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648 No. 648 hide quickreply [Reply]
Short story:

I installed Yosemite on a machine with 16GB of RAM. Without any programs open and disk cache purged Yosemite uses about 4-5 GB of RAM just for ordinary system processes. If I launch any program, let's say iTunes, it adds about 2GB of used RAM.

Then I installed Windows 8.1 on the same machine. Without any launched programs Windows 8.1 always uses about 2GB.
I launch Chromium and test with iTunes too. Windows uses a bit under 3GBs of RAM.

Holly shit, OS X sucks at RAM management. I open more programs in Windows 8.1 and I use less RAM for the same productivity

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33 No. 33 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
So I fucked my sister last night..
2 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 74
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>> No. 77
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Here's my desktop. Mac OS 10.6.8 on a Dell Optiplex GX520 that I happened across one night (don't do much gaming, so I don't really need a powerhouse).

3.0 Ghz Pentium 4 HT (Prescott), 1 GB RAM, and 2 TB Harddrive.

Nowhere near the best machine, but it works as a machine to stream my media, and play the few games I wish to.

Also: Sorry for Ponies, curiosity got the better of me, and it turns out I actually enjoy the show; but I wouldn't go as far as to call myself a Brony......yet

>> No. 111
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checking out emacs, messing around with keybinds and emacs lisp, liking it quite a bit more than vim. far less difficult than i had anticipated, thanks to emacswiki.org.
>> No. 112
sieg heil gay niggers!
>> No. 731

But where are the bubbles?

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371 No. 371 hide quickreply [Reply]
It seems to me way too many entries on job boards pretend to demand a Comp. Sci. degree. Is it really what they need or just some way to filter out the lazy and the stupid?
Is it possible to find any decent job as a programmer in UK or in the States without formal education, provided one has experience, skills and aptitude. Same question, but if one is a foreigner.

I bet there are some successful immigrants out there, do share your stories.
>> No. 372
Well, if you don't have the qualifications then you'll have to prove your skills somehow. Having a portfolio will help a lot here.

Otherwise it's just about who you know, because if you don't have qualifications you won't get looked at for most jobs around here (UK).
>> No. 373
I'm not OP but also interested in knowing about this,
Does a portfolio have to be proved to be one's own work, or can I just say:

"Yes, I contribute to the Xfce internationalisation efforts, and have provided a few other patches for them too. Besides, here's some stuff I have done in my own time: an emulator written in assembler, plus some machine translation program I wrote and toyed around with"
>> No. 374
It's entirely up to you, really. Having proof of your skills is obviously a boon.

You might get called out if you brag about things though.

What I meant by a portfolio was in essence a CV. One not stuffed with all that volunteer work you did at Wal-mart stacking shelves to get "experience of the workplace". Write about what you can do and prove it with examples of what you have done.
>> No. 379
Degree is less important than being able to demonstrate skills and ability. But I'll add some concreteness:

When I evaluate a list of job applicants (Friday mornings), I separate them into those with an obvious GitHub account and those without. Then I go through those without and try to find a GitHub account for them; those that I find go into the first pile. Those without a GitHub account get a rejection email.

Harsh, but I have too many resumes to sort through.

Since you're trying to get a job, I'll tell you some more about my process from here:

I read through the resumes at this point, specifically the work experience, projects, and skills. Misspellings: rejected. Typos: rejected. I love devs who have started companies, run side projects or open source projects, contributed to open source, organized events, built community, given talks.

Those who stand out in that regard get a 30-minute video interview. The rest get a rejection email.

You also ask about immigration:

I'm a recent immigrant to a Nordic country. It's a tedious pain in the ass, and the xenophobia here means that even when I master the language my accent will keep potential business away. However, setting up a company is totally possible, and hiring more devs is also reasonable, even immigrants.
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>> No. 381

Ok, you have convinced me to finally download Github.

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514 No. 514 hide quickreply [Reply]
I bought an arduino kit and immediately realized that I still fucking suck at programming.

Why won't you compile, you cunt?! Just make the light blink for fucks sake!

I also realized I've no idea what I'm going to use it for.

I was thinking, some sort of programmable dildobot, like a big floppy dong that I can set loose in public that will sense movement and chase after people.

I need ideas. They don't need to be practical.
>> No. 523
You could automate light, heat, water, and fertilizer for your tomato plants.

