this much younger than me is "totally gross". She says having sex with anyone less than 2 years younger than you is borderline perverted, and that I need to cut it out now.

Now, I understand that there are power dynamics that one always has to take into account (I don't wanna be "that guy", you know?), but we're just fucking. I dunno, is my friend right, am I getting to old for this? My fuckbuddy doesn't give a shit, she just likes my cock, and my conscience doesn't feel bad about it, but if I'm doing something wrong I need to know.
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>> No. 2527
dude, my mom started going out with my dad when she was 22. he was 37. plus theres the half plus 7 rule. im 25, and i've boned all age ranges from 18 to 45 (the mother of someone i went to school with, and used to have a crush on) there was no problem,and there might even have been potential for something serious. you're friend has no grounds to call you on that one, esp. not as she is getting boned with a 7 year gap
>> No. 2543
Your friend just want you.

Also, I don't care about the rules. >>2195 Because the rule is based upon simplistic mathematics and magical thinking (pretty much the same things). Splitting something in two is simple math. And the number seven is that magical number that's magical because people say it is. It would be much more interesting if there was proof that it's not 0.5X+7, but 0.55X+8.

But that would take empirical data and so on.

However, a family tradition of mine is that men have younger viwes. My mother's father was 20 years older than my mother's mother. And my mother's sister married a man 25 years older. So I prefer to follow my family tradition rather than the say-so of yellow relationship journalism.
>> No. 2561
Men mature slower than woman. At 28 I'm about as mature as a 22 year old woman. It's about mental age, not physical age (within legal limits, obviously - if you're 20 and dating 16 year old then you have a problem).

All the women who bitch about this are being sexist. It's only creepy when a man dates a younger woman. Reverse the genders and they're cool with it.
>> No. 2568
Your friend is an idiot. You arent even dating the 21 year old. When you were 20, she was 15...big deal
>> No. 2632
The majority are speaking the truth, today. Ffs. I'm fucking a chick 12 years my junior. It's recommended (well.. not for you, but after a certain threshold). Ignore your friend, or poke her. Or the latter, then the former. This is very clear cut.

Don't believe the hype. Honestly. Shame on you.

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2574 No. 2574 hide quickreply [Reply]
Hey /docta/,

I went through a very bad breakup in February. My ex no longer speaks to me, and I was in a very bad depression (not diagnosed as such, just my own feelings) for quite a while after. I'm feeling less depressed now, but it still weighs very heavily on me. I havn't been avoiding my friends and have been keeping busy; but I've been much less productive. I have been unable to write creatively (a favorite hobby) since; the one short I did was a total flop with my small group of fellow amateur writers; and other efforts haven't gotten off the ground. I feel like I'm moping about this and should be able to cowboy up and get over her; but I find that I don't know how. When a friend told me I was "just between girls" it made me feel like I was a kid crying that he doesn't want a new gold fish after one dies.

For what it's worth, the break up was my fault. I didn't cheat or run out on a pregnancy or something else cliche like that. But I badly hurt her feelings and couldn't commit to something because I was too afraid of the idea at the time.

I feel like it's disrespectful of me to still be broken up over this. I wish I could still be her friend, but I know I can't be and reaching out again would just be cruel. I don't know what to do.
>> No. 2575
I've just started reading "Life Coaching, A Cognitive-Behavioural Approach" which I think would suit you very well at the moment. Have a go with it, it's helpful and it sounds like what you need.

You're hurt over a breakup as well as being depressed. Depression attacks us, so that things we once enjoyed no longer stimulate us, friends we used to enjoy no longer appeal to us, we stay still and we hide, all the while over-thinking in our heads.

A few brief points to help you;

>For what it's worth, the break up was my fault. I didn't cheat or run out on a pregnancy or something else cliche like that. But I badly hurt her feelings and couldn't commit to something because I was too afraid of the idea at the time.

The two of you made decisions to react to situations in certain ways. It is okay that you felt like you couldn't commit, and you do have the right to hurt other people's feelings. By the sounds of it, you were struggling enough in the first place, a depressed person is in no position to deal with larger and more external problems. You have 'emotional blocks' that prevent or hinder your interaction with the world. It might be better to phrase this along the lines of "I'm depressed at the moment and I have been having a really hard time, I am trying to work my way out of it, but my ex decided to break up with me. I want to change my approach to this situation so that I learn better how to manage my emotions, so that I don't cause this to happen again."

>I feel like it's disrespectful of me to still be broken up over this. I wish I could still be her friend, but I know I can't be and reaching out again would just be cruel. I don't know what to do.

