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I've got a bad case of lovin' you.

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2147 No. 2147
Hey, /docta/. I haven't been here in quite some time so bear with me if something fitting my situation has been answered before.

My girlfriend and I have been dating for around 5 months now. Both of us are in our early 20s, she's two years older than I am. She's a great person and I'm in love her, but I feel like we've hit a rough patch.

We're both in college at the moment, and we both have retail jobs that require us to work late and quite often through the weekend(especially this time of year). We both live with our respective parents; a result of the shitty retail jobs.

Now, when we started dating we had a lot of fun, went interesting places, and had a lot of great sex. Seriously, it was awesome.

HOWEVER. I feel like the busier we get, the less time we spend with each other. And when we do actually spend time, it's spent at either of our houses just sitting around and watching Netflix or ordering food. The other problem is that our parents have decided to stay home more often, which means no sex, and honestly, very little time just to the two of us; meaning we haven't been nearly as intimate as we used to be (not just physically).

I feel like the fact that we can't find time to be alone has actually conditioned both of us to stop looking for that time alone. And not just that, but it's kind of put a damper on our sex drives. I'm honestly just worried we're starting to drift apart or get bored. I know there's something I should be doing to get us back on track, but I don't have a clue (this being my first "serious" relationship and all).

Help me, /docta/?
>> No. 2150
You've done most of the work already. You've already identified the problem.
Just because you've been conditioned to stop looking for alone time, doesn't mean you have to follow that conditioning. Stop hoping that some alone time will naturally pop up and make it happen. Ask your parents to make plans out of the house next week so that you and she can be alone. Or else, if you have a bit of expendable cash, rent a room in a hotel. Make dinner. Pretend that you're planning a first date with someone. Make a conscious effort to break your routine.
>> No. 2151
That's so simple but you're absolutely right. It's not going to just happen, we have to actually make an effort at it.

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