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2565 No. 2565
I'm a little conflicted right now. It's been a long time since I've been in a relationship and I've been trying really hard to get one. And it's working out. I got this girls number at a bar about a week ago and made out with her a bit. I want to set up a date, but that isn't possible until next week. So I'm texting her every now and then right now. She's cool, I get along with her. But there's this other girl.

This other girl works across the street from me. I would absolutely love to ask her out on a date but she's always with this guy. I think it's her boyfriend but I'm not sure. He's always with her but he doesn't talk a lot to her. Just follows around and hugs her once in a while. It's weird. I don't know if he's super friendzoned or in a relationship with her.

Anyway I would rather start dating the latter lady, but I don't know if she's in a relationship or not. Just asking her would be strange, and since we're both regulars at each other's shops I don't want to create any awkward tension.

If you guys could help me through this it'd be much appreciated.
>> No. 2571
Just focus on what you're already doing. You're going to feel regrets no matter what you do, so play the numbers. The girl at the bar is a sure thing.
>> No. 2589
Alright. Sorry for taking so long to reply. A little update: The girl who works across the street is taken. So I've moved on from her and I went on a date with the girl from the bar. She was awesome. I actually had a really great time with her. We talked for about three hours then kissed before she had to go meet a friend.

I thought she was into me but now I'm not sure. We've been texting quite a bit since the first date and having some pretty good conversations. But I'm always the one who has to initiate the conversation. She'll never text me first but when I get her talking she seems interested. I've also tried to ask her to come out but the last three times I've asked she's shot me down saying she has school work or wants to hang with her friends.

Should I give up on her since I've tried getting her out on three different occasions or should I be persistent?
>> No. 2591
No, that all sounds totally normal. School work might not be a secret code, it might actually be school work. And as for initiating the conversation, she may just be more shy than you.

It's only been a week, don't give up so easily.
>> No. 2592
True. I'm worried about asking her out too often though.
>> No. 2593
So ask her when she's free. Give her a window, suggest that you go out this weekend, and leave the exact time open so she can suggest a time. If she still can't or won't, that might be a problem. But ask her and see.
>> No. 2601
So I gave her the window and she said shed have to check to see if she was busy, but maybe. But she has yet to text me yes or no so I'm just going to assume she's not interested and too shy too tell me. Unfortunate, but that's how it goes.
>> No. 2608
My general rule of thumb is if a certain time doesn't work and she doesn't suggest an alternate plan ("Thursday doesn't work for me, but how about Sunday?") then it's probably a passive way of telling you she's not interested. Obviously that's not always the case, and it never hurts to shoot her a text and try once or twice more, but generally if she just keeps pulling the "I've got work/school/friends" card, it's usually effectively a rejection.

That's OK, like you said, that's how it goes sometimes. You seem like you have decent social skills, so keep doing what you're doing, be proactive, be positive, and focus on having fun meeting new people.

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