Time is a healer, and it might simply be a case of allowing time to pass by before you can actually offer a meaningful word or two to settle things a little better. I recently made amends with an ex who I treated pretty badly a few years ago.
>> No. 2631
Don't act like the world is your small circle. It's human nature, I know, but sometimes the past just needs to be The Past. So learn your lessons and leave it alone. No more of that girl. New relationships now.
Between girls is unpadded, but correct.

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2590 No. 2590 hide quickreply [Reply]
My girlfriend cant have an orgasm, everytime she's about to reach one, it just stays there, close to having one but actually having it.

What should I do? It's quite frustrating for both of us.
>> No. 2597
The first time I gave her oral sex she had an orgasm, but after that she never really could fully get one.
>> No. 2598
Some extra info:

We've been dating for a short while now and I'm the first "serious" and sexually active relationship she's ever had.
>> No. 2610
Can't have an orgasm via what? Vaginal penetration? I don't even know if you have a dick. What were you doing exactly when you *did* make her come? It's common for girls to have difficulty reaching orgasm without stimulation of specific points, i.e. clitoris. If you can't get enough finesse to really experiment with whatever it is you're using (assuming penis), try playing around with something a little more dexterous, like fingers.
If she masturbates enough to have an acute awareness of her own physical sexuality, she should be able to help you out in relation to what should happen where. Regardless of any other factors, stress to her how important it is that she communicate with you. If not on what works and what doesn't, then just on anything she can. I can't stress that enough.

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2565 No. 2565 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I'm a little conflicted right now. It's been a long time since I've been in a relationship and I've been trying really hard to get one. And it's working out. I got this girls number at a bar about a week ago and made out with her a bit. I want to set up a date, but that isn't possible until next week. So I'm texting her every now and then right now. She's cool, I get along with her. But there's this other girl.

This other girl works across the street from me. I would absolutely love to ask her out on a date but she's always with this guy. I think it's her boyfriend but I'm not sure. He's always with her but he doesn't talk a lot to her. Just follows around and hugs her once in a while. It's weird. I don't know if he's super friendzoned or in a relationship with her.

Anyway I would rather start dating the latter lady, but I don't know if she's in a relationship or not. Just asking her would be strange, and since we're both regulars at each other's shops I don't want to create any awkward tension.

If you guys could help me through this it'd be much appreciated.
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>> No. 2591
No, that all sounds totally normal. School work might not be a secret code, it might actually be school work. And as for initiating the conversation, she may just be more shy than you.

It's only been a week, don't give up so easily.
>> No. 2592
True. I'm worried about asking her out too often though.
>> No. 2593
So ask her when she's free. Give her a window, suggest that you go out this weekend, and leave the exact time open so she can suggest a time. If she still can't or won't, that might be a problem. But ask her and see.
>> No. 2601
So I gave her the window and she said shed have to check to see if she was busy, but maybe. But she has yet to text me yes or no so I'm just going to assume she's not interested and too shy too tell me. Unfortunate, but that's how it goes.
>> No. 2608
My general rule of thumb is if a certain time doesn't work and she doesn't suggest an alternate plan ("Thursday doesn't work for me, but how about Sunday?") then it's probably a passive way of telling you she's not interested. Obviously that's not always the case, and it never hurts to shoot her a text and try once or twice more, but generally if she just keeps pulling the "I've got work/school/friends" card, it's usually effectively a rejection.

That's OK, like you said, that's how it goes sometimes. You seem like you have decent social skills, so keep doing what you're doing, be proactive, be positive, and focus on having fun meeting new people.

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2595 No. 2595 hide quickreply [Reply]
so I've been in a relationship with my boyfriend for 4 years (almost 5) and sex has become an issue, i'm not sexually satisfied anymore. I've told him how I felt but it didn't improve the situation. I asked for some time.
So 2 or 3 months ago I met this guy and a week ago I decided to ask him out. We made out and stuff and I know I just want sex from him and I do not intend to leave my boyfriend for him, so my question is, should I keep seeing him or try to forget the matter and try it harder with my boyfriend?
>> No. 2596
There isn't much difference if you decide to have sex with this man or not. You will be in a relationship with someone that can't (or won't?) satisfy you either way. Your boyfriend will not change and you will probably have to hide this from him. A lot of people would deem this as a violation; it would be a good way to make you look like the 'bad guy' when you're actually the victim.

>i'm not sexually satisfied anymore. I've told him how I felt but it didn't improve the situation. I asked for some time.