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208 No. 208 hide quickreply [Reply]
1. Go to this link using Lynx, or even just using a normal browser with Javascript turned off:
2. lol at how inept the greatest government on Earth is at implementing its own stupid accessibility standard.
3. Marvel at how few web "developers" understand how to get by without gratuitous use of JavaScript and Flash.
4. Facepalm at the future.

(Lynx and similar text browsers are the way lots of blind people browse the web, so using it yourself to poke around a bit quickly brings home how far we've gone from http being about linked documents to it being a backhacked mass of kludged psuedo interactivity. Whoops! As a side note, Lynx also happens to be highly scriptable and can dump text to pipes in a shell environment...)
>> No. 211
I must admit, I hardly ever use text-based browsers other than the time that I spend figuring out what to use as arguments for grep in some CLI tool I'm making. I prefer lynx for that than view-source: in Firefox.

I'm guessing that they're wondering why should they really bother making their website backwards-compatible - I'm sure the number of blind people that use the net is rather small.
>> No. 214
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good to know there are still hard men that "surf" the internet text based.

>> No. 224
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Hello, OP here again.

>>214 I suppose I don't surf the web that much text based for leisure (I mean, pr0nz are a lot harder to appreciate that way) but having grown up on waffle, xmail, gopher clients, etc. makes it still feel natural, and its cake to script Lynx to retrieve documents for you and check on things and... its always available from the command line over ssh when you're fixing a system remotely.

Wait. I said a key word. "Document". Holy crap. That's what http was originally designed to serve, documents. Not "pages" embedded with code so they change every time you look at them, and worse, bits of code scattered about so they don't describe a document at all any longer but rather a poor simulation of interactivity interfaces requiring a host of incompatible and mega-corp battled-over plugins and script languages all designed expressly to bundle your digital existence up as a marketable product sellable by someone other than you yourself.

And now I'm ranting...

From time to time you'll see web developers rant and rave about how important "standards" are for the future archival integrity of this generation's information and how this the is the first chance we have had as a species to preserve our data in this way in living replicating bits on an energized medium, etc.

And then they go off like the uncomprehending fags they are and make everything cease to be documents and the document payload they claim is so important impossible to reconstruct by forcing all former documents to be dynamic windows of digital scatter which display only a certain arbitrary state at a given instant instead of the actual "content" that underlies their great concern for humanity. And so defeat their own argument. This means the "web" as a digital archive is long dead, and instead database dumps and hopefully some impression of whatever application logic was required to weave that data into meaningful presentation as (now ephemeral) documents will be preserved for someone to reconstruct later to understand what we were thinking in this age.

Blah blah... a little off topic, but cuts to the heart of the whole "why text matters" argument and the difference between applications, pretending the web is a (shitty) platform for applications deployment and how separated all that is from actual linked-document provision that underlies the original design of the web.

>>211 Anyway, "not many blind people" isn't a good enough excuse for a government to commit to practices which render completely opaque its public data from a legitimate segment of its own public when the solution is completely, entirely and unforgivably preventable.
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>> No. 266
I don't like change or evolution.
>> No. 267
Change isn't always for the best. Take the use of animated GIFs everywhere in the past - you'll hardly find anyone wanting them back (because animated fires and skulls are only cool for 3s, after that they distract from the text). Contrast that with useless JavaScript and Flash, which only purpose seems to be making the web more difficult to use - finding someone who objects to that, not surprisingly, isn't all that difficult.

That isn't to say JavaScript or Flash can't be used well. gmail makes good use of JavaScript (and it's the only website that I use where I really think JS is useful, but for everything else I have my trusty NoScript), and Flash is adequate for games. The problem is when people abuse the tech, and web devs can't get their dirty fingers on anything without abusing it apparently.

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354 No. 354 hide quickreply [Reply]
Sup motherfuckers, what are your opinions on html5?

I always see articles saying that html5 will eventually replace flash, and the argument seems reasonable.

So I just searched around and found this sweet link:


I was thinking FUCK YES, I don't have to have that shitty FlashPlayerPlugin_11_4_402_287.exe take up 70,000k of memory!

I have 4GB of RAM, but still, I truly enjoy keeping my process list short.
>> No. 355
Positive: can get rid of Flash
Negative: I'll need a new browser plugin similar to NoScript but for HTML5 ; last time I checked it was way too CPU-hungry, even for simple games (although it's possible the games were made by complete idiots)
>> No. 356
HTML5 done right can be awesome, Youtubes' move to HTML5 video playback is a good example. I get much less resource usage then Flash on both Linux and Windows.

