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94 No. 94 hide quickreply [Reply]
I never went to school for programming, and learned web programming/database/frontend stuff (html/css/js/jquery) on the job by myself in a very dirty "whatever works, is made quickly, and doesn't get hacked" kind of way. Heavy emphasis on asp classic, since that's what everything else was built on since the boss refused to learn anything else.

6 years later I'm looking for work and no replies to anything I've applied for, and the "last of the asp 3.0 coders" angle I thought I'd be able to rock isn't rocking. I learned ASP.NET webforms/MVC in my free time, but no replies for those positions either (man do they pay well, though).

Anyway, my old boss lets me use his server to host my own sites, so I was thinking I would make a few small practice websites in various languages and frameworks (asp[.net (mvc)], php, wordpress, ruby on rails if I can set it up on IIS7...), and maybe maintain a blog of some kind where I post code samples and walk through certain tough spots I've encountered, then I can link to it on my resume, and have an "about me" kind of thing where employers who end up on the site can contact me.

Would this help my chances very much? Any better ideas? It'll be a lot of work, but at this point I've given up hope on getting a job in my field and have mainly been looking at entry level general labor type work.
>> No. 95
Hey did you know there are unemployment agencies dedicated to IT types of jobs?


Gee you sure are lucky that I decided to switch to a different field, or I probably wouldn't have told you. I sure hope you are in the united states
>> No. 101
Yeah, webdev is extremely trend driven. You have to retool every so often, it's just part of it.

There's still lots of rails and django jobs, but the next big shift seems to be moving more stuff into the frontend. People who are really good with javascript are going to be in high demand.
>> No. 107
Seems to be that way. After I started putting myself out there, it seems like people want mostly Wordpress and AJAX work right now. One contacted me regarding an asp -> asp.net conversion but haven't heard back from them.
>> No. 298
justin.tv gave a link to positions where if you
dont have degree you could do a simple programming
challenge. positions are open.
>> No. 625
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197 No. 197 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Where does one find "Nigrachan css" that is being used here on 99chan?
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 199
Thanks, but im looking for Nigrachan Cascading Style Sheet Document to be used on a chan.
>> No. 200
Yeah I gathered that. Look at the page source.

Hint #1: Do a search for "nigra"

Hint #2: It's on line 31.

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 201
Sorry, I misunderstood.
Are you saying I should copy want I need and make my own?
I was hopeing for one put together already.
But makeing it myself might be fun too.
>> No. 202
You can include .css files from HTML. The CSS you want is not in the page source, but in a file included by it (to know where see >>200).
>> No. 206
I made my own with your helpful hints...Thank you : )

I made a few changes to the script.(reply color-size)
I feel I need to change the name because its not "nigrachan css"...

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194 No. 194 hide quickreply [Reply]
facebook photo column and some other cool scripts i've written:

>> No. 210
>> No. 217
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new script, actually a work in progress but i thought i'd release it just to get it out the door. works well for what it does.

tumblr dashboard - minimalist 3 column layout

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232 No. 232 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
How the fuck are progress bars coded? The more I think about it the more amazing of a topic it seems.
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 236
I'm new to programming and just hadn't thought about it before. It's less amazing to think of it as breaking up tasks and not too amazing at all to think about following fairly consistent streams like for a download. I suppose progress bars generally don't care if somethingtodo[i+1] takes a little longer than somethingtodo[i], and more sophisticated ones probably have checks to see if each instance is taking way longer than expected. At first I was imagining them initially predicting the total time the process would take, but that seems unlikely/maybe impossible.
>> No. 237
loadingBarLength = (workDone / totalWork) * 100

You see 12 year olds doing it for their little Flash animations.
>> No. 247
12 year olds are amazing
>> No. 249
12chan is that way -->
>> No. 260


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227 No. 227 hide quickreply [Reply]
Anyone else giving a DAM?
After setting up a LAMP stack, I tried ResourceSpace and it worked well, until I looked at the stored media folder structure.. a total mess! folders and more folders, inside other folders, etc.

The front end sure looks simple but the backend was creating a mess I could not comprehend.

I was going to try Razuna, but the key component (Java 1.6) is not available for Ubuntu no more and substitutes aren't allowed, so this is a no go.