Honey if this is how you told him about your feelings then no wonder it didn't help. You need to be a bit more specific here and tell us what you told him and how you told it to him. The impression I get is that you've mentioned that sex isn't that good and you've now taken it upon yourself, and decided in isolation, that you should have sex with someone else. If you're not satisfied anymore, then what has changed? Have you thought about HOW you told him about your feelings and the effect that had? You asked him for some time? How long? and what time? Are you on a break from your relationship? Is he leaving you alone for a week?

In fact, what about him?! What about how he feels? If you tell me he doesn't give a shit about your satisfaction, I'm going to tell you to run a mile. Is he satisfied? Does he have a spine or any muscles? Can he move? Is he inanimate? Seriously your post just makes it sound like you've been in a relationship with someone that you don't care about. Not to do with the affair, but just the way that you explain the situation.

Are there other issues apart from sex? Is your relationship a complete bliss aside from sex?

Is he satisfied anymore? Has he ever been? Have you ever been? What has changed? Is it HIS fault you're not sexually satisfied?

Did you tell him how you feel? How did you tell him about your feelings? Did he understand and make a commitment to improve? Did he laugh and call you stupid?

Do you find this person you met attractive? Is this about happiness and pleasure, or is this hedonism that is about conquest? This sounds to me like it is 100% about conquest, like there's not an element of joy in it, am I right? DO YOU ENJOY ANYTHING ABOUT EITHER OF THESE PEOPLE OR YOURSELF?!
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>> No. 2602

You should tell your boyfriend that you cheated on him. Yes, making out with someone who isn't your boyfriend is cheating. It doesn't matter if you don't feel satisfied. Cheating is not a solution. It just makes you a shitty person. Tell him what you did or just break up with him. And don't you dare try to obfuscate the truth from him. He deserves the truth. You still have a chance not to be a complete and utter cunt so seize it while you can.

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2584 No. 2584 hide quickreply [Reply]
Okay I'll try to make this short
-Friend of mine and I had a "thing" that went on for some months that had a bunch of drama in it
-She calls it off, finds a new person
-She becomes a total bitch to me
-After a few months, we patch up our friendship for the most part

So now she's overall nice to me, from time to time will say really hurtful, below-the-belt shit as little quips, but I'd say 90% of the time our conversations are pleasant. However, her texting me or IMing me can send me spiraling into a panic attack. Running into her in-person doesn't elicit the same reaction, and phone calls from her only make me extremely nervous, but texts and IM's cause me to have to take a benzo or else I spiral into a wreck. As such, I've been avoiding talking to her much of the time... that may sound for the best, but yesterday a mutual friend says it's really hurting her and she even cried about it recently because she misses hanging out with me and talking to me.

I dunno what else to say, but I'm stuck in this position where talking to her gives me anxiety and she's in tears that I'm not talking to her (I miss talking to her too, frankly). She's a good person, she just has a nasty temper and she knows the right buttons to press to hurt people's feelings when she's mad. How would you handle such a situation? :/
>> No. 2585
Perhaps explaining why you can't talk to her would soften the impact. After all, if she cares about you in any way that she's claiming to by wanting to keep a friendship with you going, she'll be understanding. If not, then you can go one better and sever the relationship there and then.
>> No. 2586
>Perhaps explaining why you can't talk to her would soften the impact.

I have before, she felt really hurt by it. I felt bad and I reneged what I had said, so as to maintain our friendship.

I tried again once with a different approach, and she just accused me of being a hypocrite and saying "Well you did [insert some mistakes I made during our "thing"] so you have NO right to speak!", to which I replied "I know, and that was wrong of me, I have apologized for it more than once, and I'm not a perfect person, but that doesn't change the fact tha-" "See? It always goes back to other people? Nothing is ever your fault, all you do is project! If you want to maintain our friendship, then shut up and accept that you're not so perfect yourself."

Since then, we've been cool more or less when we DO talk, and our conversation 90% of the time pleasant, but doing so requires a nice bit of Xanax and maybe some liquid courage beforehand.
>> No. 2587

>I have before, she felt really hurt by it.

No she wasn't. She's manipulating you.
>> No. 2588
>No she wasn't. She's manipulating you.

>our conversation 90% of the time pleasant, but doing so requires a nice bit of Xanax and maybe some liquid courage
This sounds like a really shitty friendship.

>How would you handle such a situation?
This sounds like the type of relationship that is being continued out of habit rather than because it makes you happy. And I don't think there's enough time to entertain these relationships. There are other people out there with whom you can establish very meaningful connections who won't treat you like shit.

