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I've got a bad case of lovin' you.

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2234 No. 2234 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
So here's the deal. My sister has this really hot friend who is super into me. Now she got out of a relationship something like last night, and apparently she wants to ask me out already.

I really don't know how to feel about this shit. I mean she's one of my sister's good friends for one. And she just got out of her relationship 24 hours ago. So I'm clearly a rebound but fuck, I don't think I'd mind a relationship.

What do you think? Is dating a friend of a sibling wrong?
7 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2284
Unfortunately there won't be any sex session. I went on a date with her and she turned out to be so fucking boring. So boring I actually stopped hitting on her, just wanted the night to end. It was really bad.
>> No. 2285
Are you sure she wasn't just being shy, possibly limiting herself so as not to do anything embarassing?

You initially said that you thought you were a rebound, but that's not what I get out of it. I don't know of many girls that would go after their friend's brother simply as a rebound (I guess that would depend on how close the friendship really is though), since that can potentially lead to destroying said friendship. She may have had designs for you for a while and just didn't want to blow her chance by coming off as some kind of yutz.

More details all around would better help us get to the bottom of things.
>> No. 2289
I'm positive it wasn't shyness. Her hobbies are pretty well going to the most redneck bar in Guelph and smoking pot everyday. Other than that she does not know anything about anything. Even something as simple as music, she can not talk about. She doesn't know any artists. Besides that she's also fairly conservative and gossips a ton. Two things I find fairly unattractive.

I just couldn't bring myself to continue dating her.
>> No. 2290
Fair enough. If you're ever game to try though, you could seize the opportunity to be the world-wise guy that broadens her horizons. If she had a bit of cultural enrichment, she might have better things to talk about than her peers. No pressure though, just a thought.

I would like to point something out about rejecting someone because of "conservativism" though. Relationships with people that share your worldview can sometimes, themselves, end up as being downright boring. When you agree with someone about something, all you have left to talk about in that regard is to gossip about those who disagree. Better, in my opinion, to have someone that challenges (with validity, of course) at least some of your viewpoints, so that you can grow, change, and develop not just your arguements but yourself as a person. Not that I think people should specifically seek partners that disagree with them, but I certainly think that people shouldn't discount potential partners because of it.
>> No. 2314
Some people just don't know music. I mean, I know some random-ass shit about it, but I usually end up getting lost because my tastes neither fit into generic pop bullshit nor whatever indie shit is popular. But anyhow, if you don't connect, you don't connect.

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2302 No. 2302 hide quickreply [Reply]
hello /docta/ I've a quick scenario to run past you, and I don't really know how to handle it

First of all, I am male, 20 years old. About, 3 years ago I met this girl. I was 17, she was 15. We really only hung out once. Maybe twice, I can't remember, it was a while ago.

Needless to say, through the glory of the internet and social media, we kept in touch. Never hung out much, ever, but yeah. We went about, a year or so without talking, and just sort of randomly a few weeks ago we started talking. She's 18 now, and I'm 20.

A couple of nights ago, we sort of got riled up on skype, some clothes were taken off, yadi yada. Now it feels like the girl is getting attached. She literally just got out of a relationship, and shes started busting out the nicknames and what not that traditional couples would use with each other.

We live on other sides of the country, and I really don't want to have a long distance relationship with the girl. I'm not necessarily saying that this is what the girl wants either, but I really get the vibe from her.

I don't want to ruin our friendship, but I don't know how to put her down gently either. I really want to kill this quickly before it gets out of control, so she doesn't get like, really hurt by it. I just don't know how to go about doing it.
>> No. 2303
oh, one last thing, and its kind of the thing that really kind of, threw me over the edge I guess you could say.

She sort of just randomly asked if I would be her valentine. Now the thought and all of that is cute, but I mean, dafuq am I going to do, even if I were? its not like I can take her out on a date, or buy her roses or anything.
>> No. 2305
I would suggest talking about this with her.

Really, that is the fairest way to deal with this. Be upfront and honest.

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2296 No. 2296 hide quickreply [Reply]
So there is this girl that I have been seeing since last year. We got to know each other and then started hangning out. No sex, but we were making out and taking showers together. Then I find out that I was basically seeing her while her boyfriend was sort of with her, but they were breaking up.

Now, I don't know if she really wants me because she tells me that she really doesn't want to be considered as my boyfriend. I talked to her about this and she said that her last boyfriend was sort of the kind of person that she thought "owned her".

Well, I am kind of sick of being this guy in the background that comes over once and a while to fuck her, make food at her place and then leave.

I feel sort of like I am being used and once her "ex" (I am not sure if she is really over this guy) comes back from studying abroad in Europe, that I will probably be kicked to the curb.

I don't know what exactly to say or do. I get to fuck her every once and a while, but I want to have a deeper relationship with her, but she's not comfortable.

