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2584 No. 2584
Okay I'll try to make this short
-Friend of mine and I had a "thing" that went on for some months that had a bunch of drama in it
-She calls it off, finds a new person
-She becomes a total bitch to me
-After a few months, we patch up our friendship for the most part

So now she's overall nice to me, from time to time will say really hurtful, below-the-belt shit as little quips, but I'd say 90% of the time our conversations are pleasant. However, her texting me or IMing me can send me spiraling into a panic attack. Running into her in-person doesn't elicit the same reaction, and phone calls from her only make me extremely nervous, but texts and IM's cause me to have to take a benzo or else I spiral into a wreck. As such, I've been avoiding talking to her much of the time... that may sound for the best, but yesterday a mutual friend says it's really hurting her and she even cried about it recently because she misses hanging out with me and talking to me.

I dunno what else to say, but I'm stuck in this position where talking to her gives me anxiety and she's in tears that I'm not talking to her (I miss talking to her too, frankly). She's a good person, she just has a nasty temper and she knows the right buttons to press to hurt people's feelings when she's mad. How would you handle such a situation? :/
>> No. 2585
Perhaps explaining why you can't talk to her would soften the impact. After all, if she cares about you in any way that she's claiming to by wanting to keep a friendship with you going, she'll be understanding. If not, then you can go one better and sever the relationship there and then.
>> No. 2586
>Perhaps explaining why you can't talk to her would soften the impact.

I have before, she felt really hurt by it. I felt bad and I reneged what I had said, so as to maintain our friendship.

I tried again once with a different approach, and she just accused me of being a hypocrite and saying "Well you did [insert some mistakes I made during our "thing"] so you have NO right to speak!", to which I replied "I know, and that was wrong of me, I have apologized for it more than once, and I'm not a perfect person, but that doesn't change the fact tha-" "See? It always goes back to other people? Nothing is ever your fault, all you do is project! If you want to maintain our friendship, then shut up and accept that you're not so perfect yourself."

Since then, we've been cool more or less when we DO talk, and our conversation 90% of the time pleasant, but doing so requires a nice bit of Xanax and maybe some liquid courage beforehand.
>> No. 2587

>I have before, she felt really hurt by it.

No she wasn't. She's manipulating you.
>> No. 2588
>No she wasn't. She's manipulating you.

>our conversation 90% of the time pleasant, but doing so requires a nice bit of Xanax and maybe some liquid courage
This sounds like a really shitty friendship.

>How would you handle such a situation?
This sounds like the type of relationship that is being continued out of habit rather than because it makes you happy. And I don't think there's enough time to entertain these relationships. There are other people out there with whom you can establish very meaningful connections who won't treat you like shit.

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