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File 13580080161.jpg - (17.47KB , 174x185 , ByronBitches.jpg )
2189 No. 2189
So I'm a 26 y/o dude. I'm currently boning a 21 y/o girl. It's just a fuckbuddy thing, really: we drink some drank and smoke some weed, we fuck, we play video games/watch anime, fuck some more, and part ways.

My best chick friend, however, says I'm being immature and that boning a girl this much younger than me is "totally gross". She says having sex with anyone less than 2 years younger than you is borderline perverted, and that I need to cut it out now.

Now, I understand that there are power dynamics that one always has to take into account (I don't wanna be "that guy", you know?), but we're just fucking. I dunno, is my friend right, am I getting to old for this? My fuckbuddy doesn't give a shit, she just likes my cock, and my conscience doesn't feel bad about it, but if I'm doing something wrong I need to know.
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>> No. 2191
Your friend is a controlling cunt. That bitch is 21, fuck away.
>> No. 2192
you're not doing anything wrong. You're both grown ups and she should be able to handle it. If she's not, it's not your fault.
>> No. 2194
Providing that you're both consenting, there is quite clearly nothing wrong with the 26/21 age thing. This doesn't tell you that you are doing something wrong, it tells you that your friend is living by some strange rules. Her problem, not yours.

I wonder what happens if she falls in love with someone two years and one day older than her.
>> No. 2195
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The math checks out in your favour, so you're not being creepy. And by 21, she's old enough to be a fully responsible adult, so don't worry about the power dynamics.
>> No. 2196
Oh my God we're both in every respect of legal age and you're barely five years younger than me I'M SUCH A MONSTER
>> No. 2355
OP here, with an update:
>I wonder what happens if she falls in love with someone two years and one day older than her.

Now she's dating someone who's 7 years older than her. Still, homehow, what I did was disgusting because I obviously chose the women in that age group because they are emotionally vulnerable.
>> No. 2356
are they? I doubt it.. usually, I'd assume that women of your age are actually more vulnerable since if they want to have babies (and society tells them they should) they really need to find a father for that potential baby sooonish..

You don't have that with 21 y/o. When I was that age, I just wanted to have sex, to be honest.
>> No. 2359
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She says her situation is different because she's more mature than a 21 y/o, and the only reason a guy my age would fuck around with a girl in the 18-22 range would be to emotionally and psychologically dominate them, whether I'm doing it consciously or not. Also, I'm just frolicking around, whereas she and her new guy are in a committed relationship.

Is it time to stop beating myself up, or do you think she may have a valid point? Because she's pretty vehement about this, and while I'm not butthurt, I'm just like "Really, dude, really?"

pic related, my face.
>> No. 2361
There is really no reason to feel bad. Assuming your fuckbuddy isn't mentally retarded or otherwise incapable of consent, there's nothing wrong. You aren't leading her on, you aren't hurting her, you aren't holding her back or hurting her development etc (vice versa on all of this but she seems focused on the idea that you're damaging this lady). I really don't get your friends objections, she really should calm her tits. I mean, unless she know you're some sort of monster and get women to love you then dump them for shits and giggles. I somehow doubt it though.
>> No. 2362
She's a bitch; ignore.
>> No. 2374
I am a 23 year old boning a 19 year old. Nothing is wrong with it. Although, I can't fucking stand Fall Out Boy and she likes it and it sounds god awful. If things get more serious then I am gonna tell her that I really don't like that band.

Other than that the pussy is tight.
>> No. 2375
It might be weird if you were boning an 18 year old, but in modern society once you hit 21, the age range widens up a bit.
>> No. 2378
>It's just a fuckbuddy thing, really: we drink some drank and smoke some weed, we fuck, we play video games/watch anime, fuck some more, and part ways
sounds like any normal couple at their start
>My best chick friend, however, says I'm being immature and that boning a girl this much younger than me is "totally gross".
bullshit, i have about the same age difference with my gf as you do
>She says having sex with anyone less than 2 years younger than you is borderline perverted
sounds like an opinion, and we all know what opinions are!
just do what you want, worst case scenario you do something dumb and learn from it, good luck!
>> No. 2382
There is nothing wrong with being 26 and seeing a 21 year old. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with your friend.
>> No. 2386
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I had this same conversation with someone I'm going out with, I mentioned that my dad is 20 years older than my mom and they love each other a lot, so she then forgot about the whole thing. Off topic, I read somewhere that men who marry younger women live longer.
>> No. 2388
This, just listen, OP
>> No. 2402
nothing wrong with sleeping with someone older or younger than yourself.
I'm 27, I sleep with a 19yr old on the semi regular,and a 33 year old also. Ain't no thing.
>> No. 2403
Younger people =/= emotionally vulnerable. Yeah a lot of them are, and a lot of them aren't.