So I am wondering what I should do... I don't want to leave her because actually getting a girl to have sex with me and hang out and do all that couple stuff is a hard because I live with my parents and not on my own. In the past, girls kind of like it a lot more when you are on your own, or you don't have your parents coming down to your room. The nice thing is, she has her own place. I am able to go over there once in a while.

So yeah... what do you think I should do?
>> No. 2297
I kind of feel like maybe I am her boyfriend, but she just likes a lot of alone time. Who knows?
>> No. 2298
>she really doesn't want to be considered as my boyfriend

Haha. But seriously...

I know it may seem tough to get the girls, living at you parents' place, but if you're crafty and you don't advertise it before you make your initial connection with a girl then it doesn't matter as much. It does make keeping a girl more difficult, but for the purposes of my advice, that won't enter into it.

Start seeing other girls and don't try very hard to hide it. Obviously, you don't want to go right up to her like, "...so I fucked this chick yesterday," though. Just let word get back to her on it's own. See how she reacts to that. If she takes it in stride then you may be correct in the assumption that you're just a fuckbuddy, and short of going full Machavellian I don't know there's much you can do to fix that (and considering the advice I'm giving you, that's saying something). If she gets all "what the fuck?!?" about it then she may like you more than she was willing to admit to herself and you'll have the chance to redefine where you stand with her. She already gave you your Get Out Of Jail Free card, so if she does get pissed about it you turn can it back around (being careful not to be a dick and overplay your hand), "I'm getting mixed signals from you on this. When you said I wasn't your boyfriend I thought that meant we weren't serious or exclusive."
>> No. 2300
>(and considering the advice I'm giving you, that's saying something)

This is, of course, in reference to the concept of Machavellianism - just so we're clear - and not some idea that my solution is some kind of unquestionable super-fix to the problem. I mean, I don't know the girl in question, so it's your judgement call on whether that sort of move would backfire or not.
>> No. 2301
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LOL what the fuck did I say?

I think I need to read what I type, before I type it.

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2240 No. 2240 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Hey y'all, >>2099 here, if you might remember me.

So I finally got that "space" that I needed, with the agreement that she and I not talk for a month. I've been moving on well enough, I guess: I've got a job, I'm doing well in class, and my home life is settling down.

Nevertheless, I've been pretty antsy about getting back into things I used to enjoy that she disapproved of, or just the way I live my life in general. She really got into my head and even though we're taking a month-long break from speaking, I find myself guilt-tripping myself in her place. Anytime I smoke a bowl: "Oh god, what would she think? She'd taunt me and call me a pothead" When I got drunk on New Year's Eve: "Oh man, if she found out, she'd be PISSED." [NOTE: I found out last night that she DID find out, she brought it up randomly and called me immature when we talked over the phone for the first time in a month.] When I watch anime or read comics: "I bet she'd have some snide remark about what a lazy dork I am." When I go to a show: "Man, she'd be so pissed at me getting into the mosh pit, she'd say I'm trying to be too macho."

I'm serious: anything that she would disapprove of or turn her nose up at, I still have trouble enjoying. It's really pissing me off and I'm finding myself taking more of my [prescribed] Xanax than I'm supposed to just to go out and have fun with my friends, so I can stave thinking of her snide remarks and wagging finger whenever I want to do something that she doesn't like.

So here's where I'm stuck:
-How do I preserve a 10 year-long friendship with this person without being a slave to her approval in everything I do? Pic related, it's the face she makes anytime I do something I enjoy.
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>> No. 2246

Man, no matter what advice chan I go to, no matter what subject my therapist and I talk about concerning her, that word continues to pop up. I guess that no matter what I try, everything she does will be simply be another strategy to rein me in and have me wrapped back around her finger.

God, this is gonna hurt like a bitch, but as Lao-zi said in the Tao Te Ching: "Care about another's approval, and you will forever be their prisoner."
>> No. 2247
Hey man, I helped you in the last thread. Nice to hear from you. I don't know why she's so controlling but you probably need to continue forgetting about it. If she's just going to criticize you, then talking to her isn't exactly a brilliant idea. She's just hating on you because she can't do what you can do. Lo and behold, she is once again being a negative bitch throughout whatever situation she's put in with you. You need to either be confident enough that you don't take it to heart, or get away from this attitude. Don't forget that all the people you go out and drink with- they are people that support and don't have a problem with this as a way of spending time. You normally don't say "it's acceptable to go out and drink a lot" unless you have to defend something.

So yeah she'd kind of out of touch with reality. In regards to the social situation, the absolute best thing you can do is be relaxed with it. You have a right to do and say what you want, but after a breakup there is one thing that can be your friend. That one thing, is not being a dick. And I mean it seriously, if you say that you're sorry it didn't work out then people realize that you're not a dick. If someone comes up to you and says "Hey man, she told me that you called her a bitch all the time and told her that she was fat, and that you've got a small dick and three balls." and then you can reply calmly by saying something like "I'm not sure why she's saying that, I guess she's still hurt or something." then people can quickly work out who is insane.