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2576 No. 2576 hide quickreply [Reply]
Yesterday I had sex with my girlfriend for the first time in our relationship, and it was her first ever having sex. We didnt do it before (we've been together for 2 months now) because she's extremely scared of getting pregnant.
I told her that condoms worked just fine, and if she wants pills, then hell, that's fine too, and sometimes she kinda agreed and some other times she just got more nervous.

Thing is yesterday she told me she wanted to do it, she was unsure at first, so I told her she had nothing to worry bout. She agreed and then we fucked. Its was all going pretty smooth (This is was my first time with a virgin so I was kinda worried too), and then she said stop and I stopped.
I didn't mind that, I mean, I didn't expect great sex on her first time, so it was cool for me.

The thing that I'm here for, is that later she felt really bad about it. She said she felt almost like a slut.
I tried telling her that she's wrong, there's nothing slutty in having sex with your boyfriend, and that she's just being too hard on herself.

But she's still feels bad, and I'm actually stumped. I don't know what to do, I tried talking to her about it, but she's not changing her mind. She's been wonderful to me and this is probably the most healthy relationship I've had in my life, so I really don't wanna mess things up.

So, /docta/, should I just give her some time, or what?

Some extra info: I was kinda "rough" during sex, probably I should have done more slow and tenderly. She seemed to enjoyed though. If that's an issue then I'm a dick.

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>> No. 2577
It's not particularly unusual for someone who's been unsure of whether or not they want to have sex to regret the decision, one way or the other. (Virgins or otherwise.)

Has she explained further to you about why she feels bad than that she feels almost like a slut? Does her family have (to your knowledge) a bad view of sex? Have you got any idea where this is coming from?
>> No. 2583
Why yes, I went over her place with a pinhole camera I made for her and we talked te subject.

She felt she rushed the decision, she wanted it to be more "special", I'm sure you know what I mean.

But now the problem is over, we talked a lot and she shared her fears and now it's all ok.
She's not willing to have sex again anytime soon, but I can understand that.

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2566 No. 2566 hide quickreply [Reply]
So, kinda odd situation, or maybe not. A very dear friend of mine is going through a pretty tough time (she just split with her boyfriend). She's been hurt pretty badly in the past and this was just as bad. She's shutting herself from the world right now, and cutting ties with people. This is an issue because we normally would talk just about everyday. For the record yes I have feelings for her, but I've mostly accepted the fact that nothing would happen there. Now I'm trying to give her the space she needs, but I'm also trying to keep in touch with her even if she doesn't respond back. I've gotten some other advice to that effect, even if it's every couple of days or so. My question to ya'll is do you have any advice on how I can just let her know I'm still there for her with out forcing her to be social again. I know just sending her an email or text can always help but, it's more the wording that I need help with (not too social myself, unless super drunk).
>> No. 2582
"Hey, I know life sucks for you right now and you might not feel like talking, but if you do I'm here."

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2412 No. 2412 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I've been thinking lately, and I don't think there is one girl in the world who would want to be with me in a relationship. Why?

1. I am unfit and slightly overweight
2. Im not arrogant or confrontational
3. I smoke tobacco and weed and I enjoy both
4. I spend a lot of time either out drinking with friends or doing uni work/playing games at home
5. I enjoy stability in my life and thus I'm not much of a risk taker
6. I have no interests that girls would appreciate
7. Im still a virgin at 21 and I'm anxious about intimacy
8. I'm not prepared to spend the money on girls
9. I don't drive
10. I don't work out or exercise and have no intention of beginning
11. I have very little previous experience with relationships
12. I lack passion for anything but my hobbies and my work
13. I'm not a spontaneous or particularly exciting person
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>> No. 2434
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>whining about trivial solvable problems without any thought of applying effort to overcome them
you're right OP, no one likes a loser
>> No. 2448
The thing is, OP, I was in basically the same situation when I was that age.

