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263 No. 263
Hi guys, I'd like to know how to modify and create databases. I already have some good know how with Java and C++ so where should I start ?!
>> No. 264
I don't know much about databases, but SQL is a big database language. Going through an SQL tutorial might be a good place to start.
>> No. 269
I say you start by figuring out what the term database means and the hundreds or so different types there are.
>> No. 271
The single best resource to get started is probably the PostgreSQL documentation.

Building and installing Postgres is easy, and is almost definitely already included in your distro (if you use Windows, you'll have to figure that out for yourself, but I can't imagine installing it is hard there, either).

I suggest deliberately avoiding ORM frameworks entirely and forever (if possible) because they will traing you wrong as a big cosmic joke. I also suggest avoiding anything but Posrtgres until you really learn how database systems work: the feature set and performance are on par with the "serious" database systems like DB2 and Oracle and won't teach you a weird subset which is unuseful for serious, non-trivial applications (which is the problem people fall into when they start learning for web development with MySQL and then grow new requirements later -- which is nearly always).

Here's a good place to start. It begins with a very basic tutorial and runs on through every feature of Postgres -- hands down the most thorough open source doc treatment I've ever seen:

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