I hope I help you.
>> No. 2257
> You need to either be confident enough that you don't take it to heart, or get away from this attitude.

Yeah, tough choice to make, my man. I cherish her so much but, hell, if I DON'T take that shit to heart, she gets mad. I know that sounds strange, but maaaan is it true.

>"it's acceptable to go out and drink a lot"

Well I'm not saying THAT... I actually only get drunk on special occasions. Actually, she didn't used to get onto me about drinking at all, but a couple of weeks back she herself got really trashed and was sick for 2 days afterward, so now she's on this whole "OMG GETTING DRUNK IS IMMATURE AND STUPID" spiel.

But, I digress... Your other advice is quite good. Thank you. I just hope things will get better between us, because at the end of the day I love her and she is one of the most formative people to have ever entered my life (and she once saved my life too).
>> No. 2294
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OP here, with an update

Well, we sat down and had a talk. Shit was hard, and pretty intense, but I finally stood my ground and she seemed to begrudgingly accept my emotional independence from her. I think we're still gonna remain acquaintances (be Facebook friends, say hi to each other at events, etc.) but I don't think we're going to be the BFF's we once were ever again, sadly. It hurt a lot, but this morning I gotta say I woke up feeling quite energetic and like I'm ready to go back out and LIVE again.

(pic related, my face when I was layin' down the line)
>> No. 2295
Glad to hear it dude. You've done something difficult and grown as a person. You're also now far more prepared for another relationship, in terms of knowing what your needs are and being able to identify red flags early on. Though I don't know if you're interested at all in another relationship at this point, but regardless, you're better off for having done this.

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2291 No. 2291 hide quickreply [Reply]
So I asked a girl out and got friendzoned and for once I'm not upset about it.

I do want to be a cuddle buddy with this girl though.

I'm quite sure she had no history of abuse (if that matters)

I did over hear that she likes to cuddle.

My question is.

How do I go about asking this?

Do I ask her in person or through text?

Yes I know I'm over thinking this, but, I'm really uncertain on how to proceed.
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>> No. 2292
Whatever your standard means of communication is. Don't make such a big deal out of it. It'll hardly depend on how you ask. She'll either agree or she won't. Just straight up ask her.

Full disclosure:
I recently asked a close friend that rejected me a few weeks before, if she'd just fuck me so I could get this virginity thing over with. Via chat. Amazingly, she said yes, so my advice is strongly coloured by this.

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2286 No. 2286 hide quickreply [Reply]
anybody have good tips, or good references for learning how to give girls oral like a champ? I feel so extremely ineffective while I'm down there, almost like I'm wasting my time.
>> No. 2287
finger her at the same time. Ask her how she'd like it. Personally, I haven't received any good oral without fingering at the same time.
>> No. 2288
First of all, don't try to stick your tongue down her vagina; it's far too small to do anything for her that way. So focus on her clitoris. Try varying the speed and direction of your licking until you find a rhythm that she likes. Go up-down and also left-right. Move your tongue in circles around her clitoris too. Try different positions, too; if you've only ever done it with her on her back, try in a 69 position or with her sitting on your face.

Also, listen to >>2287.

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2276 No. 2276 hide quickreply [Reply]
/docta/, I need to ask you something.

Long story short, when I ended up in a youth shelter, I met this girl. I was 19 and I am now 25. We still talk to each other but we had long periods where we were out of eachother's sight because life often got in the way. Somehow we managed to keep contact still to this day.

I always were there for her and I always really liked that girl a lot. I still do. I never got to tell her how I felt fully because I told her I did feel something about her but I couldn't describe it because I still yet to find out if it's deep affection or love for her. She said she really like me as a person but we never had a talk about how we feel toward one another honestly. I never got myself to tell her I love her because I am afraid it would create some uneasiness between us. It is silly to think this since we did have sex once years ago when we were drunk and we laughed about it without any sort of after-glow shame. I just can't help to fear what if she saw that as a bad thing that I have feelings for her that she cannot return. I don't know much.

I had a talk with her once online about how distance had split us apart and I understood that as a normal circumstance and I was not saying that as a affront to her. She said that our friendship is still possible but we need to ''rediscover'' each other because we changed and evolved differently her and I. I want to take that chance that maybe we could spend time together and I could maybe be in her life as I was before.

Last summer, she told me about how she met this guy and she was in love with him although she met him for barely a few months. She moved in with him and she told me she can't wait to get out because he is bad to her and calls her names and shit. I wanted to tell her in the beginning she was hasting things but I knew that I would have rained on her parade and would not have listened to me anyway.