Finally I saw something called footage2go and I really liked it, until I found out is a remotely hosted app only, which means no internet = can't search my assets.

Suggestions for a solution similar to Final Cut Server or any of the above?
>> No. 243
Why isn't Java 1.6 available for Ubuntu? That's what I'm using. Did you even try to install it?
>> No. 244
I did tried to install by enabling partner repositories and updating them. once I did the apt-get install I received a message about java not being available.

>> No. 245
Can you not just copy the required JRE to /etc/java/ then use update-alternatives to set which JRE should be used when its required?

Not used ubuntu for a long time, but this method works fine under debian. I guess its either the same or there is an ubuntu specific tool to select preferred applications.

Repos are great but sometimes you've gotta do things by hand.

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50 No. 50 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
For all intent and purposes, i will say I'm "New" to Linux.

I would like to know what anyone here uses for Packet sniffing, WPA2 crack/WEP/WPA, basic programming languages most recognisable for the average Black hat.

I do not claim to have any real knowledge of anything previously stated above and therefore i won't answer questions relating to my being here.

Basic C++ Knowledge, nothing someone wouldn't pick up in a few hours.

TL;DR I would Like some help improving upon my knowledge base of Black hat, White hat or Red Hat programming techniques.

Please don't link me to any Ebooks.

If possible i would like someone to chat to on IRC, someone to help me from the beginning/ start.
5 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 57
That´s a horrificly bias opinion, i do believe i´ve come across as impatient but that is only because this part of 99chan has such little response.
>> No. 58
I just installed Back track 5R, where would be the best place to start learning about all of the exploits?

The Wiki didn't help as much as i thought it would in explaining all the content.
>> No. 59
Spot on. With all the easily accessible resources available today anyone who must ask for help with this is not going to learn anything. But, hey, OP if you prove me wrong a year from now or whenever please post back.

OP, the path you're following (backtrack) leads to script-kiddie land. If you really want to be a bad ass cracker I suggest you do what >>55 said.but of course you won't
>> No. 62

First you'll need to know how attacks work.
Take a gander at this page: http://theamazingking.com/exploit.php

It explains how exploits work in a fairly simple way.
>> No. 79
As for 'Black Hat' techniques;
BackTrack is designed to help you take advantage of exploits, not to supply them. Exploits can sell for quite a bit, few people are going to give them away.

That said, a lot of people post them on 1337day, Full-Disclosure and such. Keep RSS tabs on Packetstorm's exploit feed, 1337day's feed and join the Full-Disclosure mailing list.

Once an exploit comes up, if you're using BackTrack then you'll have all tools you need to take advantage of that vulnerability. You'll have a C/C++ compiler, a bunch of interpreted languages and other essentials.

White Hat? As above, but you call your code "proof of concept" and submit a patch.

There is no such thing as 'Red Hat' programming, but there is Red Hat linux.

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442 No. 442 hide quickreply [Reply]
How would you write a little program to test the effect of swapping in the Monty Hall problem? Here's my attempt in Java.

>> No. 443
What doesn't work about your program?

The only thing that jumps out at me as problematic is that you are randomly choosing how to swap. You should swap to whichever door you didn't guess and wasn't revealed.

The do/while that you're using there (and for choosing which door to reveal) makes the code a little harder to understand at a glance, so I wouldn't use it where you don't have to. Plus, there's no need to repeat either of those steps, so you'll get a (probably meaningless) performance boost.
>> No. 446
>You should swap to whichever door you didn't guess and wasn't revealed.

Yeah, that's what it does. The do loop runs until swap is not equal to either chosenDoor or revealedDoor. Is there a better way of achieveing this?
>> No. 447

I mean, "guess", not "chosenDoor".
>> No. 448
I think you should do it with a for-loop, infinite loops are dangerous. Or just a conditional since there's only three doors.

Theoretically, the RNG could give back the same (wrong) number infinite times. But I'm probably just nit-picking here.

Trivia: in my language nit-picking is called ant-fucking

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464 No. 464 hide quickreply [Reply]

it's on all of my browsers. Should I care?

Can i remove?

