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I've got a bad case of lovin' you.

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2165 No. 2165
I don't really know if I have a question or a very big problem. I do need to tell someone about this situation, though.

A few years back, a coworker and I began flirting pretty heavily, eventually leading to sex and hanging out as frequently as we could with our schedules. He moved out of state for a job and we went from sexual partners to friends. A couple of months after he moved, I began dating my current bf. I've been with my bf for a little over a year now, things are good, my friendship with the other guy is good.

The thing of it is that as of last night we were flirting again and this morning we've been talking about that handful of months or so when we were more intimate and involved. He still has a crush on me and when we were together, as it was, I really wanted to pursue a relationship with him, but didn't feel ready to do so. I don't have romantic feelings for him now, I love him dearly as my friend. I do find him and his turn-ons very hot and I am seriously considering roleplaying over IM with him. I guess these are my problems with the situation:

- I love my bf but, due to different goals in life (marriage, kids) I don't see us being together forever or even more than a few more years, if that
- I'm kinky, inexperienced but kinky. My bf has been vanilla so far. While I think I can pervert him, I have pretty serious cravings for kinky sex and I haven't had those satisfied in the time we've been dating
- My friend is a virtually perfect complement to me, submissive where I am dominant, very kinky etc. I remember how much fun we used to have and we did a lot of online rping in the past as well
- My friend still has a crush on me that I can't reciprocate, nor do I want to.

I'm not sure of what to do, any advice, /docta/?
>> No. 2166
It sounds like you have already made your choice. After you dump him, he's still going to be in love with you and you will be fucking this other guy.
>> No. 2167
I agree with this person, so to frame what they said more like actual advice, maybe be clear with your current bf on the situation and your reasons for leaving him. You haven't mentioned the issue of distance that initially caused you to go separate ways so maybe factor that more seriously before making a decision, if it's still relevant.
>> No. 2168
OP here. In the last 18 to 24 hours, the friend with a crush on me has started telling me he's in love with me and it's blown up to the point where I don't feel at all comfortable pursuing even an online sexual relationship with him. I'm not looking for a romantic partner in him, all I wanted was to explore a different part of my sexuality, but...he's been coming on so strong in just this short amount of time that I don't think it's going to work.

One thing I realized was that I need to bring up the desire to explore with my bf, if it's not for him then I can go from there and discuss some options with him. I appreciate the responses, if nothing else it's been helpful to write this out and think it over.
>> No. 2172
Grrl, you difficult.

You know what the truth is,
now tell the truth.

(but first make sure you've got a bunker in case things go nuclear)
>> No. 2175
Maybe your boyfriend can warm up to the idea of kinky stuff. You just need to ask.

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