She also told me recently how she went to seek counciling at her school and she has borderline personality and she is affection dependent. Since, I don't know how to handle her. We still plan to meet in mid-february and do something.

I might have a extra money income then so I thought to maybe invite her out as a late birthday present but on the second hand I hesitate since I never was popular with women in general and I fear she will friendzone me in advance and just take the free rides I give her until I tell her I want her in my life as a lover. It is not the first time women took advantage of me that way and I fear she may be just like the rest.

Help me out /docta/.
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>> No. 2277
>It is not the first time women took advantage of me that way and I fear she may be just like the rest.

Sorry buddy, but you aren't talking about women, but rather, you are talking about individual people that you have encountered. You're welcome to spend your money on her if you want to, but just don't expect anything. At all. If you have a massive underlying romantic connotation, then try to avoid it. Expectation is a difficult thing, especially in a context such as this. Just remember that this is not women, but your particular experience of people that you are attracted to. I'm saying this so that you don't end up shutting down experience, and saying "All women are like x".

There is a lot here buddy, a lot of emotional weight. This is important, it is very significant. But it's also a situation built on the previous. My best advice to you is to drop everything, and just live the desire to see her again, without any sort of connotation, platonic or romantic. Otherwise, your hopes will be gotten up and you'll distort the occasion for what it is.

I know it's hard buddy, but try to take it easy and go without intention.

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2173 No. 2173 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I am not sure if I am straight or asexual.
Being with a woman is enjoyable, but I ultimately like the freedom of not maintaining a relationship or emotional ties. I also don't enjoy shallow relationships or the whole dating scene.

What is your opinion /docta/? Are my standards too high? May I just be isolating myself? Or have I just not come across a woman that I really vibe with?
2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2187
You can be with a woman without being in a relationship?!

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 2238
Yeah... you're not asexual.

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 2256
You're sure as fuck not asexual, as that implies you have literally ZERO sex drive. To the point where you can't have sex.

What you are is just uninterested in most women. You might find one you like at some point, you might not.

I'm similar, only I'd settle for both a woman or a girly guy. I just haven't met anyone that I've been remotely interested in as of yet.
>> No. 2269
I always hear people talking about how sexuality is fluid so I don't understand why asexuality need to be an absolute.
>> No. 2270
Sexuality may be fluid, but the definition of the word "asexual" isn't. If the guy has any sex drive at the moment then he's currently not asexual, though that may indeed change over time. Commited relationships are a social convention, largely - if not completely - independant of sexual identity, so that word doesn't even figure into his issue.

With the information you've given, OP, it sounds to me like you just haven't found anyone singularly fulfilling enough for you to want an exclusive relationship yet. This is perfect normal. Just keep on keepin' on, like >>2176 said...
>If you aren't unhappy in your current situation, let it be and don't worry too much about it.

No. 2228 hide quickreply [Reply]
I've a general question for you /r/docta:

Lets talk hypothetically for a second. Lets pretend you're with a group of people. Maybe like, 6-8 or so. A few guys, a couple girls. You're a male yourself. One of the girls in your party you're friends with, not necessarily friend zoned, but you're not intimate or anything either. Not best friends, not great friends, just acquaintances that you've met a couple weeks ago and your friendship has been developing rather well. You've been flirting with her, she's been flirting with you, who knows, it could turn out to be something, it may not.

So anyway, your group decides to go out bar hopping on a weekend. Nothing bad happens, everybody is having a good time, everyone is tipsy, typical good drinking night. As the night nears its end, and one of the girls (particularly the one you have your eye on) is rather drunk at this moment, and she's talking to a guy you don't know, and have no idea if she knows him or not. You and your group are about to leave, and someone from the group goes to get her, and she says that she is going to stay with this guy/go with this guy.

How would you react at this moment? Bear in mind although this girl never struck you as the innocent type of girl, she never struck you as very promiscuous either. She's rather drunk, and may regret her actions when she sobers up, maybe not, you really aren't sure.

For me personally, given our flirtatious rapport I really wanted to go up to her and essentially white knight the situation. At the same time, I didn't know how to approach the situation without coming across as a total douche that couldn't mind his own business. Because lets face it, at the end of the day, it wasn't any of my business.