I blocked as much of the ip ranges as I have been able to find,

is still on browsers, no software I have has removed it. Any suggestions?
>> No. 465
Came about when installing open-office which I don't even use anymore? Would uninstalling this suite remove? Am I an idiot right now wtf is going on in the world of computers that i am missing
>> No. 466
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>wtf is going on in the world of computers that i am missing

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37 No. 37 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Kubuntu 11.1 here, Wondering why i can't open .rar's with fucking Unrar-free.

Shit's pissing me off.

What do i do?
2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 40
sudo apt-get install unar
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package unar
>> No. 41

sudo apt-get install unrar-free
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
unrar-free is already the newest version.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

And still, i cannot use Unrar..
>> No. 42
it's unrar, not unar.
>> No. 43
it's probably a version 3 rar, unrar free only works up to version 2. Currently the only two ways to open them on linux that I know of are to get the non-free version (usually available in non-free repositories, but also somewhere on the winrar site) or build the command line version of the Unarchiver (http://wakaba.c3.cx/s/apps/unarchiver.html), interestingly actually called unar, I don't think it's been packaged anywhere yet though
>> No. 48
You'll have to add the non-free sources to your apt list, then install the non-free version because the free version doesn't support v3 RAR files.

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19 No. 19 hide quickreply [Reply]
i have an acer inspire one xp version and i want to upgrade it to the w/i/ndows 7 from partyvan.info (i already dl'd it) can any of you fine scholors of technolgy help me

pic unrelated but awesome
>> No. 23
More of an /india/ thing, but that board is pretty much redundant so whatevs.

You have to get the installation files onto the USB stick, and mark it bootable. Then set the netbook's BIOS to boot from it. You should be able to upgrade doing this (depending on how much they stripped out of that release), but I would always recommend just manually backing up anything you want and doing a clean install anyway; much cleaner.

Number of ways to do this here http://www.winsupersite.com/article/windows-7/install-windows-7-with-a-usb-memory-key
Or through general Googling. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Windows+7+USB

That being said, I wouldn't really suggest going with a release from 'anonymous'. Something or another is probably broke in it, it's likely some crude malware integrated in, and it won't make you into a hacker. If you want to get a little deep and dirty in an OS, throw some Linux on it- Ubuntu if you don't understand things, and something like Arch if you wanna start venturing deeper. If you just want a free Windows though then just get an untouched retail edition from Pirate Bay or a friend or whatever ( http://pastebin.com/7zt05p4t ) and activate it yourself with Windows Loader which is easy peasy ( http://goo.gl/r9zGA ), pretty much guaranteed clean system that you have the satisfaction of knowing exactly what's in it and how it was cracked, as you did it.

Alternatively just stick with XP like I do.
>> No. 25
i had already installed this on a desktop for a friend and scaned it for nasty shit i just needed help with a netbook install
>> No. 68
I'll agree with >>23. Don't go with some gimped or hacked version; use the real thing. Believe it not, but people who know what they're doing can very easily slip "nasty shit" into the OS that won't easily be detected by simple file scanning. This is especially true if you're initially getting your custom built install medium from someone named AnonUser in the first place. Basically I wouldn't trust your OS no not come pre-installed with a keylogger or backdoor.

I'd also recommend XP for your little laptop because it uses less resources than 7.

SAGE has been used.

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131 No. 131 hide quickreply [Reply]
I heard you like operating systems all written in assembly

>> No. 132
Stumbleupon much?
>> No. 153
There are dozens of these, each trying to out-nerd the last.
>> No. 154
Maybe that's how Linux staarted out...
>> No. 156
Nope. Linux was created because there was no free kernel at the time. There was the Hurd, but it was far from finished.
>> No. 168
Not quite. It was originally a way to explore the 386 -- and studying the original 0.x line is an excellent, compactish way of doing that.

Linus became aware of the GPL afterwards, and never had been as big on the freedom aspect as he has on "this is a good way to develop infrastructure, but probably not everything" philosophy. If you keep up with the MLs you'll catch him flaming all over someone about that from time to time -- usually after they've suggested something technically retarded under the guise of "being more free", or even worse, covering up for incompetence with the same rhetoric.

