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I've got a bad case of lovin' you.

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2178 No. 2178
How can I make sure not to be a cock block? Female here, I'll be visiting a straight male friend soon and I'll probably do it on my own. We used to be in a relationship, but that was long ago.

Still, I feel very often that I'm scaring away potential ons's of his at parties, etc., because we're still pretty close, have a lot of songs/drinking shit in common so well. He also doesn't really succeed with women on a romantical level which also makes me feel guilty because I had several relationships after him. So when I'm visiting him, I want to make sure I don't destroy his options in his new town. How can I show the world we're just fucking good friends by now?
>> No. 2179
Also you might have guessed that I'm not a native english speaker so please excuse my awkward grammar!
>> No. 2180
Just don't be all over him?
>> No. 2181
You're getting worried over nothing. You can't destroy his options unless you're really trying to do it. If he's interested in pursuing someone else, it's his job to make her know that he's available. He might ask you to be his wingman, and that's fine, but you don't need to take it upon yourself.

PS your grammar is fine.

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