I'm not sure what happened post that point, but I do want to know how you anons would have reacted, or if what I did/didn't do was fine and if I should just forget it all happened and move on with my life.

pic unrelated
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>> No. 2230
In your situation I would differ to the judgement of someone else in the group who knows her better. Even if I were the friend in the group who knew her best, I would probably only go as far as to ask if she is sure she didn't want to stay with the group and check how drunk she was. If she was pretty drunk I might try to convince her to get the guy's number for another time and go home for the night. If she insists, making sure she has the phone number of a sober friend who can pick her up if she needs a ride later would be good.
When it comes to these kinds of things I try to stay away from guessing people's feelings and future feelings, and stick to concerns of safety; making sure everyone has a sober ride home or safe place to crash.
I'd say not to concern yourself too much over it, and not to bring it up when next you see her except perhaps to inquire that she did make it home safely eventually.
>> No. 2231
Careful with that mouth of yours.
>> No. 2232
hahahaha oh my, I feel so embarrassed.
>> No. 2233
duly noted, thanks

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2178 No. 2178 hide quickreply [Reply]
How can I make sure not to be a cock block? Female here, I'll be visiting a straight male friend soon and I'll probably do it on my own. We used to be in a relationship, but that was long ago.

Still, I feel very often that I'm scaring away potential ons's of his at parties, etc., because we're still pretty close, have a lot of songs/drinking shit in common so well. He also doesn't really succeed with women on a romantical level which also makes me feel guilty because I had several relationships after him. So when I'm visiting him, I want to make sure I don't destroy his options in his new town. How can I show the world we're just fucking good friends by now?
>> No. 2179
Also you might have guessed that I'm not a native english speaker so please excuse my awkward grammar!
>> No. 2180
Just don't be all over him?
>> No. 2181
You're getting worried over nothing. You can't destroy his options unless you're really trying to do it. If he's interested in pursuing someone else, it's his job to make her know that he's available. He might ask you to be his wingman, and that's fine, but you don't need to take it upon yourself.

PS your grammar is fine.

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2165 No. 2165 hide quickreply [Reply]
I don't really know if I have a question or a very big problem. I do need to tell someone about this situation, though.

A few years back, a coworker and I began flirting pretty heavily, eventually leading to sex and hanging out as frequently as we could with our schedules. He moved out of state for a job and we went from sexual partners to friends. A couple of months after he moved, I began dating my current bf. I've been with my bf for a little over a year now, things are good, my friendship with the other guy is good.

The thing of it is that as of last night we were flirting again and this morning we've been talking about that handful of months or so when we were more intimate and involved. He still has a crush on me and when we were together, as it was, I really wanted to pursue a relationship with him, but didn't feel ready to do so. I don't have romantic feelings for him now, I love him dearly as my friend. I do find him and his turn-ons very hot and I am seriously considering roleplaying over IM with him. I guess these are my problems with the situation:

- I love my bf but, due to different goals in life (marriage, kids) I don't see us being together forever or even more than a few more years, if that
- I'm kinky, inexperienced but kinky. My bf has been vanilla so far. While I think I can pervert him, I have pretty serious cravings for kinky sex and I haven't had those satisfied in the time we've been dating
- My friend is a virtually perfect complement to me, submissive where I am dominant, very kinky etc. I remember how much fun we used to have and we did a lot of online rping in the past as well
- My friend still has a crush on me that I can't reciprocate, nor do I want to.

I'm not sure of what to do, any advice, /docta/?
>> No. 2166
It sounds like you have already made your choice. After you dump him, he's still going to be in love with you and you will be fucking this other guy.
>> No. 2167
I agree with this person, so to frame what they said more like actual advice, maybe be clear with your current bf on the situation and your reasons for leaving him. You haven't mentioned the issue of distance that initially caused you to go separate ways so maybe factor that more seriously before making a decision, if it's still relevant.
>> No. 2168
OP here. In the last 18 to 24 hours, the friend with a crush on me has started telling me he's in love with me and it's blown up to the point where I don't feel at all comfortable pursuing even an online sexual relationship with him. I'm not looking for a romantic partner in him, all I wanted was to explore a different part of my sexuality, but...he's been coming on so strong in just this short amount of time that I don't think it's going to work.

One thing I realized was that I need to bring up the desire to explore with my bf, if it's not for him then I can go from there and discuss some options with him. I appreciate the responses, if nothing else it's been helpful to write this out and think it over.
>> No. 2172
Grrl, you difficult.

You know what the truth is,
now tell the truth.

(but first make sure you've got a bunker in case things go nuclear)
>> No. 2175
Maybe your boyfriend can warm up to the idea of kinky stuff. You just need to ask.

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2157 No. 2157 hide quickreply [Reply]
Hello /docta/. I am coming back on the seat to ask you something.

So recently, I had this guy I met on another message board who had some bisexual tendencies and I usually consider myself hetero or maybe bi-curious at best. He asked me at some point to take a picture of my cock. I was a bit startled by that because it was the first time a guy asked me that, At first, I told him no. Then he kept pestering me about it. I told him a few days ago : ''Maybe at some point but not now''. We have been talking for a few months and he said he sort of liked me although we never met. I was sort of okay with it but I had no intentions to meet up and do anything with him.

