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No. 2228
I've a general question for you /r/docta:

Lets talk hypothetically for a second. Lets pretend you're with a group of people. Maybe like, 6-8 or so. A few guys, a couple girls. You're a male yourself. One of the girls in your party you're friends with, not necessarily friend zoned, but you're not intimate or anything either. Not best friends, not great friends, just acquaintances that you've met a couple weeks ago and your friendship has been developing rather well. You've been flirting with her, she's been flirting with you, who knows, it could turn out to be something, it may not.

So anyway, your group decides to go out bar hopping on a weekend. Nothing bad happens, everybody is having a good time, everyone is tipsy, typical good drinking night. As the night nears its end, and one of the girls (particularly the one you have your eye on) is rather drunk at this moment, and she's talking to a guy you don't know, and have no idea if she knows him or not. You and your group are about to leave, and someone from the group goes to get her, and she says that she is going to stay with this guy/go with this guy.

How would you react at this moment? Bear in mind although this girl never struck you as the innocent type of girl, she never struck you as very promiscuous either. She's rather drunk, and may regret her actions when she sobers up, maybe not, you really aren't sure.

For me personally, given our flirtatious rapport I really wanted to go up to her and essentially white knight the situation. At the same time, I didn't know how to approach the situation without coming across as a total douche that couldn't mind his own business. Because lets face it, at the end of the day, it wasn't any of my business.

I'm not sure what happened post that point, but I do want to know how you anons would have reacted, or if what I did/didn't do was fine and if I should just forget it all happened and move on with my life.

pic unrelated
>> No. 2230
In your situation I would differ to the judgement of someone else in the group who knows her better. Even if I were the friend in the group who knew her best, I would probably only go as far as to ask if she is sure she didn't want to stay with the group and check how drunk she was. If she was pretty drunk I might try to convince her to get the guy's number for another time and go home for the night. If she insists, making sure she has the phone number of a sober friend who can pick her up if she needs a ride later would be good.
When it comes to these kinds of things I try to stay away from guessing people's feelings and future feelings, and stick to concerns of safety; making sure everyone has a sober ride home or safe place to crash.
I'd say not to concern yourself too much over it, and not to bring it up when next you see her except perhaps to inquire that she did make it home safely eventually.
>> No. 2231
Careful with that mouth of yours.
>> No. 2232
hahahaha oh my, I feel so embarrassed.
>> No. 2233
duly noted, thanks

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