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File 137366033731.jpg - (48.23KB , 500x500 , Yoga-Pants-21.jpg )
2548 No. 2548
What are some good ways to reduce sex drive? I'm a 19 year old male so it's normal for me to constantly be thinking about women but it's beginning to be maddening, whenever I'm in public all I can think about is sex. Regardless of whether it's true or not I feel surrounded by beautiful women whenever there is a girl remotely close to me, and it doesn't help that revealing clothing is becoming more and more popular. I can't focus and I'm beginning to be depressed because of my lack of success despite the insane amount of hormones pumping through my blood. I have sex probably on average once every three months or so when I get lucky but it's not enough as ridiculous as that sounds

How am I supposed to focus with hordes of girls in yoga pants and sports bras roaming around everywhere, at work, in classes, during exams, at the grocery store, at the post office... I'd like to get a girlfriend so I wouldn't have to be constantly pursuing girls (which I hate doing) just so I don't feel like I'm going to constantly explode, mentally and physically. That's another issue entirely though.

Should I start masturbating constantly or something? Are there herbs or medicines I could take to make me think about sex less? Hopefully someone empathizes with what I'm talking about.
>> No. 2550
>What are some good ways to reduce sex drive?
>> No. 2553
Don't do that bro. Trust me, you don't want to have low sex-drive.
>> No. 2555
What would you do if instead of women you were constantly thinking about bananas? What if you were thinking about bananas so much that you felt like you were going insane? Sex and bananas are both parts of life but they are not everything. It's okay to find people attractive and it's a healthy thing to do; but the longing for sex is a bit like longing for a magic bullet.

Let's have some internal development.

I mean for me, who has kind of nearly always been in this position, I like to just accept that I am finding someone attractive, accept feeling horny as a passing emotion, and just enjoy the fact that I'm able to get so much pleasure from seeing a sexy lady. At least in my experience of walking around, I find a lot of pleasure, rather than complaining about it.

Regular, or more often sex would likely be helpful.

I'm not sure how helpful this is but I hope you kind of get what I mean. Accepting it and not fighting the feelings should calm it down for you.
>> No. 2556
Hahaha I feel you bro. I am the exact same way. I have a full blown sex addiction and I'm 20 yr old. I've always been really sexual and physical. Porn for 7 years every day no exceptions did not help. AND I'm a Christian so I'm sinning every time. Great, huh??

Right now, I masturbate about every two days or so... whenever it becomes unbearable or when I become super turned on by some girl I saw. I feel like I've been to a lot of places with this issue but I know a lot of people are more experienced than me. I've done over control, not masturbating for 2+ months and on certain days just being in an excruciating amount of internal conflict. I've done non control, masturbating two times a day. Three times I really can't let myself do because I would just feel like complete shit. Besides, the second one is the best and it goes downhill from there.

For me what helps reduce the sex drive is worship music.. bible...praying, etc. But what the above poster said about accepting the feelings and enjoying the positive things about them is good advice. It's kind of like how to conquer anxiety everyone eventually has to find out that they have to live through it and experience it, and eventually it will die down, if only temporarily. Same with emotional pain. Just entertain it for awhile; don't be afraid of it... it will reduce the powerful hold it has over you.
>> No. 2558
Why don't you chat up some ladies, go on some dates, and have some sex?
>> No. 2564
masturbate to porn. it won't reduce sex drive but it really helps fight the urge.
>> No. 2572
You don't need to reduce your sex drive, you need to get laid.

I recommend cougars. You're at the prime age to attract hot as hell older women, and they won't fuck around with your mind all day like girls your own age.
>> No. 2578
>>2555 has some very good advice. Focusing on one particular response or thought or feeling tends to make us see it and nothing else; just accept that there are many beautiful women in the world around you, enjoy that fact, and move on to focus on the task at hand.
>> No. 2579
Though also, when the apocalypse comes and we're all reckoning for our sins, I hope I get a credit when the guy who invented Yoga Pants is identified. It's his fault I'm sinful in thought.
>> No. 2630
Prostitutes. They'll normalise your thoughts. Especially if you get a couple of crappy ones. Then you'll level out to a regular sort of sex drive rather than a manic obsession, you'll realise that there's Bad Sex and quite honestly you'll probably be more successful at getting actual sex once you've gotten some perspective.

Amen. So popular. So delicious!
>> No. 2640
I am >>2556 until I learned how to cope with it. I used to come home from school and jerk it for an hour before my parents came home. Everyday. Even to this day I stare at tits and asses wondering what they'd look like with me boning them. Just a dude thing I think.

Then one day I discovered how to fix it. I started talking to the girls. Anyone that actually looked interested I played my game.

Now instead of relying on my hand to blow my loads I can either text them or just take them on a quick date.

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