Not saying freedom isn't important to him, me or generally everybody in some sense, but the purpose of the kernel wasn't initially freedom, it was something almost as important (but different): self interest and FUN.

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143 No. 143 hide quickreply [Reply]
Afternoon, /nerd/s.

How many of you have dabbled with OpenCL? I'm starting out with it now and the speed increases are ridiculous for tasks it's suited to.

Does anyone have any good resources for getting your head around the concept of massively parallel computing? Picture related.
>> No. 144
The basic idea isn't that hard to grasp. Cpu's use serial communication to communicate which essentially means they can do one thing at at time while videocards use parallel communication which means they can do 16 things at a time, which is why PCIEx16 is called PCIEx16
>> No. 145
The Radeon 7970 has 2048 processor cores == 2048 things at a time, not 16.

I know the gist of it, but I was wondering if anybody had any resources on learning how to program effectively with OpenCL, coming from a serial-programming background.
>> No. 147
I know nothing about what you are talking about, but your post has piqued my interest, so I'm going to ask you a few noobish questions about it.
What kinds of things is this really used for? Some embarrassingly parallel problem like mandelbrot or something?
And do you need to compile your code into something that'll run on those 2048 cores? I take it they're nothing like some 6502 or ARM11 or x86 core, or anything else that'll be more or less familiar to me.

>I know the gist of it
So what's the gist of it?
>> No. 148
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(Not OP)
It's useful for supercomputing, to allow small labs to do some heavy computing without buying (time on) a supercomputer, and for password cracking (in other words, it's useful for mostly anything that is parallelizable). You can see a huge list of uses here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GPGPU#Applications . China used 7168 GPUs in one of their supercomputers in 2010, I'm sure you can find something better by now though https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tianhe-I .

You need to compile the code with a special compiler (the binary runs on the CPU, which communicates to the GPU what to do). Unfortunately, there are three standards you can use: Nvidia's, ATI's and OpenCL (which works both on Nvidia and ATI cards). I don't know about the others, but on Nvidia's CUDA basically you can divide the data to be processed into a matrix and let the GPU take care of it. Doing this in practice, however, can be a bit of a pain since the (global) memory all cores have access to is extremely slow, so you have to use the very limited shared memory between the groups of cores, and different cards have different sizes of memory, different number of cores, etc. For complex problems this can be very difficult. Last time I used CUDA it didn't support recursion.
>> No. 172
We use it some in my organization, but only for niche tasks that really benefit from it. One concern we have is the lack of any really open implementation of the language -- which means we are praying that AMD doesn't ditch its compiler distributions, have difficult to find flaws/vulnerabilities in it, or lose interest suddenly. But anyway, writing things that really tack onto the hardware is MUCH easier in OpenCL than doing it any other way, and that makes it a nice choice for a few things.

As far as learning parallel computing... that's a tricky question. The best single piece of advice I would make is to learn not parallel computing in the sense of programming books, but first take a step back to some more fundamental math theory and study up on just *why* some problems lend themselves to parallel/serialized solutions. This is the thing that trips people up most of the time. The new kids who skipped math class but learned C at home often invent really wild/silly race conditions without realizing it because they didn't take the time to contemplate what defines a truly parallelizable problem.

If you get under that a bit, then actually programming a system that does the computations you want is an exercise in translating your understanding, which is preferable to basically stabbing in the dark with some OpenCL hoping your Radeon will save you without really knowing what you're about.

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157 No. 157 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I have been learning python 2.7.2 lately and I was trying to write a simple month validation script but ran into a road block. Google really didn't have much info on this but basically I want to assign one dictionary key multiple values.

Here is what I came up with:

month_name = raw_input("> ")

valid = {"isvalid": "january", "february" etc.} <- the problem

while month_name != valid["isvalid"]:
print "Invalid Month"
month_name = raw_input("> ")

print "Valid Month"

Pic is how I feel now.
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9 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 178
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Hi there. Good question.

The idea that "I should use this because the data type is immutable" is wrong for a few reasons. For one thing, everything is mutable, either because its got an interface that makes that easy or because you can backhack the data type and change stuff on your own. The fact we're programming at all is evidence of this -- so don't let a shallow book or teacher put that idea into your head. Besides, if you're programming something I'd assume you know what you're up to, and so protecting your own data from you is sort of a weird language decision.

