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2470 No. 2470
I'm a self-loathing, low-self-esteemed, 1.5 years to wizard level, anon. I think this may be caused by sexual frustration. In the past few weeks I've decided to lose my virginity to a prostitute. Will finally getting this over with cease my unhealthy obsession?
>> No. 2471
Not knowing you, I can't really answer. I suspect not. Low self-esteem usually isn't cured by having sex.
However, I'd be interested in reading your thoughts on the experience if you do end up going through it.
>> No. 2473
Well... if I've done it, then there's nothing left to obsess over, plus I won't feel like I'm missing out on something.
>> No. 2475
Hmmm... I will. Is there anyone here who lost his virginity to a prostitute?
>> No. 2476

>Well... if I've done it, then there's nothing left to obsess over, plus I won't feel like I'm missing out on something.

Of course there is. You still wouldn't have slept with a woman without paying her, and you'd still have all the same insecurities about being hopeless and lonely forever.
>> No. 2477

This is true, but it doesn't necessarily make the experience completely pointless. I say go for it if you can actually afford it, OP.
>> No. 2478
Only advice I'd give is to attempt to think less about sex and more about making yourself a better person. If you aren't getting laid (or prospects of getting laid) then you are doing something wrong. Women generally don't walk up to you and jump in your lap and demand that you ejaculate into their moist hole. You have to actively put effort into seeking sex. If you don't want to do that, then come to terms with it and do something else with your time.

If you really, really want to get it out of the way, then by all means go fuck a prostitute. Just be prepared to deal with possible legal issues, STD's, a gross body, or a morally degrading experience. Plus, >>2476 has a decent point.

Try working on your physical appearance for a while. Tell yourself that you aren't going to get laid anytime soon (this doesn't mean you are right, but it will keep your mind off of it) and then work on making yourself worthy of being pursued by various women (or incited to pursue by various women). Dress nicer, groom yourself, workout, maybe change your haircut a bit, and try being more honest with yourself about your personality.

You're going to have to push yourself OP if you wanna get laid. If you don't feel like doing that, you can just do what I mentioned above which is generally more so just taking care of yourself.

For me personally, I felt pretty similar to how you are describing yourself not over two years ago. I did what I mentioned and eventually an old friend came back into my life and admitted how attracted she was to me. Long story short, I got laid, the experience was so-so, but it 'got it out of the way' as you put it. Try not to think about it too much. I hope things get better regardless. Maybe treat yourself to a good 6 pack (unless that fucks you over) so that you can at least unwind a bit. Do you do anything to relieve stress op? If so, do it.

>> No. 2479
Well... that was one of the weirdest nights ever. I went with a girl, looked great too, nothing happened. I was so confused I hired a boy. Got a blowjob and came. Long story short: I spent 200$ to find out I'm gay ;_;
>> No. 2480
That sounds to me like $200 well spent.
>> No. 2481
I think it just made things worse. I have to change my whole lifestyle and I don't know how to break this news to my family. What a dilemma.
>> No. 2482
I was serious when I said that sounded like $200 well spent; if you had, for example, gone to therapy, you probably would have paid ten times as much for the same discovery.

This certainly is going to be a transition for you, and it'll probably be difficult. I would see if there's some kind of a support group near where you are to help you through. If you live in a sizable city, you almost certainly do. I'm not sure why you would have to change your lifestyle, though.

No matter what you do, I wish you strength, dude.
>> No. 2483

>I have to change my whole lifestyle

Who told you that? I mean sure, you have to wear the official gay pants and grow an ugly moustache, but other than that what's the big deal?
>> No. 2492
Are you sure that means you're gay? o_o
>> No. 2504
it doesn't
>> No. 2541
And don't forget your home. There's temporary untidiness, such as hair in the bathroom sink or dust bunnies in the corners. Then there's systematic untidiness, such as bad heating or a sub-standard bathroom. Of course that's no excuse for not cleaning. But on the other hand, it's a perfect good excuse for not cleaning - because your home can only be so good.
>> No. 2557
What the fuck are you talking about? A dude sucked your dick so now you're gay? It's not a disease, you know. If you truly mean you just realised you're gay, then just calm the fuck down and live your life. Changing lifestyles? Really? Have you ever considered that maybe whatever it is that you prefer to fuck doesn't dictate what kind of person you should be or how you should act?

I mean fuck, you don't decide to do a life-changing 180º turn when you realise you prefer sweets to salty food. Fuck.
>> No. 2635
Sure, it was dismal and gave me some perspective. Was much more relaxed after. Levelled me out to the regular and don't worry about >>2479 you silly bastard - I didn't come in the chick but the blowjob did the business. Blowies from a professional are OUTSTANDING. They know what they doing. Set up us the bomb for sure.

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