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2134 No. 2134
Well fuck, I haven't been to 99chan in a very long time. Glad to see this place is still up. Anyway, I'm here to vent and maybe get some help because I sure as hell need it.

So for the past few years every single girl I've felt some connection to has ended up being taken. I'm honestly getting a little fed up, I cannot find a single girl who I am attracted to. It's not even that they've been in the relationship a long time before I met them. I'm talking if I met these people a week or so earlier I could have asked them out. I must have the worst luck out there.

Anyway this latest girl is my coworker. I see her almost everyday and I really get along with her. I feel comfortable around her and that's not something that usually happens for me. She's of course dating someone and I'm developing feelings for her. I can't have these feelings for her, I don't want it to effect my work. At the same time I want to remain friends with her so it's not like I can just stop talking to her.

Fuck, I'm sorry if this is just incoherent rambling. I'm a little drunk. I don't know what to do in this situation, a little advice or just someone to talk to would be much appreciated.
>> No. 2135
Different people approach dating differently, but it might well be the case that if she is just dating someone and not full blown with them, that there would be a chance. I'm not saying run out there and do it, but just that it's OK for some people whilst for others it isn't.

I know you are annoyed but just relax a little bit, at least you are meeting people and finding people attractive- that's good in itself. I think we have times of always being around single people, and times of being around people in relationships. Maybe there's something about you that you are bringing towards you- maybe it's just something that keeps happening at the moment- almost like you won't find anyone attractive if they're single (subconscious or what).

It's ok, this happens to people. Just try to rise above it rather than letting it annoy you- take it more lightly if you can. Keep up being open to new people and new things- the moment you shut down your hopes on one person is the moment you set yourself up for discomfort.
>> No. 2153
i feel u big time bud
>> No. 2155
Whew sorry for the late update guys, got pretty busy there.

> almost like you won't find anyone attractive if they're single (subconscious or what)

No, that's not it. It's actually just bad luck. I usually decide I like them and then they drop the bomb that they were asked out 2 weeks before or sometime even days. And this girl is with the guy.

But I've been hanging out with her a lot lately. I really like being around her and she does me. Which is new, and nice. Not a lot of people can tolerate me, or understand my humor. It's not that I'm a bad guy or anything, I'm just very opinionated and blunt about my opinions. This girl gets it though. And she's the same way.

Eh, there's no sign that she'll be breaking up with her boyfriend anytime soon. I guess I'll just continue to hang out with her and enjoy myself. Maybe someone else will come along in the meantime. Hopefully the next girl I meet won't be in a relationship too. Give a guy a break, life.
>> No. 2156

I'm in the same boat as you.

I think it's best to just stay friends with them. Not the typical shoulder to cry on, but a friend to go out to the movies / get food with, go on walks, etc. Playfully flirt with them here and there, have sexual conversations, etc. Maybe when they are single something will happen. Just do what I'm doing: Don't linger over it (even though we do) and just be open to other people.
>> No. 2158
Boy, do I feel you.

I have the same type of luck you do. The women I tend to be interested in are always either taken, too self-important or just plain crazy. As far as I know, I never knew an emotionally healthy relation with someone. I just wish I could meet someone nice, decent and within my tastes but they are all taken where I am from.
>> No. 2159
Yeah that's pretty much my plan for now. She's still really fun to hang with. But can almost guarantee it that when she gets out of that relationship this guy who has been blatantly hitting on her is going to swoop in and snag her. I don't know if she likes him or not, but they are always hanging out. He's going to know the moment she's single and he's going to ask her out. She'll probably say yes too.

>just plain crazy
Oh boy do I know that feeling. The one girl that was actually single I set up a date with. Before the first date, she was texting me non-stop. Trying to have multiple conversations on both text and facebook at the same fucking time, and was trying to plan shit for months (I'm talking half a year away) in the future. Expensive shit. She then got mad if I said no. All this before the first date. Goddamnit. So that was the only single person I've met in maybe 3-4 years.

I'm actually so fed up tonight. It's New Years, and I'm alone. Just because of luck. There's nothing I can even do about it. I mean if I was unattractive, unintelligent, unfunny, whatever, I could change those things and improve myself. But no, I'm just being dealt a shit hand every goddamn time. Fuck.

Thanks for listening by the way guys, I really just need someone to talk to right now.
>> No. 2162
Hey man, I am willing to have a drink with you via email. I am with family relatives for new year's and it's boring as hell. Drop me an email adress. I'll respond to you when I see it. I'll be glad to talk to an unlucky bro as well.

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