Today, I asked him to at least show me his face with a timestamp so I know how he looks like and how old he was which he both refused to do. He then started to go into emotional blackmailing as in ''Show me your cock or I am out. I have been waiting a long time for this''. I asked him to define what is long and he replied ''A few weeks''. I tried to reason with the guy telling him pressuring people when you ask something from them tends to backfire and do the opposite which he said he didn't agree with anything I was trying to tell him and he was clearly butthurt about the fact I would not give him a picture of my cock right away. He then decided to take me off his contact list.

I was willing in the future to do it if he at least proved to me he was of legal age and I wouldn't get into any trouble if I ended up doing it. It was the first time I actually considered showing mine to another guy's and I was sort of okay with it but this situation with how this dude reacted in such a childish way really turned me off about the whole thing.

I want to know in general how same sex relations, serious or not, had an effect on people the first time(s) they tried it.

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2134 No. 2134 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Well fuck, I haven't been to 99chan in a very long time. Glad to see this place is still up. Anyway, I'm here to vent and maybe get some help because I sure as hell need it.

So for the past few years every single girl I've felt some connection to has ended up being taken. I'm honestly getting a little fed up, I cannot find a single girl who I am attracted to. It's not even that they've been in the relationship a long time before I met them. I'm talking if I met these people a week or so earlier I could have asked them out. I must have the worst luck out there.

Anyway this latest girl is my coworker. I see her almost everyday and I really get along with her. I feel comfortable around her and that's not something that usually happens for me. She's of course dating someone and I'm developing feelings for her. I can't have these feelings for her, I don't want it to effect my work. At the same time I want to remain friends with her so it's not like I can just stop talking to her.

Fuck, I'm sorry if this is just incoherent rambling. I'm a little drunk. I don't know what to do in this situation, a little advice or just someone to talk to would be much appreciated.
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>> No. 2155
Whew sorry for the late update guys, got pretty busy there.

> almost like you won't find anyone attractive if they're single (subconscious or what)

No, that's not it. It's actually just bad luck. I usually decide I like them and then they drop the bomb that they were asked out 2 weeks before or sometime even days. And this girl is with the guy.

But I've been hanging out with her a lot lately. I really like being around her and she does me. Which is new, and nice. Not a lot of people can tolerate me, or understand my humor. It's not that I'm a bad guy or anything, I'm just very opinionated and blunt about my opinions. This girl gets it though. And she's the same way.

Eh, there's no sign that she'll be breaking up with her boyfriend anytime soon. I guess I'll just continue to hang out with her and enjoy myself. Maybe someone else will come along in the meantime. Hopefully the next girl I meet won't be in a relationship too. Give a guy a break, life.
>> No. 2156

I'm in the same boat as you.

I think it's best to just stay friends with them. Not the typical shoulder to cry on, but a friend to go out to the movies / get food with, go on walks, etc. Playfully flirt with them here and there, have sexual conversations, etc. Maybe when they are single something will happen. Just do what I'm doing: Don't linger over it (even though we do) and just be open to other people.
>> No. 2158
Boy, do I feel you.

I have the same type of luck you do. The women I tend to be interested in are always either taken, too self-important or just plain crazy. As far as I know, I never knew an emotionally healthy relation with someone. I just wish I could meet someone nice, decent and within my tastes but they are all taken where I am from.
>> No. 2159
Yeah that's pretty much my plan for now. She's still really fun to hang with. But can almost guarantee it that when she gets out of that relationship this guy who has been blatantly hitting on her is going to swoop in and snag her. I don't know if she likes him or not, but they are always hanging out. He's going to know the moment she's single and he's going to ask her out. She'll probably say yes too.

>just plain crazy
Oh boy do I know that feeling. The one girl that was actually single I set up a date with. Before the first date, she was texting me non-stop. Trying to have multiple conversations on both text and facebook at the same fucking time, and was trying to plan shit for months (I'm talking half a year away) in the future. Expensive shit. She then got mad if I said no. All this before the first date. Goddamnit. So that was the only single person I've met in maybe 3-4 years.

I'm actually so fed up tonight. It's New Years, and I'm alone. Just because of luck. There's nothing I can even do about it. I mean if I was unattractive, unintelligent, unfunny, whatever, I could change those things and improve myself. But no, I'm just being dealt a shit hand every goddamn time. Fuck.

Thanks for listening by the way guys, I really just need someone to talk to right now.
>> No. 2162
Hey man, I am willing to have a drink with you via email. I am with family relatives for new year's and it's boring as hell. Drop me an email adress. I'll respond to you when I see it. I'll be glad to talk to an unlucky bro as well.

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2146 No. 2146 hide quickreply [Reply]
Hey, /docta/.

So, I am sexually attracted to my half-cousin. We have a pretty good relationship (we are fairly open with each other, we have a lot of fun together, we frequently joke about sex, etc.), and I think about having sex with her at every family function I see her at. Now, I am not interested in having a romantic relationship with her, but a part of me wants to have a "Cousins with benefits" kinda thing. I am 22 and she is 18.