It'd be easy to say "cheer up and quit being a bitch because you'll find someone eventually," but that never helped me. However, I can say that the whole "friend zone" deal isn't as scary or permanent as it's depicted to be and can be overcome if you're willing to try. Understanding this means that you can start looking for love among your current group of friends who already know you and know exactly what they'd be getting into. Besides, that helps get rid of the initial awkwardness of the beginning of a relationship so you can get right to the fun parts.
>> No. 2453
Your post is all just speculation and assumption. It's full of things you think girls are like but don't actually know.
You've already confirmed that things are this way in your mind so you just end up with a bad case of confirmation bias.
If a girl doesn't like you it's because (she's shallow, she wants money, she hates virgins) and not for any other reason (like she just may not be into you or may not be looking for a relationship right now)

You have to get over the self-loathing and get rid of these established expectations or you're going to run into a real self fulfilling prophecy.
>> No. 2569
high five man, high five
>> No. 2580
You're making mountains out of molehills. The number of people who've come through these pages complaining that girls will hate them because they're a virgin at 21 or 25 or 18 and everyone else their age has already had sex and that means that they're a loser.

Here's the truth: There are people who have had sex, and those who haven't. If they care so much about your sexual reputation as to base their relationship decisions on it, then you probably aren't losing out that much. Only in TV shows and movies do people give a fuck.

1.) SO am I.
2.) Not everyone is. So you're a more retiring personality; this is not bad.
3.) So do a number of people.
4.) Yes, and?
5.) Bullshit, you're stereotyping women. I have been involved with and known women who have enjoyed literally everything on the planet from cars and mechanical repair to dolls and anime to music and technology to fucking all day and smoking an ounce of weed in a week.
7.) See above; anxiety about intimacy is perfectly normal too.
8.) The only girls you need to spend money on are prostitutes. Everyone else in this day and age will probably be happy to split checks as long as you're polite and nice about it, and given #14 you're fine there.
9.) Unless you're in a place where cars are essential, your ass can walk or ride a bus or a bike or a motorcycle or whatever the fuck.
10.) Walk. Work out, it's good for you. Or don't, whatever. One of my exes loves chubby men with beards. Maybe you'll just find someone like her.
11.) No experience necessary, just common sense and a kind disposition.
12.) "I lack passion for things except the things I'm passionate about." I sure as shit ain't passionate about cleaning my apartment or walking the dog or picking up heavy boxes at work or being out of weed but you don't see me making a big deal about that, because I am passionate about cooking and costuming and history and food and writing and living life.
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2540 No. 2540 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
This isn't a romance relationship problem but just general problem of mine. Some kind of undiagnosed autism or a progressively increasing agoraphobia, I don't know. Seeing a therapist about it but I can't say it's making any progress.

What always happens is, I get to know someone perfectly easily, be it a new co-worker or classmate or what have you. At first everything is fine, we hang out, do normal stuff, then bam: I completely lose interest in any sort of social connection with them. I become annoyed when they continue to try to talk to me on the job or whatever and instead of any more social activity I retreat into video games and drinking by myself and completely lose contact. Even as I'm sitting there by myself I'm wishing I wasn't drinking alone and that I could be doing something else, but for some reason part of me simply gets burned out on being social incredibly quickly, and I'm afraid that not being able to keep any relationships with people going will lead me to want to be alone all the time and I would hate for that to happen.

Does anyone know why this happens or how I could possibly change my perspective on the matter?
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>> No. 2547
Also, try being upfront with people about the fact that you need lots of alone time. Let them know that you don't like to hang out super often but that doesn't mean you don't like them, just that you are a bit of an introvert and need time in between social activities.
>> No. 2551
I will agree that most of my friendships are quite superficial, and that the majority of friendships will be that way, since you can't be best buds with every single person you meet, but I came to the realization today that the problem inherently lies with me. Ever since I was a kid I immersed myself in fantasy worlds through video games, finding it easy to slip into the persona of the main character as I play. It was easy for me to be anyone I wanted whenever I wanted, and I never really developed a real personality of my own. I realized I have no real beliefs, opinions, or sense of self in general, since I lived only through other (imaginary) people's lives. Alcohol just increased this escapism, and so I've decided to be sober from now on.

Problem is, with no real life experience at 25 years old, nothing having shaped me as a person, it seems impossible for me to go beyond the superficial small-talk stage and really form a meaningful relationship, because how can I truly open up to someone if there's nothing to open up about, no deeper part of me to actually show a person?

It was a severely depressing realization, and I'm at a loss to figure out a solution. How does one define oneself? Hobbies and interests? Beliefs and opinions? Something deeper that I just don't have? How does one begin to define oneself? Do close friendships require two people to have the same interests or beliefs?

Maybe I'm placing too much emphasis on defining myself and not simply trying to have a good time with another person, to get closer with a person through real life experiences rather than simply understanding each other on a mental level, but again, without a real sense of self how can I contribute myself to making these experiences? I mostly just sit around wishing I had something of value to contribute to a situation as I quietly observe from the sidelines, so it's easy to see how others may interpret that as a cold indifference and assume I'm not interested in continuing the friendship, but I'm really at a loss as to how to contribute anything to the time we spend hanging out.