I can see your point about the plugins issue though >>355 -- why not suggest it to the NoScript devs?

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461 No. 461 hide quickreply [Reply]
Hello /india/, first time caller here. I have an Asus N55SF with Windows 7, purchased March 2012. I'm having a variety of problems with it, hopefully you can point me in the right direction.

The first problem, which I suspect is a hardware issue, started almost immediately after I bought the laptop. The battery would not charge when I had it plugged in. I even tried a different battery to no avail. So I guess this is a hardware defect and not something you can really help me with. The warranty expires after 2 years, so it's kinda now or never if I want to send it back to get it fixed. I bought it off Amazon, though, and I'm not looking forward to getting the run-around from both Asus and Amazon when it comes to trying to get someone to do something about this.

Second issue I've been having started more recently, in the last month or so. My computer started being really slow and shitty, and I have since reformatted the hard drive on my laptop and reinstalled the OS. This has solved nothing. It takes upwards of 30 seconds to load the Control Panel or My Computer. Opening Chrome takes a similarly large amount of time. Frequently software simply refuses to run or runs much more poorly than it reasonably should, considering the age of my machine and the requirements of the software.

My knowledge of computers is fairly limited, which is why I'm here asking you guys for advice. My gut tells me I bought a lemon and that I should get it sent away ASAP. It's just that this is my only computer, and I really don't wanna be without one, what an inconvenience that would be. Any advice, technical or otherwise, would be greatly appreciated. Pic related, the only pictures on this computer right now are the sample pics included with Windows 7 lol.
>> No. 497
Have you tried running CCleaner and Bleachbit to clean out the junk files from your computer? I'd also suggest that you stop using Chrome. It's not only a resource hog but it's a spyware browser. Use Firefox instead. If cleaning junk files out doesn't work, you might have a faulty motherboard and/or processor.
>> No. 498
If it is a hardware issue on a laptop, you probably don't want to try fixing it yourself. Laptops are designed to pack hardware into a small space, not be easy to dig around in.

Take it to a (non-chain) tech shop in your area if you can. They should be able to actually figure out what's wrong with it.

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451 No. 451 hide quickreply [Reply]
Most esteemed /India/,

For some unknown reason whenever I try to plug in my external hard drive my computer will only recognize it if I plug it in to one specific usb port. If I try to plug it in to literally any other port on the computer or a usb hub attached to said computer it just calls it an "unknown device" and refuses to even make the smallest effort to recognize it or work with it to any extent despite being able to work with it just fine moments ago with nothing else having changed but the usb port used. I'm using Windows 7 home premium by the way.
>> No. 452
Is there anything special about that port, like maybe it is a lone USB 3.0 port with extra power? It shouldn't make a difference but it turns out it does in some weird cases (I've had the same issue come up while installing Windows from USB).
>> No. 453

No, it's not that. All the ports are normal ones with the same amount of power. I suspect it's something like windows 7 trying to install the driver for it again separately and specifically for use with the other usb ports for some stupid ass reason and then can't find the driver again and throws it's arms up in the air shouting "fuck it!" even though it's still the same device that it still has the driver for, but not a copy of the driver for use with other usb ports because the people who decided how windows 7 would use drivers were asshats.

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433 No. 433 hide quickreply [Reply]
you are being used /nerds/
>> No. 434

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395 No. 395 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I would like to create a wrapper or something that covers the user experience on a windows 7 machine, and only goes away after a certain textual input has been given.

I would like to link this textual input to a writing program I use.

What language would be appropriate to do this?
How does one make the screen lockout?
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>> No. 399
It is possible to create a giant window the size of the desktop with the title bar sheared off using the Win32 API. However, disabling the ALT-ENTER, CTRL-ESC etc. hotkeys would require you to intercept the keyboard messages, which is not that easy.

Also, OP, what programming language are going to attempt this with? C++, C# or something else?
>> No. 403
Just play a Valve game, they're almost impossible to get out of without quitting/crashing/etc.