Basically, I'm just wondering if at some point I should tell her that I find her attractive. This obviously carries significant risk, since if she does not reciprocate, and the family finds out, things could get immensely awkward and uncomfortable (not to mention, I probably won't be aloud to hang out with her again - which would suck, because I genuinely enjoy her company).

Do you think it's a good idea to bring this up at some point? I say "some point" because she currently has a boyfriend, and so I feel like she would be unreceptive at this point in time. What are your guys' opinions on this? Have any of you had similar experiences or acted on the impulse to confess attraction to a cousin?
>> No. 2149
From your post I see very little reason to go ahead with this plan. The risks far outweigh the benefits.
>> No. 2152
While there is nothing wrong with cousin fucking, the vast majority of people find it to be, well, sick. I doubt she would reciprocate: most people would not, just because it's such a taboo in western society. You could try lightly flirting with her, I guess. You could first let her know you think she looks pretty without straight out asking for sex and slowly increase the flirting if she seems to like it.

I suggest you try to forget about her, though. It will most likely not work out.
>> No. 2154

Don't tell your barely-legal cousin that you want to fuck her.

SAGE has been used.

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2147 No. 2147 hide quickreply [Reply]
Hey, /docta/. I haven't been here in quite some time so bear with me if something fitting my situation has been answered before.

My girlfriend and I have been dating for around 5 months now. Both of us are in our early 20s, she's two years older than I am. She's a great person and I'm in love her, but I feel like we've hit a rough patch.

We're both in college at the moment, and we both have retail jobs that require us to work late and quite often through the weekend(especially this time of year). We both live with our respective parents; a result of the shitty retail jobs.

Now, when we started dating we had a lot of fun, went interesting places, and had a lot of great sex. Seriously, it was awesome.

HOWEVER. I feel like the busier we get, the less time we spend with each other. And when we do actually spend time, it's spent at either of our houses just sitting around and watching Netflix or ordering food. The other problem is that our parents have decided to stay home more often, which means no sex, and honestly, very little time just to the two of us; meaning we haven't been nearly as intimate as we used to be (not just physically).

I feel like the fact that we can't find time to be alone has actually conditioned both of us to stop looking for that time alone. And not just that, but it's kind of put a damper on our sex drives. I'm honestly just worried we're starting to drift apart or get bored. I know there's something I should be doing to get us back on track, but I don't have a clue (this being my first "serious" relationship and all).

Help me, /docta/?
>> No. 2150
You've done most of the work already. You've already identified the problem.
Just because you've been conditioned to stop looking for alone time, doesn't mean you have to follow that conditioning. Stop hoping that some alone time will naturally pop up and make it happen. Ask your parents to make plans out of the house next week so that you and she can be alone. Or else, if you have a bit of expendable cash, rent a room in a hotel. Make dinner. Pretend that you're planning a first date with someone. Make a conscious effort to break your routine.
>> No. 2151
That's so simple but you're absolutely right. It's not going to just happen, we have to actually make an effort at it.

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2137 No. 2137 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Hey /docta/, huge wall of text here so please bear with me:

I recently got talking to a girl I knew from high school since she added me on Facebook. We never talked a great deal in high school but after she added me I just said "hey, long time no see" and she replied with quite a long and enthusiastic post.

So for the past two days we've been talking on skype, exchanging texts and the like until i met up with her today after she invited me over to her house since she got the day off work. From talking with her i've found her to be quite refreshing to a lot of girls i've met before and I have become quite interested in her. She seems like a girl that I could respect, she's hard working, intelligent and she's also pretty and attractive, to me at least.

So I got to her house after I finished work and got changed out of my uniform, etc. She introduced her family to me and then they went out to do some last minute christmas shopping. So me and this girl were alone now, we decided to watch a film, we chose Ted, because we both had only seen bits of it before.

So here we are watching this film sitting next to each other and talking every so often, and about half way through the film, I asked her if she wanted to cuddle. She said yes, quite enthusiastically and so we proceeded. After the film was over she said she was tired so I said i'd make my way home and let her rest. We talked for a bit longer, hugged and I went on my way.

To make it clear, I never had any sexual intentions about the cuddling, I just wanted us to get a bit closer. However when i got home after, she messaged me saying it was nice to catch up and i agreed. I mentioned I enjoyed our cuddle and quite suddenly she said she had the impression i wasn't after anything more than friendship and she didn't understand how guys could remain friends without getting physical. I explained that I had no ulterior motives for the cuddling and that I just wanted to get closer to her.