With that out of the way...

The reason tuples are immutable is the same reason they are not the same as lists and don't share the same methods as objects in Python: symantic meaning being tied to the order of the set members.

The famous example is storing a tuple of a/s/l location. You know the first one means "Age" and not "Location" or "Sex". That means you can't just randomly push or pop stuff inside this because its not a list, its a tuple and adding or removing a set member would confuse the meaning of the set entirely.
(age, sex, location) is a lot more sensible than [age, sex, location].

But an unordered list of people, on the other hand, that's different. I can push and pop all I want and it doesn't change the fact that the next thing in line is the same *type* of data. So in this case a tuple containing a list of people is silly, not just because its "immutable" but because the locations implicity have a meaning of their own -- which is the reason why its an "immutable" data structure in the first place.
[(alice.age, alice.sex, alice.location), (bob.age, bob.sex, bob.location)] is the way to go here.

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>> No. 179
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Something worth pointing out to a fledgling hacker that is implicit in the tuple type is that tuples are ad hoc data types of their own.

Let that sink in. A tuple of (age, sex, location) is NOT usable in the same parts of your program that a tuple of (location.address, location.shippable_bool, location.country) is. They are weak data types of their own, flexible in nature and sort of the modernish version of a struct in C.

Elsewhere on this board I mentioned that the real language of a program system is *not* "Python" or "C" or whatever -- that is the syntacic and execution environment, not the real language of the project itself. The language of a project is what you are defining as you write it. This thing about the true nature of tuples is one example of how that manifests.

Think on that until your Zen bell dings, because this is critical to understanding good programming.

...and from now on you will likely get annoyed at how much abuse compound tuples get that should be lists of tuples or tuples of lists simply because they guy typing didn't know the difference and two (('s is easier than ([ or [(...
>> No. 182
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Also, if you need to create an unordered type with arbitrary semantics, in Python use a dictionary. That's what its for. It trades the freedom of unordered set members and lots of data manipulation methods for the encumberance of keys.

I forgot to mention that about dictionaries. Anyway, this is the design decision behind having three distinct structures in Python for defining sets.
>> No. 183
I decided to look around and do some tests.
The creation of tuples is much faster than lists, but accessing elements in a list is faster than a tuple.
From the tests I did, 12 elements in a tuple really isnt that many, so accessing really isnt that much of a problem.

The following tests were done using `python -m timeit -n 1000000` on Ubuntu 11.04 with Python 2.6.6
Example test: python -m timeit -n 1000000 "valid = ('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec')" "if 'Jan' in valid: pass"

Tuple -> Jan
1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.105 usec per loop
List -> Jan
1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.388 usec per loop

Tuple -> Feb
1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.133 usec per loop
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>> No. 184
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More fun, and really telling on performance in a very common use case, is to do some timing on manipulations, not just access times.

The typical += construct used so often with tuples VS list methods like append(), for example.

In a trivial application everything is trivial. My point was the development of sound habits and thinking patterns -- in particular identifying what the differences between tuples, lists and dictionaries actually mean.

This gets into a way different discussion -- but the habit of instantiating everything as a class has, in my experience, been a bad sign but one heavily promoted by the "let's replace C with Java everywhere in CS 101 courses!" which was just before the level of freshly minted graduate programmers took a seriously dive.

We've argued this endlessly for the last few years, though. The mailing list archives are replete with everyone from me to deh Linus Hisself ranting about this, so I won't extend it here.

Some use cases benefit from object orientation (simulations and games in particular). Most don't. But that wouldn't have sold very well, so its not what the market, bookstores or academia got. What's funny is some iconic authors like Bruce Eckel and Herbert Schildt argued against the complete rush to OOP, but they were compelled to write OOP books by their publishers because they simply weren't going to get paid to write anything else. One of the two, don't remember which, gave an interview a while back in which is totally blasted Java, despite having written the canonical study book for it.

Blah blah. Old guy neckbeard anger...

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526 No. 526 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
post your desktops.