>> No. 425
Inb4 OP releases his stealth.exe
>> No. 426
AutoIT is perfect for this purpose. I'm sure there are already screen lockers written and usable for you.
>> No. 427

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114 No. 114 hide expand quickreply [Reply]

Stallman on GNU/LAS
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>> No. 343
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Stallman never said selling software is unethical. He even used to sell copies of emacs in tapes (including the source code, of course), in the old days. The "free" in "Free Software" is as in "free speech", not as in "free beer". He's against unfree code probably because of this:
>In 1980, Stallman and some other hackers at the AI Lab were refused access to the source code for the software of a newly installed laser printer, the Xerox 9700. Stallman had modified the software for the Lab's previous laser printer (the XGP, Xerographic Printer), so it electronically messaged a user when the person's job was printed, and would message all logged-in users waiting for print jobs if the printer was jammed. Not being able to add these features to the new printer was a major inconvenience, as the printer was on a different floor from most of the users. This experience convinced Stallman of people's need to be free to modify the software they use. [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stallman#Decline_of_MIT_hacker_culture ]

With commercial software you (usually) do not have the freedom to modify the code, so it should be obvious that's a restriction in freedom even if you think it's fair.
>> No. 352
The people who run this show are very ignorant, and demonstrate poor logical thinking skills.

Every time the guy with glasses tries to make a point, it's either incoherent or has a large flaw. The whole show was pretty much Stallman demolishing all of his crappy rebuttals.

I feel sorry for Stallman though, it must take a lot of effort to tolerate this moron.
>> No. 407

Obviously you don't know his views.


That picture is from when Torvalds flipped N-vida. That quote is from him directly, even?
>> No. 408
This was the first time i watched this show and i first i love the energy of the host with the glasses, but man, he is dense as a rock. He makes the open source advocates look so dumb. What takes so long to figure out about the differences on free and open? Both perspectives are important and instead of discussing anything remotely interesting about'em he got carried away for personal reasons. What a waste of time.
>> No. 412
yes, that is the exact quote form your Lord and Savior Linus

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409 No. 409 hide quickreply [Reply]
Dear /nerd/!

Does anyone please know of some simple COBOL and SQL compilers? I'm going to install them on a laptop running on XP. I'd prefer to have the install packages on an usb and install in offline mode.
>> No. 411
for cobol:

as for SQL:
SQL isn't a compiled language,
it's a language that performs operations on a database.
you'll have to have a database running in order to work with it.
MySQL is a popular database management system that you could use.
SQLite is another option.

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383 No. 383 hide quickreply [Reply]
I don't know if this is an actual design pattern, but essentially while working on some web software (initially it was a forum), I realized the amount of features I wanted to add and how most would differ, and how these differences would eventually instantiate different versions/entirely new apps. This led to me realizing that it would be much better to aggregate and abstract these features, so e.g. I would have 'save' as an abstraction, which would be differentiated by some means. But then I kept realizing that the very means of abstraction would better be abstracted itself, in case better ways of improving that were found. So ergo, I find myself in quite a loop -- I want the features to all be individually defined and abstracted, including the very means of doing so, as a means to make it easier to modify without having to route through tons of source, yet I find that it's quite intangible. I realize that some "primitive" abstractions need other "primitive" abstractions, which require tangible source yet I can't help but find it irritating that the tangible source is not the same as everything else. It's quite difficult to explain, but the annoyance is with regards to making everything tangible by some means - an axiom - but at the same time, allowing for that very means to be modified by the same means of itself. I hope that makes sense.
>> No. 400
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Honestly, the hardest part of this process is naming everything. Lame, huh?

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387 No. 387 hide quickreply [Reply]
Anyone familiar with PROLOG or LISP in relation to programming AI?

I have some basic questions such as: how easy is it to have smaller modular programs to act like neurons and have those neurons write the code for "new neurons"? Where together the modules make up a operating system that does a specific task.
>> No. 388
You need to be more specific...

But in case you didn't know, Emacs is mostly written in Lisp. And Emacs if pretty much an operating system by itself, and a really amazing one too. I'd say you'll be able to do what you want in either lisp or prolog.

How much programming experience do you have in general? If you're inexperienced you need to tackle a lot of smaller projects before doing something like that.
>> No. 390
The problem with using neural networks is that they sometimes miss-classify no matter how well you train them. You don't want your operating system to have this kind of behaviour.

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6 No. 6 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I am interested in creating and maintaining my own websites. How do I got about doing this?
What skills do I need to acquire? ( Right now I am familiar with perl, C, Java, SQL and assembly).

For example, let's say I wanted to create an imageboard like 99chan, or a forum like linuxforums. What languages do I need to know?
These are just examples by the way, so you don't need to get into specifics ( like telling me to use kasuba x or something).