This is probably becoming more of a self-psychological evaluation than anything else, but I feel like it would be the first step to being able to have real relationships, so hopefully this is still relevant to /docta/.
>> No. 2552
Could it be some form of Narcissism?
You say you're preoccupied with yourself, and your attitude sounds exactly like the contempt for people that narcissists usually have. Moreso, you say 'I get to know someone perfectly easily'. What about them to you? Do you find that more often than not you have an image rather than people knowing your 'true self'?
>> No. 2554
I couldn't honestly say I'm aware of my narcissism if I do have it. I think I have a less than average self image actually. And contempt doesn't seem the right word either, more that I get frustrated with people for not knowing how to continue to interact with them as time passes, and withdraw from them when one or the other loses interest in trying. Hell, I don't even really like being alone, but between that and wracking my brain trying to figure out how to keep a friendship going when I don't know how, I just automatically chose isolation.

As I said, all I have is an "image" I present as there really isn't much "true self" to show them, because when I've gotten right down to it, I don't see there as being just a whole lot to my personality at all, and I don't know why that is.
>> No. 2573
You say that you lose interest. This only describes your behavior. What does it feel like?

When you say that you don't have anything to open up about, that's a very familiar feeling to me. You feel like you're not interesting to others, that talking about the things you enjoy would only bore them.

You don't know that, though. It's simply a fear you have. You are afraid to talk to people.

So, what you should be talking to your therapist about is social anxiety disorder. It's a very common and fairly simple diagnosis, they'll be able to help you.

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2443 No. 2443 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
ok, so im in a band with a female singer. the only time after a gig that she says bye to me is when her father is there, and then its a full-blown kiss on the cheek, hug etc. this seems odd to me, is there any hidden meaning in this? or is it just wishful thinking?
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>> No. 2452
It sounds like you're inferring that she's trying to impress or anger her father by being affectionate around you when he's there. What is she doing all the times her dad isn't here, running away screaming?

If you want there to be something between the two of you, you should ask her about it, without accusation or subjectivity. Talking about it would at least give you an opening to date or fuck her if that's what she's trying to get to happen, or you'll find out that she's not interested in you and you don't have to keep wondering.
>> No. 2465
Keep in mind girls only make physical contact when they

a) are entirely relaxed in your company because you are a friend (casual friendzone)

b) sexually attractive and availible

c) attempting to confuse you on purpose to gain manipulative power over you (malicious friendzone)
>> No. 2466
also keep in mind mixed signals usually means mixed feelings
>> No. 2542
What if she's not making any physical contact at all, yet seems to be relaxed in your company?
>> No. 2562
also keep in mind mixed signals usually means mixed feelings

Huh, I never thought of that before.

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2496 No. 2496 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I have recently become intimate with a woman who told me she likes a dominant man in bed. She's not talking whips and chains, just asserting that I'm the man. She has responded positively to having her ass slapped, her hair pulled, her arms held down, and a hand placed around her neck. She also perked up when I told her what the handcuff key on my keychain was, but seemed a tiny bit disappointed when I told her I didn't own handcuffs (I wouldn't know how to use them in bed if I did have a pair). Not sure if that's important, but I thought I'd throw it out there.

This is all completely foreign to me. She is my third partner (and the best by far) so I just don't have much experience to draw on. She knows this and helps me out when she can, but I think even she isn't aware of all the actions a man might take to assert dominance. We have amazing sex, but I'd like to make it even better for her. What are some other "rough" things I can do or say to her (without being abusive) to reaffirm that I'm the one swinging dick?
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>> No. 2499

Wow, I appreciate the response! I can definitely see her liking some of that.

Is it a faux pas to talk to her about these things? I don't have much of a sex drive (but make no mistake, I find her incredibly sexy), so this stuff to me is very unnatural and frankly uncomfortable. I kind of want to know if either of us are getting off on it, because if we're not then what's the point? Or is it being dominated that excites a woman more so than the individual acts?
>> No. 2500
OP you are the sole recipient of absolutely all of my envy. Have fun.
>> No. 2501
Of course talk to her about it. Talking about sexual expectations, likes, dislikes, and boundaries is very important. And in my experience, the attitude, the overall dominance is generally most important, but the individual acts make things memorable. Be creative.