It's a stupid double conscious- you don't have to answer to intransigent people.

I can't find the quote but it basically says that the most sinister thing ever is people that are convinced beyond reason about their beliefs.

Actually, come to think of it, she's actually undermining you quite a lot here, because she doesn't seem to care about the situation and your perspective- she just wants to say what you're doing is wrong.

And she's being very stupid, perhaps sexist, in assuming that the girl is unable to make up her own mind about what she wants to do.

>> No. 2420
Age difference becomes less of an issue, aside from the extremes of course, as you age. But 21/26 is within the realm of being questionable. But if it's just a "fuckbuddy" situation, you'll be viewed as a bit of an immature jerk by some people, but that's a lot better than attempting to have a real relationship with someone that young.

When I was 26, I attempted to date a 22-year-old and, in retrospect, it was impossible. 22-year-olds have no idea what they want in life and even at 26 I barely did, but that's still a vulnerable time, early 20s, in many people's lives. I'm 30 now and I couldn't date anyone under 25 or 26 and honestly wouldn't consider even fucking someone under that age anymore.
>> No. 2436
You had one bad experience with a four year age difference, so that means it's "questionable?"

Okey dokey.
>> No. 2450
File 136846351714.gif - (188.12KB , 311x237 , FUCK YOUR THEORY.gif )
OP here with an update:

-Fuckbuddy and I are no longer fucking. She has a boyfriend who is a long time friend. We're still homies; shit, her new guy is a totally solid bro too.

-I realize I could probably never date anyone under 21, but this episode of boning one was pretty aight I guess. "Frolicking" is a good bit different from dating.

-Talking a bit less to my friend and minimizing telling her everything and anything about what's going on in my life has really helped me. Keeping discussion about my love life and sex life with her to a minimum is a good idea. It gives her less of an opening to snidely taunt me and attempt to tell me what to do with my life.

My friend can turn her nose up at me all she wants, by my (ex-)fuckbuddy is with me on saying I need to get my motherfuckin' hustle.
>> No. 2451
I think if you're old enough to drink, age begins to make less and less of a difference. You have a 5 year difference which is a lot difference than 10, 15 or 20+ years difference. I don't think your friend is in the right here - it's different if it's a romantic relationship. Then the girl you're fucking would be in a different phase of life: coming into adulthood, whether that means going to school, working or just living on her own and taking on responsibility. But if you two aren't expecting to be supported emotionally or romantically by one another, keep fucking.

It sounds like you and this girl have set your expectations in a manner where you're both happy with the situation and no one is going to get hurt over a misunderstanding. Your friend may not be the type of person that would do something like this herself and so feels uncomfortable seeing you do it.
>> No. 2484
Half your age plus 7.

Fuck whomever you want- provided they are ok with it. It's not gross. She's 21 not 17
>> No. 2527
dude, my mom started going out with my dad when she was 22. he was 37. plus theres the half plus 7 rule. im 25, and i've boned all age ranges from 18 to 45 (the mother of someone i went to school with, and used to have a crush on) there was no problem,and there might even have been potential for something serious. you're friend has no grounds to call you on that one, esp. not as she is getting boned with a 7 year gap
>> No. 2543
Your friend just want you.

Also, I don't care about the rules. >>2195 Because the rule is based upon simplistic mathematics and magical thinking (pretty much the same things). Splitting something in two is simple math. And the number seven is that magical number that's magical because people say it is. It would be much more interesting if there was proof that it's not 0.5X+7, but 0.55X+8.

But that would take empirical data and so on.

However, a family tradition of mine is that men have younger viwes. My mother's father was 20 years older than my mother's mother. And my mother's sister married a man 25 years older. So I prefer to follow my family tradition rather than the say-so of yellow relationship journalism.
>> No. 2561
Men mature slower than woman. At 28 I'm about as mature as a 22 year old woman. It's about mental age, not physical age (within legal limits, obviously - if you're 20 and dating 16 year old then you have a problem).

All the women who bitch about this are being sexist. It's only creepy when a man dates a younger woman. Reverse the genders and they're cool with it.
>> No. 2568
Your friend is an idiot. You arent even dating the 21 year old. When you were 20, she was 15...big deal
>> No. 2632
The majority are speaking the truth, today. Ffs. I'm fucking a chick 12 years my junior. It's recommended (well.. not for you, but after a certain threshold). Ignore your friend, or poke her. Or the latter, then the former. This is very clear cut.

Don't believe the hype. Honestly. Shame on you.

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