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File 137508392212.jpg - (59.63KB , 483x362 , mapa1.jpg )
2590 No. 2590
My girlfriend cant have an orgasm, everytime she's about to reach one, it just stays there, close to having one but actually having it.

What should I do? It's quite frustrating for both of us.
>> No. 2597
The first time I gave her oral sex she had an orgasm, but after that she never really could fully get one.
>> No. 2598
Some extra info:

We've been dating for a short while now and I'm the first "serious" and sexually active relationship she's ever had.
>> No. 2610
Can't have an orgasm via what? Vaginal penetration? I don't even know if you have a dick. What were you doing exactly when you *did* make her come? It's common for girls to have difficulty reaching orgasm without stimulation of specific points, i.e. clitoris. If you can't get enough finesse to really experiment with whatever it is you're using (assuming penis), try playing around with something a little more dexterous, like fingers.
If she masturbates enough to have an acute awareness of her own physical sexuality, she should be able to help you out in relation to what should happen where. Regardless of any other factors, stress to her how important it is that she communicate with you. If not on what works and what doesn't, then just on anything she can. I can't stress that enough.

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