She then told me she'd had other guys before basically saying the exact same thing but just to try and get sex from her. I told her I understood why she felt that way and that I understood she wasn't going to immediately just trust my word on that (she isn't stupid). I asked her to simply give me the chance to prove to her that I was telling the truth about my intentions with her and her response was "we'll see" so i'm not too sure how firm that is.

But my main question is, have I possibly mistaken this girl's friendliness? I know it's very easy to do, but I was fairly convinced she had some sort of interest in me by the way she's been talking to me.
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>> No. 2140

OP here,

It's not that I'm not open to a sexual relationship, it's just that I don't actively pursue sex like a lot of guys do so I think that may have thrown her off a bit. I'm not sure if that makes me weird, it's just that sex has never been a priority for me and I've never been particularly confident in my value as a sexually attractive person anyway because I've never received the attention from women that would warrant such confidence.

I never said I wasn't interested in her physically, I simply said that I wasn't attempting just to get sex from her because I'm interested in more of her than just her body. I'm afraid my brain simply isn't wired up to automatically seek out sex from females, could be due to a long period of years of not having a female interest in my life, whereas I understand most relationships work by having sex first and then everything else is built after that, that's just not how I've ever operated before.

If it's true that she was actually looking for sex then that's even more confusing, because what she was saying was giving off the exact opposite impression and my impression of her as a person was that sex wasn't a big deal for her either, especially after she said other guys had said the same thing as me but just to try and get sex from her and she made it clear that was something she didn't like.

I'm not sure if talking to her so frankly about what she wants from the whole cuddling thing would be a good idea, because to me it would seem like making a mountain out of a molehill so to speak and I don't want to make it seem as if it's a major deal to me.

I've thought about it myself, and since I asked her to give me a chance, I'm just going to try and act cool about it if she still wants to be involved with me. The problem is I like this girl, but I just don't have the confidence to ever initiate something sexual, I could never just say to a girl so bluntly "wanna fuck?" because no matter how much I want to fuck, to me being so brash about it feels as if I'm going against every fibre of my being, as if I'm pretending to be somebody that I'm not.

I guess it's the humiliation of rejection I fear more than anything that makes me not interested in trying to get sex. I know I have a lot to compete with when compared to a lot of other guys which would require me to do things like go to the gym, work out, etc which are just things that really don't interest me and I'm not willing to put the effort into them, which would ultimately mean I'm the creator of my own troubles here.
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>> No. 2141

OP here again,

It's likely to be assumed at some point or other that I'm your typical introverted neckbeard with no friends or social activities and weighing about 20st.

I just wanted to clarify that I do have good social circles and I do socialise frequently and just because I enjoy my nerdy stuff I'm not afraid to go outside and have a good time. I'm not slim or athletic but I'm not grotesquely obese either, I just have the build of a lazy man.

Just wanted to clear that up before any assumptions on that are made.
>> No. 2142
Value yourself as a person. You're the best you you can be. She will appreciate you if you do. Anyway, from the situation, it seems like she likes you; it's just she doesn't want to be used for sex. So just continue hanging out with your natural intentions in mind and your actions will speak for themselves. I don't think you need to discuss it too much. You're not in the wrong and neither is she.
>> No. 2145

Thanks Anon.

It's really easy for me to get worked up about small little things and make a big deal out of nothing. But my head is clear now and I think I'm on the right path.

Thanks again, and Merry Christmas (I have a lot of rum in my system, this is a good thing)
>> No. 2148
There are a few things I’m getting from reading your post that I’d like to comment on.

You seem to be under the impression that only a certain type of man is able (or likely) to attract women. This isn’t true. When 2142 says that she’ll appreciate you if you just be yourself, that isn’t necessarily the case- different women appreciate different types of people. So THIS one may not, but there’s almost certainly SOMEONE out there who will. I’m not trying to bum you out, I just think it’s important to say that “just being yourself,” while a good idea, is not guaranteed to be attractive to any given woman.

You also seem to think that men who enjoy nerdy hobbies aren’t attractive to women. Not true. See above. There’s a lot about nerd culture that makes women feel unwelcome, because a lot of it is marketed and designed specifically toward men, but it isn’t as though no women enjoy video games, or date men who enjoy video games.

You don’t need to give up any aspects of your identity in order to be attractive to women. Losing your fear of rejection, on the other hand (or at least controlling it), is a must. No one accomplishes anything difficult on the first try. Go get rejected, and learn from it, so you can move past it and move on to getting accepted.

Last, when you write “I never said I wasn't interested in her physically, I simply said that I wasn't attempting just to get sex from her because I'm interested in more of her than just her body,” that sounds like you think being sexually attracted to a woman means not appreciating her intelligence and personality. Also not true. Being sexually attracted to a woman is a good thing, and in no way reduces the appreciation you might have for her other qualities. There are a lot of people who don’t see women’s non-sexual qualities, and that’s really not attractive for most women. But to say that you can only appreciate one or the other is bullshit.

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