OS: Elementary OS 0.2 Luna
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>> No. 545
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Xfce, compiz, and cairo dock

I don't particulary like the wallpaper the wallpaper switcher "variety" picked it.
>> No. 546
>>Xfce, compiz, and cairo dock

OS: Ubuntu Studio
>> No. 592
Windows 3.0
2 floppy drives
>> No. 593
Windows 3.0
2 floppy drives
>> No. 612
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OS:Ubuntu Studio


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97 No. 97 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
whats the worst you ever fucked things up?

pic related is my windows box after downloading some legit seeming PDFs.
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 99
Lost root privileges..on my work computer.
>> No. 100
I accidentally deleted one of the keys from my LUKS encrypted drive. It just happened to be the only key I knew. The other key remaining was a 1024 character passphrase I kept stored in a key-file. The key-file was stored on a USB drive I recently lost. Thankfully I found a backup from a few weeks before.

Fucking up kernel compilation/installation is annoying too, but not the end of the world by any means.
>> No. 105
It's for reasons like this that I am reminded that I need some type of backup.
>> No. 106
Back when I was first learning to use Linux, I had this unhealthy habit of always doing everything in the root directory and always being logged in as root. Well, this eventually led to the root directory being very cluttered with random files and folders, so I got the genius idea to clean it all up. My plan was to move everything in the root directory to a temporary folder, and then move select folders back into the root directory. I'm sure you can probably figure out what happened after that.
>> No. 117
I forgot to unmount my main hard disk after booting from a live linux CD. Corrupted the disk somehow. So fucking sad.

Backed up everything, though, so woo.

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401 No. 401 hide quickreply [Reply]
Hello /nerd/!

Can anyone please recommend a good book about SQL for beginners?
>> No. 402
I'd say http://sql.learncodethehardway.org/book/ would be a good place to start.

Other than that, O'Reilly do some good tech books if you're more into hardback dead-tree reading material.
>> No. 410

I also found these "In 21 days":

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394 No. 394 hide quickreply [Reply]
Hey /nerd/
I wanted to start an imageboard (not another chan, but something similar for a specific group). The problem is that I'm not great with PHP. I know fragments of PHP and then I know HTML/CSS very well. The reason I'm posting is that I don't understand how to get boardlinks to work on something like Tinyboard. I understand there are instructions on how to do so, but it doesn't work out well for me. I'd rather do them properly/without markup. Any idea why it's not working out for me? My host has PHP and MySQL

Help is appreciated. Thanks.
>> No. 478
Do you suffer from fetal alcohol syndrome?

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150 No. 150 hide quickreply [Reply]
I'm going to be a senior in college next year. I feel as though I am unprepared for the workplace. Part of me wants to believe that is a common feeling for someone in my situation, so I wanted to run it by you guys.

I been taught Java and a little C++. I am taking a course of microprocessors, and a database management course. I dealt with unix in a systems programming class but the majority of my knowledge of unix comes from me dickin' around on my debian machine.

I am uneasy because I don't know what I am going to be expected to know. Ideally I would like to work with unix or do some java programming, but like I said I have barely touched either in school. Am I ever going to use this microprocessor stuff?

My programming performance was pretty good, I'm usually the first done with our assignments. But I looked at a freelance programming website and I didn't know how to do half the shit they listed. Some things I could say to myself that if i sat down and read throught the API's for a while I could probably do it but some of it was just way over my head.

If you guys think I am overreacting feel free to call me an explative, but if my inclination of being fucked is correct, are there any specific courses of action I should take or should I just start programming more than I already am, (I do excercises every now and again just to stay fresh) and hope that get enough experience to look desirable to employers?
>> No. 151
>I have been.

I'm not a thug btw

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 152
What's your major? If you're a Computer Engineer, you'll probably be doing mostly low-level stuff, like processors and embedded systems.

If you want to be doing higher-level software engineering, then try to build a portfolio. Get a bunch of projects in one place, maybe put it on a webpage, so you can show potential employers that you actually have some good experience. If you don't have anything to put there, then work on building it.