Other than html and php, what else do I need to learn?
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>> No. 27
Learn how to setup a basic LAMP environment.
>> No. 28
JavaScript: function
>> No. 259
Actually you could write your websites in Java with some libraries if you have a host that supports glassfish or tomcat (or similar). Using Java EE.
I'd recommend it if you're gonna write small websites, but if you're looking to write large applications I'd check it out.

PHP and Java are similar in syntax, difference is that one is a scripting language and the other is not.
>> No. 261
Getting a good idea of what sort of modules and libraries are out there for your language of choice. There's no point making some massive SQL function for you to use that could be highly buggy when there's something like ADODB out there. I suggest playing around with PHP, if you know perl it'll be super easy to pick up. Perl was my first language and I made the transfer to PHP pretty easily. You'll want to get decent with GIMP or PS and Fireworks for designing all the graphics that go into modern websites, CSS would also be highly useful, especially the finer parts of it. Javascript is also immensely useful but you can get by without it, I barely know JS and I do pretty alright.
Knowing how to set up and maintain a LAMP environment is a must have, being able to code a website isn't much use if you can't fix the server when it goes down.
You'll also be using a lot of SQL but SQL is pretty damn basic and not hard to pick up what you'll need (SELECT, UPDATE and INSERT really)
You'll also need to get some experience managing small sites so you know how users are going to react to things, where they're going to be looking and how they'll want to use things. It boils down to what >>15 said.

Its a mixed bag because you'll need to know network to software. The best thing you can get is experience, most people who make the sites have started using other applications like phpbb or IPB and learned from running and modding that.

>> No. 389
It's been over a year since I made this thread and I almost completely forgot about it...I'm gonna answer my own question in retrospect :D

objective PHP/mysql/html is a pretty good place to start from. Javascript can make your life easier but you can pretty much learn it as you go whenever it's necessary. Making yourself familiar with yaml or json after a few months will be helpful as well.

Also sublime text is a really good IDE and ya'll should try it.

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263 No. 263 hide quickreply [Reply]
Hi guys, I'd like to know how to modify and create databases. I already have some good know how with Java and C++ so where should I start ?!
>> No. 264
I don't know much about databases, but SQL is a big database language. Going through an SQL tutorial might be a good place to start.
>> No. 269
I say you start by figuring out what the term database means and the hundreds or so different types there are.
>> No. 271
The single best resource to get started is probably the PostgreSQL documentation.

Building and installing Postgres is easy, and is almost definitely already included in your distro (if you use Windows, you'll have to figure that out for yourself, but I can't imagine installing it is hard there, either).

I suggest deliberately avoiding ORM frameworks entirely and forever (if possible) because they will traing you wrong as a big cosmic joke. I also suggest avoiding anything but Posrtgres until you really learn how database systems work: the feature set and performance are on par with the "serious" database systems like DB2 and Oracle and won't teach you a weird subset which is unuseful for serious, non-trivial applications (which is the problem people fall into when they start learning for web development with MySQL and then grow new requirements later -- which is nearly always).

Here's a good place to start. It begins with a very basic tutorial and runs on through every feature of Postgres -- hands down the most thorough open source doc treatment I've ever seen:

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285 No. 285 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
how in the fu&$ do i patch directx 8.1 to my windows 98 os ????? Also the snobby basterd's @ ADOBE so called support flat out will NOT let me download flash. and by the way except for those two downloads this site http://www.oldapps.com/home/os/Windows_98
rocks. PS. im the drunken dumb ass filming the other D.D.A. in the pic
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>> No. 290

This. Windows 98 is dead in the water, practically unusable if you're trying to do anything normal (by today's standards) with it.


If you want to run old games that aren't compatible with Win Vista/7/8, just use the compatibility options that let you run a game as a certain version of Windows. It worked for me when I tried running Half Life 1 on Win7. If you want to run DOS games (i.e. DOOM), download DOSBox (DOS emulator).

And I wouldn't even bother trying to get Flash working. Any animation you view nowadays will require a fairly recent version of Flash, which you're NOT going to get on Windows 98, and even if you did find a way to install it, have fun trying to run it with your endless BSODs.

tl;dr upgrade your OS.
>> No. 292
Compatibility mode doesn't work for most of the games I tried, although it might be different in the 32-bit version of Windows.

I'm curious as to what OP needs Flash for. He can't possibly use Windows 98 as his main OS.
>> No. 293

>64-bit Windows

That's likely where OP's problem lies if he initially tried running old games with Win Vista/7/8. Old games were made long before 64-bit architechture was adopted for domestic machines.
>> No. 333
The compatibility modes should go back to 32-bit (or even 16-bit, occasionally). I read a blog from one of the guys at Microsoft who worked on compatibility, and they make sure old hack-y 16-bit VB programs work, since businesses still use them.
>> No. 346
Nope. There's no 16-bit compatibility at all in Windows 7.

