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File 136000908616.png - (70.11KB , 233x207 , MG-the-walking-dead-maggie-greene-31725360-233-207.png )
2296 No. 2296
So there is this girl that I have been seeing since last year. We got to know each other and then started hangning out. No sex, but we were making out and taking showers together. Then I find out that I was basically seeing her while her boyfriend was sort of with her, but they were breaking up.

Now, I don't know if she really wants me because she tells me that she really doesn't want to be considered as my boyfriend. I talked to her about this and she said that her last boyfriend was sort of the kind of person that she thought "owned her".

Well, I am kind of sick of being this guy in the background that comes over once and a while to fuck her, make food at her place and then leave.

I feel sort of like I am being used and once her "ex" (I am not sure if she is really over this guy) comes back from studying abroad in Europe, that I will probably be kicked to the curb.

I don't know what exactly to say or do. I get to fuck her every once and a while, but I want to have a deeper relationship with her, but she's not comfortable.

So I am wondering what I should do... I don't want to leave her because actually getting a girl to have sex with me and hang out and do all that couple stuff is a hard because I live with my parents and not on my own. In the past, girls kind of like it a lot more when you are on your own, or you don't have your parents coming down to your room. The nice thing is, she has her own place. I am able to go over there once in a while.

So yeah... what do you think I should do?
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>> No. 2297
I kind of feel like maybe I am her boyfriend, but she just likes a lot of alone time. Who knows?
>> No. 2298
>she really doesn't want to be considered as my boyfriend

Haha. But seriously...

I know it may seem tough to get the girls, living at you parents' place, but if you're crafty and you don't advertise it before you make your initial connection with a girl then it doesn't matter as much. It does make keeping a girl more difficult, but for the purposes of my advice, that won't enter into it.

Start seeing other girls and don't try very hard to hide it. Obviously, you don't want to go right up to her like, "...so I fucked this chick yesterday," though. Just let word get back to her on it's own. See how she reacts to that. If she takes it in stride then you may be correct in the assumption that you're just a fuckbuddy, and short of going full Machavellian I don't know there's much you can do to fix that (and considering the advice I'm giving you, that's saying something). If she gets all "what the fuck?!?" about it then she may like you more than she was willing to admit to herself and you'll have the chance to redefine where you stand with her. She already gave you your Get Out Of Jail Free card, so if she does get pissed about it you turn can it back around (being careful not to be a dick and overplay your hand), "I'm getting mixed signals from you on this. When you said I wasn't your boyfriend I thought that meant we weren't serious or exclusive."
>> No. 2300
>(and considering the advice I'm giving you, that's saying something)

This is, of course, in reference to the concept of Machavellianism - just so we're clear - and not some idea that my solution is some kind of unquestionable super-fix to the problem. I mean, I don't know the girl in question, so it's your judgement call on whether that sort of move would backfire or not.
>> No. 2301
File 136004672670.jpg - (404.00KB , 987x1236 , 1359994461931.jpg )
LOL what the fuck did I say?

I think I need to read what I type, before I type it.

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