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2526 No. 2526
ok, soi had a crush in high school (we shall call her lyndsey), never got anywhere with her, left highschool (7 years ago), got laid, forgot about her, never really spoken to her since about a year before i left. now, i went to the supermarket and saw her. not such that i could speak, i was preoccupied with the till girl, and even if i could, i wouldn't class her as a friend anymore. since i saw her though, she has not left my mind. does some one know what could have caused me to fall in love with her again? is it my mind expressing a desire to succeed where i have failed before? or is it something worse?

while i'm here there is another problem, completely unrelated. i can't finish during sex. that is, i end up being too physically knackered before spilling my hot load in to the moist vagina. is this normal?
>> No. 2528
>is it my mind expressing a desire to succeed where i have failed before?

Possibly. I think your mind just brought up old feelings about her after seeing her again.

> i can't finish during sex.

With or without protection?

I had the same problem but my problem was that I could cum fine with a condom but not without. I think it was because I always worried about making babies.

Most of my social circle knows a lot of people with a kid or more. So I'm sure that put a huge worry in my mind during sex.

The best thing to do is try to find the reason why you can't cum. Is it stimulation problems? Something on your mind during sex? etc etc
>> No. 2529
OP here. it is both with and without protection

so, as far as the girl goes, i don't have her on facebook, can't find her, but is it a bad idea to see if anything would happen, should i see her again? as in would it serve any purpose to drag up those feelings again? would it bring some kind of closure, succeed or fail?
>> No. 2530
Try not to masturbate for a while and then have sex. See if that helps, other than that I'm out of ideas.

It might not be worth it bringing up old feelings for a girl that you haven't seen in a long time. Especially when you have no idea what she's been doing. She could be boo'd up or some shit.

It's a huge risk/reward thing that I personally think would not be worth it.
>> No. 2531
You need to relax more. I'm guessing what happens is you get too wrapped up in trying to please your partner that you completely disregard yourself. I suggest some relaxing activity before sex. Whatever you can do that will get you very calm (probably best without drugs) would be good. And just make sure you're comfortable with your partner. That's important. I've been unable to maintain an erection because I was so nervous with the person I was with. And come to think of it, I've also been unable to cum due to nerves.

So yeah, just get comfortable with people and just relax.

On the other issue, I am not confident. It seems like you got your shit together in your life. You can't find her how are you going to confront her? You can't just sit at the grocery store waiting for her. Dorian_Gray is right, it just brought up old feelings. There doesn't seem like there's anything positive to be had from a conversation with this girl. I would just say to try to forget about her. In time it will pass like it did before.
>> No. 2532
If your mind is going so crazy about her, go talk to her! As long as you can do it in a not-too-creepy way. Maybe there will be something there.
>> No. 2533
>As long as you can do it in a not-too-creepy way.
Easy as pie: "Hey, Lyndsey, right? It's [OP], we went to school together. How are you?"

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