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329 No. 329 hide quickreply [Reply]
I have programming homework and I am on my last problem and this seems to be the easiest but this is the one that is giving me so much trouble. This is a last resort for me. Any help or pushes would be appreciated

Convert inputted value of Celsius or Fahrenheit into the other one that was also inputted.
Restrictions: Has to be Python

This is what I have now. The error I get is that F or C in the function has not been defined yet. I can only have functions written when I turn it in no other values or variables.

Any suggestions?
>> No. 330
There's no variable called F or C in the temp function. That can't be your error message. My guess is you passed F and C to temp without creating the variables first.
>> No. 331
I found my problem... I was inputting just F or C instead of making it a string when I called the function. Stupid user mistake.
>> No. 339

>stupid user

but.... you're the developer here.

SAGE has been used.

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274 No. 274 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Hi guys,
How do I go about installing GCC on my computer? I have gone to the website (gcc.gnu.org), been directed to mirror sites (http://gcc.igor.onlinedirect.bg/releases/gcc-4.7.1/) but I'm unsure where to continue from here, as well as what to do with the files once downloaded (I'm unfamiliar with .sum and .tar.bz2 file extensions)

I'm going to use this to compile C programs, so if there's a better compiler that you recommend let me know, but this is the one suggested for my course at uni.
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>> No. 277
I should've pointed that out, sorry. I'm using Windows 7! I know, rookie move. I would really like to download Ubuntu, but I'm a bit hesitant considering I've never used it. I should probably learn a bit before I throw myself off the deep end.

Thank you for the link though - I downloaded MinGW and it has been working! Also, thank you for the explanation on .sum and .tarbz2
>> No. 278
btw, code:blocks has gcc included as default compiler
>> No. 281
Look up the MinGW suite. It's the windows version of GCC
>> No. 283
I'd recommend just installing a distro like ubuntu, mint, ect. Otherwise you are just going to have to learn how to install programs like gcc and tar all over again.

If you really want to do everything in windows 7 before you install a linux distro try cygwin. It's a unix environment for the windows desktop and will let you install all kinds of unix programs

Also have you tried installing a linux distro into a virtual machine like virtualbox? its ridiculously easy to do.
>> No. 627
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255 No. 255 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
So, i have this old android phone.

i would like to make my own operating system for it, but i dont know where to start.
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>> No. 257
If you really mean an alternate OS; look at http://bitbucket.org/floren/inferno/
If you mean something that isn't Android, then I'm sure you'll be just as happier getting rid of the Java UI and installing a DE on that shit.
People have already installed Debian on Android phones too; http://youtu.be/X9zwd3r6UQQ
>> No. 258
I've never developed for Android, but can't you install the Android emulator and test the OS on it? After it's working you only have to copy it to the phone (and then make it work again...).
Or you want help on how to write an OS? Operating Systems Design and Implementation by Tanenbaum would be a good start (unless you dislike Tanenbaum's writting style).

Writting an OS is hard work, if you aren't willing to spend a lot of time on it give up. It's probably harder than you're thinking. That said, it isn't impossible either.
Oh, and remember: "Those who don't understand Linux are doomed to reinvent it, poorly."
>> No. 265
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you can always download the android source code and see what makes it tick and even modify it to suit any specific needs you have. writing a new OS would be time consuming and pointless (unless you're trying to impress some people) and will probably need small team of programmers and engineers just to make something decent in today's standards. so open source is your friend and best bet!
>> No. 294

Rooting your phone is the first place you want to start. Then try installing some custom Android OSes, CyanogenMod is a modification of Gingerbread (Android 3) and is the most popular and very customisable but is also pretty resource intensive so it might not work too well for you.

I have a HTC Desire that I run Oxygen on. Oxygen is another mod of Gingerbread, very similar to CM but runs a lot smoother IMO.

Also, you can download Android OSes from Google for free and run them in virtual machines like Oracle's Virtual Box. I'm pretty sure you can get the source code too.

On another note, apparently Anroid is supposed to be merging back with the main Linux kernel pretty soon so that might be worth looking into.
>> No. 299
Gingerbread is Android 2.3. I hear CM already has ICS (4.0) builds though.

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