He gets all of your envy for finding a girl into moderately kinky sex? Literally TONS of girls are into the kinds of things OP's girl seems to be into. The majority of women I've been with have been into dominance to some degree.
>> No. 2525
After a few weeks of being apart I finally got a chance to put some of this into practice. I took control, told her what to do and what I wanted, moved her around when I wanted, and used a belt a couple of times to tie her hands together. It left her quivering, and I didn't end up much different. When we were all done she told me she loved being told what to do, and had always fantasized about being tied up but no one had ever had the balls to try it. I found that being a little dominant, to the extent that I felt in control, resulted in increased pleasure for me as well. I'm not that dominant in other parts of the relationship, but turning it on during sex was a huge boost for both of us. So yeah. Thanks! This shit is working for me.
>> No. 2534
Hey, >>2497 and >>2501 here. I feel all warm and fuzzy that my advice resulted in heightened pleasure for both of you! Thanks for the update.

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2526 No. 2526 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
ok, soi had a crush in high school (we shall call her lyndsey), never got anywhere with her, left highschool (7 years ago), got laid, forgot about her, never really spoken to her since about a year before i left. now, i went to the supermarket and saw her. not such that i could speak, i was preoccupied with the till girl, and even if i could, i wouldn't class her as a friend anymore. since i saw her though, she has not left my mind. does some one know what could have caused me to fall in love with her again? is it my mind expressing a desire to succeed where i have failed before? or is it something worse?

while i'm here there is another problem, completely unrelated. i can't finish during sex. that is, i end up being too physically knackered before spilling my hot load in to the moist vagina. is this normal?
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>> No. 2529
OP here. it is both with and without protection

so, as far as the girl goes, i don't have her on facebook, can't find her, but is it a bad idea to see if anything would happen, should i see her again? as in would it serve any purpose to drag up those feelings again? would it bring some kind of closure, succeed or fail?
>> No. 2530
Try not to masturbate for a while and then have sex. See if that helps, other than that I'm out of ideas.

It might not be worth it bringing up old feelings for a girl that you haven't seen in a long time. Especially when you have no idea what she's been doing. She could be boo'd up or some shit.

It's a huge risk/reward thing that I personally think would not be worth it.
>> No. 2531
You need to relax more. I'm guessing what happens is you get too wrapped up in trying to please your partner that you completely disregard yourself. I suggest some relaxing activity before sex. Whatever you can do that will get you very calm (probably best without drugs) would be good. And just make sure you're comfortable with your partner. That's important. I've been unable to maintain an erection because I was so nervous with the person I was with. And come to think of it, I've also been unable to cum due to nerves.

So yeah, just get comfortable with people and just relax.

On the other issue, I am not confident. It seems like you got your shit together in your life. You can't find her how are you going to confront her? You can't just sit at the grocery store waiting for her. Dorian_Gray is right, it just brought up old feelings. There doesn't seem like there's anything positive to be had from a conversation with this girl. I would just say to try to forget about her. In time it will pass like it did before.
>> No. 2532
If your mind is going so crazy about her, go talk to her! As long as you can do it in a not-too-creepy way. Maybe there will be something there.
>> No. 2533
>As long as you can do it in a not-too-creepy way.
Easy as pie: "Hey, Lyndsey, right? It's [OP], we went to school together. How are you?"

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2454 No. 2454 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
My girlfriend has been hanging out with her (abusive) ex boyfriend late at night rather than coming home, smoking week and going to clubs with him, possibly more than that, but I can't be sure. What I'm sure of, is that she outright lies to me about where she's been, and who she's been with.

However, I only know this because I snooped through her text messages on her phone.

Snooping is wrong, but in doing so, I found proof that she'd been lying to me about many things, not just her hanging out with her ex.

Do you think it's unreasonable that I'm angry at her? I just feel that, if she's able to lie to me so easily about these little things (I've never said I had a problem with her remaining friends with her ex, so long as she told me) then she'll certainly lie about bigger and more important things if they come up.
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>> No. 2456
If you found proof that she'd been lying to you through an invasion of her privacy, it doesn't mean that you don't have cause to be angry. Two wrongs don't cancel each other out. It means that you each have cause to be angry at the other.

