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2173 No. 2173
I am not sure if I am straight or asexual.
Being with a woman is enjoyable, but I ultimately like the freedom of not maintaining a relationship or emotional ties. I also don't enjoy shallow relationships or the whole dating scene.

What is your opinion /docta/? Are my standards too high? May I just be isolating myself? Or have I just not come across a woman that I really vibe with?
>> No. 2174
>Being with a woman is enjoyable, but I ultimately like the freedom of not maintaining a relationship or emotional ties. I also don't enjoy shallow relationships or the whole dating scene.
Excuse me, but what does asexuality have to do with this?
>> No. 2176
It does sound as though you're conflating sexual identity with your relationship interests. That's about as much of an opinion as I can offer, though, with what little information you've given us.

Concerning your sexuality, you say that being with a woman is enjoyable. Well, how do you feel about the idea of being with a man? Do you ever have sexual fantasies? What are they about?

About relationships, these positions sound quite common. A lot of people like being single. I don't think it has anything to do with standards. You may come across a woman you really vibe with, and you might not. If you aren't unhappy in your current situation, let it be and don't worry too much about it.
>> No. 2187
You can be with a woman without being in a relationship?!

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>> No. 2238
Yeah... you're not asexual.

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>> No. 2256
You're sure as fuck not asexual, as that implies you have literally ZERO sex drive. To the point where you can't have sex.

What you are is just uninterested in most women. You might find one you like at some point, you might not.

I'm similar, only I'd settle for both a woman or a girly guy. I just haven't met anyone that I've been remotely interested in as of yet.
>> No. 2269
I always hear people talking about how sexuality is fluid so I don't understand why asexuality need to be an absolute.
>> No. 2270
Sexuality may be fluid, but the definition of the word "asexual" isn't. If the guy has any sex drive at the moment then he's currently not asexual, though that may indeed change over time. Commited relationships are a social convention, largely - if not completely - independant of sexual identity, so that word doesn't even figure into his issue.

With the information you've given, OP, it sounds to me like you just haven't found anyone singularly fulfilling enough for you to want an exclusive relationship yet. This is perfect normal. Just keep on keepin' on, like >>2176 said...
>If you aren't unhappy in your current situation, let it be and don't worry too much about it.

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