No. 2415
There are all kinds of people in this world. I guarantee you that there is a girl EXACTLY like you (okay, not exactly, since we're all unique snowflakes, but hopefully you know what I mean) somewhere in this world out of the population of 7 trillion. Whenever I feel alone because I'm thinking some weird seemingly inexplicable weird shit, that's what I remind myself of.
Besides, the things you listed off are very typical.
1. There are other girls that are unfit and slightly overweight
2. this is a good thing to a lot of girls
3. this is a good thing to A LOT of girls
4. this is a good thing to a lot of girls
5. this is a great thing to a lot of girls
6. this is just plain false
7. this is something very common and there are a lot of girls who will either appreciate it or feel the same way. I was a virgin until I was 18 and in college. Looking back, I realize it was all in my head.
8. girls don't cost money
9. this is not required, and a lot of girls don't drive either
10. a lot of girls are the same way
11. a lot of girls are the same way
12. a lot of girls are the same way, and you may find that when you become interested in a woman and the feeling is mutual, it will gain importance in your mind
13. a lot of girls are the same way. also, a lot of the time, even if a girl is the opposite, she will need someone like you to balance her out.
14. this is a great thing for anybody
I hope I helped. Sorry if I came off as something or another..