Whether it's morally justifiable to breach someone's trust in order to expose another breach of trust is a question for /phi/. But as far as your relationship goes, I think it's definitely a good idea to confront her about it. Don't lie - be upfront about how you found out. There's going to be some shit to deal with there, but you can deal with that separately from the issue of her lying to you.
>> No. 2459
Just dump her ass without giving her a reason.
>> No. 2485
Hanging out with exes is very rarely appropriate. Unless she had a child with this guy, there's no reason for her to be having an active relationship. Facebook friends or whatever is one thing, but spending late nights together is not okay. I hope you got rid of her, OP. She is not invested in you and doesn't respect you.
>> No. 2491
this, she's obviously fucking him
>> No. 2495

Both good points, but it isn't 100% for sure that she is actually fucking him. Don't jump the gun and assume that, but certainly don't rule it out.

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2460 No. 2460 hide quickreply [Reply]
I swear to god, if I see one more fucking happy in love couple...
>> No. 2461
...you will come to terms with who you are and your position in life, leading to an innate happiness that leaves you with modest success and a caring spouse?
>> No. 2462

OP needs to learn some coping skills for sure, but that shit is not a natural consequence of inner peace.
>> No. 2469
I swear to god if I see one more happy in love couple I will feel good that those two found each other in this crazy mixed up world and I will be grateful for all the love around me.
>> No. 2474
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You are jealous. Jealousy leads to hate, hate leads to anger, anger leads to suffering. Jealousy is the path to the Dark Side... embrace the power of the Dark Side!

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2463 No. 2463 hide quickreply [Reply]
I wasn't really sure where to put this, so I put it here.

Teach me how to not be desperate.

My entire life, i've constantly craved affection and sexuality from the other sex, and have sucked myself on it like a fucking leech. It just feels so good to have somebody around you, or have their arms around you, or to be kissed. It makes me feel like i'm loved.

But this makes me repulsive, to a lot of people, myself included.

I really want to cut it out, but I don't know how, or what mindset to have, or where to get treatment, although I plan to talk to my psychologist when I see her.

I'm male, by the way. Please, please, please help me.
>> No. 2464

Love is a need for a log of people. Humans are very hard wired to be social and to love. Since you can't just demand a person love you, you might have to get creative. You don't want to be desperate? Give yourself what you need. Hug yourself, or a pillow, talk to yourself and give yourself back rubs. Smile and just talk to yourself. Take yourself out somewhere nice. It will fel hollow and stupid at first, and you will not see what help it could possibly be to pretend. If you just roll with it for a while and get into a habit of giving yourself some love and affection it's not like the desire will go away but it will be more manageable. Your goal should be to function, not to be in a 100% perfect state. Right now you are letting a basic need cripple you because you have no idea how to have it met. Meet that need with the tools you have even if it's not perfect and things will get better. When I have a really hard time I don't pretend I'm fine, I acknowledge that I am in pain and I let myself feel it all the way through. i cry, I shudder and shake, and I pick myself up and give myself a pep talk in the third person and massage my own neck. I go take a shower and go for a walk. I play with my dog and plat some flowers. I make some music and play a video game. And it still hurts, but i'm a few hours later and I functioned though my day. Every time second I don't kill myself is a second I am getting stronger, a second I am less hurt by the loneliness and despair. I acknowledge it and embrace it and I let it hurt me as much as it can. So that I can get back up, and be less hurt next time.

You don't need any treatment, what you need is pushups. You need some anger because life isn't fair. You need a positive attitude in spite or the reality of the world, which is that shit sucks unless you work really hard to make it not suck. Count your blessings, pray to something, make a sacrifice to an elder god or write a letter to the things controlling you and burn it. Or attack it to a balloon. Just do something physical that validates your feelings, then feel them. Go to the top of a mountain and feel the pain at the summit. Fuck everyone. Use it as a tool to become strong and sexy. The second you don't need girls they will be interested in you. Maybe you just keep your eyes on 1 girl for too long when other girls are looking at you. If you really accept the loneliness and the isolation, if you internalize it and make it part of who you are then it won't control you anymore. If you deny a feeling you are only compounding the issue. By trying to not be desperate you make yourself more desperate. Be desperate, and then you can take a deep breath. It's who you are, no reason to be ashamed or anxious. Once you're only feeling alone, and not alone AND depressed AND anxious you will find it is a common feeling, not very powerful, easily mitigated by some weed and music. Then you are in control and all the bitches will flock because you know the secret! Accept who you are and what you are feeling and then it won't be so hard to deal with.

I hope this helps
>> No. 2467

It really does. I burst out crying like a little girl after reading it. Thank you.

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2449 No. 2449 hide quickreply [Reply]
Is it so much to ask that one woman I approach doesn't already have a boyfriend? Christ.
>> No. 2468
They don't.

When it looks like everyone but you is fucked up, look again.

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