Make a simple game applet, write a program to calculate road distances and travel time from Google Maps data, implement a database for your schedule and write a front end to look all pretty. Come up with better ideas than these that show off your best programming skills. Actually having stuff done is the best thing you can do for getting a job.
>> No. 155
Find actual, real job listings that you want.

Use those job requirements and build a sample project using all of those things. Then, make your own projects using the tools of that job.

Make sure you understand how a software team works. Read -about- coding, not just about code itself.

Make a portfolio that looks good. Resume too. Prove you can communicate computer things with other normal humans.
>> No. 169
I own a computing services company. I interview in C and Lisp for the most part. Some people say that is retarded, but we find that people who are personally interested enough to learn the two primary languages of hackery on their own are the only sort we have room for[1]. We use C, Python, Bash, and Lisp (Scheme and Common Lisp -- they fit significantly different use cases) for new projects and just do whatever we need to add to/customize/maintain existing projects. Languages aren't hard anyway, core design is. Languages can make that *harder*, though, so we stick to these 4 to cover all bases.
C -> strict, performance, "the polite assembler"
Python -> a for-real high level language
Bash -> can't live without a real shell, seriously. (and "Bash" implies lots of little domain languages like awk, sed, vim scripting, how init systems work, etc.)
Lisp -> as abstract as an acid trip, and great because of this very quality. If you've ever wished psuedo code could run, then you've desired to use this -- and this statement won't make any sense until you use it for a bit.

I hire people who are *interested* in their work, smart and can get things done. I like people who, for random example, have spent the time to really familiarize themselves with what can be done in Postgres and explored what data modeling really means and discovered on their own why normalization can be important. This means in most cases someone who has built a few large systems on their own (which implies they've tried to build a few along the way, failed, and then got it right -- which is invaluable experience), has been involved in some large open source projects already, or already has a work history. I like people who know a bit about how we make decisions with electricity -- and your microprocessors class will benefit you forever, btw. I like people who understand that the language of a project is not the "language" as in C or Python or whatever but is the semantics of the things you declare and how those things fit together.

Anyway, my company may be a bit unique -- a lot of companies hire based on "did he learn Java in school?" and "what was his GPA?" which are great ways to acquire code monkeys completely void of genuine interest or imagination, and a horrible way to hire designers who love to create precise things which are incidentally complex.

Anyway, with your degree finding a job won't be that hard, though you'll probably grow to hate the first job you get. But that will change and you won't be there forever. So long as you don't let the original reasons you got interested in computing get beat completely out of you you can eventually wind up in a very good, fun, creative place (and that is not Google anymore and never was Apple or Microsoft, sadly (oddly enough IBM has a far better track record in this area)).

Hint: keep studying stuff that you like to think about before you go to be on your own -- you'll eventually find a job doing whatever that is if you're good at it -- and if you're interested you'll get good, magically.

blah blah. Past my bedtime. Good luck and don't let the details keep you down.
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>> No. 170
Me again.
I didn't proofread this and located the wine this evening (wife is sweet, and hey, its Golden Week anyway, so whatever), so I appologize for what is almost definitely scattered writing, typos and whatever other poo is in there. Hopefully you get my drift anyway.

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377 No. 377 hide quickreply [Reply]
Hey /nerd/

Merry Christmas! Did anyone get any computer-related stuff or other tech for Christmas?

I got:

>New Motherboard bundle w/ 4GB RAM and quad core AMD Bulldozer (pic related)
>ATI Radeon HD 7750
>New monitor for HDMI support

I've upgraded my computer with the new motherboard and my family computer with the old one, performance is drastically improved on both machines, all is well on my LAN. Hope you guys had a good Christmas!
>> No. 378
I might buy a pair of AKG 702's with the money that i recieved.
>> No. 380
Seems pretty stupid that you got a motherboard with integrated graphics when you got a dedicated card too, OP.

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>> No. 382
smart lil micro atx board, I ended up getting myself more tablets. windows 7 64 transformer and a 7" dual core android. Good times with Black Ops with a handheld.

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606 No. 606 hide quickreply [Reply]
This is a group of R&D people from DoD and private corps who meet and discuss the state of things and set forth future plans

It'd be worthwhile to track down their 10-15-20 year goal sets and see if they involve persuasive technologies in society (spoiler alert: they do)



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