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I've got a bad case of lovin' you.

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File 137489276982.jpg - (44.41KB , 511x700 , 81a47311885d483832d4fb5be9747eca4cc206bc.jpg )
2576 No. 2576
Yesterday I had sex with my girlfriend for the first time in our relationship, and it was her first ever having sex. We didnt do it before (we've been together for 2 months now) because she's extremely scared of getting pregnant.
I told her that condoms worked just fine, and if she wants pills, then hell, that's fine too, and sometimes she kinda agreed and some other times she just got more nervous.

Thing is yesterday she told me she wanted to do it, she was unsure at first, so I told her she had nothing to worry bout. She agreed and then we fucked. Its was all going pretty smooth (This is was my first time with a virgin so I was kinda worried too), and then she said stop and I stopped.
I didn't mind that, I mean, I didn't expect great sex on her first time, so it was cool for me.

The thing that I'm here for, is that later she felt really bad about it. She said she felt almost like a slut.
I tried telling her that she's wrong, there's nothing slutty in having sex with your boyfriend, and that she's just being too hard on herself.

But she's still feels bad, and I'm actually stumped. I don't know what to do, I tried talking to her about it, but she's not changing her mind. She's been wonderful to me and this is probably the most healthy relationship I've had in my life, so I really don't wanna mess things up.

So, /docta/, should I just give her some time, or what?

Some extra info: I was kinda "rough" during sex, probably I should have done more slow and tenderly. She seemed to enjoyed though. If that's an issue then I'm a dick.

btw sorry if my english is bad, not a native speaker.
>> No. 2577
It's not particularly unusual for someone who's been unsure of whether or not they want to have sex to regret the decision, one way or the other. (Virgins or otherwise.)

Has she explained further to you about why she feels bad than that she feels almost like a slut? Does her family have (to your knowledge) a bad view of sex? Have you got any idea where this is coming from?
>> No. 2583
Why yes, I went over her place with a pinhole camera I made for her and we talked te subject.

She felt she rushed the decision, she wanted it to be more "special", I'm sure you know what I mean.

But now the problem is over, we talked a lot and she shared her fears and now it's all ok.
She's not willing to have sex again anytime soon, but I can understand that.

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