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I've got a bad case of lovin' you.

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2566 No. 2566
So, kinda odd situation, or maybe not. A very dear friend of mine is going through a pretty tough time (she just split with her boyfriend). She's been hurt pretty badly in the past and this was just as bad. She's shutting herself from the world right now, and cutting ties with people. This is an issue because we normally would talk just about everyday. For the record yes I have feelings for her, but I've mostly accepted the fact that nothing would happen there. Now I'm trying to give her the space she needs, but I'm also trying to keep in touch with her even if she doesn't respond back. I've gotten some other advice to that effect, even if it's every couple of days or so. My question to ya'll is do you have any advice on how I can just let her know I'm still there for her with out forcing her to be social again. I know just sending her an email or text can always help but, it's more the wording that I need help with (not too social myself, unless super drunk).
>> No. 2582
"Hey, I know life sucks for you right now and you might not feel like talking, but if you do I'm here."

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