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No. 519 hide quickreply [Reply]
I was beholden to the admin password at my university...

I feel like I ought to do something. But what?
>> No. 520
Plox share
>> No. 521
You need to make small alternations to the login scripts, //fqdn.local/sysvol/scripts/ make changes to shit in there. It will be epic. Like put a copy of redtube on everyones desktop or some shit. Name it Redtube Sponsored by Such and such university

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164 No. 164 hide quickreply [Reply]
Post your pastebin/script collection if you have one.

I'll start: http://pastebin.com/u/2ck
>> No. 165
I uploaded a couple more.
>> No. 192
update on todo.pl - now with an undo feature
update on J2 - random title decoration
>> No. 195
I like the dubar.pl script. The output looks good. I've written something similar a few times in different languages except instead of bars I have percents. I'll probably take something from yours and incorporate it into mine though.

If you don't need the ability to pipe input into dubar.pl and you wanted to make this a little more "standalone" you could just open2() /usr/bin/du directly within the perl script.

Here's the Perl version of my prettybyte() sub which is of similar functionality to your bytesToSize sub if you want to check it out. It's probably not the best Perl because I'm not usually a Perl guy and I was going from my original C function. http://pastebin.com/R7Zbzgmk
>> No. 203
No, I don't need to have it as a separate script. It's just that bash is most natural to me and I'm a bit lazy if I can use someone else's code or something I already know.

Thanks for prettybyte by the way. The if/else I had in there was another example of my lazies :P

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180 No. 180 hide quickreply [Reply]
Hey, beautiful people, I'm having a hard time trying to even understand what I'm being asked for an assignment for university.
I'd rant for hours about this, but the gist of it is that we're supposed to make a system composing of:
- a file system client that is called by a linux VFS through FUSE
- a cache implemented with memcached
- a remote file system in ext2
The idea is to be able to manage files from the client machine, that will look it up in the cache. If it isn't there, it'll make a request to the RFS.
The problem is, I don't even know how to begin. I was told that we could start by writing functions that read superblocks, inodes, etc, but I don't even know how the fuck I'm supposed to do that. We're working with a ext2 file acting like a drive formatted in ext2, and I don't know if I should map it into memory, use unlocked stream operations (I'm not even really sure what that is about though, and there doesn't seem to be much on it on the web).
So yeah, any help at all would be extremely appreciated. Sorry if it sounds a bit convoluted, I'm just really frustrated right now.
>> No. 181
I'm a little confused by your description. Maybe terminology is part of your difficulty identifying the problem (that can make a task feel really overwhelming).

I had written a bit of blather about your three point definition, because alone it doesn't really make sense. But the first sentence after that clears things up enough.

You need to make some arbitrary decisions, primarily about what will be kept in the cache and what will you purge. Memcached has a lot of easy ways to make decisions like this, so read up on it (and you'll feel better already). Memcached also has mechanisms to identify what it doesn't currently hold and make a call to whatever you define as the primary resource to fetch it.

So your real problem is just creating a VFS -- as in, an abstraction over the real filesystem(s) that pretends to be a real filesystem of its own complete with file system type calls for writing, retrieval, deletion, etc. You can do whatever you want, but I recommend not getting fancy -- just write a wrapper over normal filesystem functions that are already defined, and based on where the resource actually is (which requires mapping, which is your *real* task here) translates the fetch (or whatever) request into the real FS's expected call and back again.

Let me stress, you are writing a filesystem wrapper which utilizes a local cache which is already implemented by memcached (once you learn how to use it), not an independent caching mechanism or anything really crazy. Decide how your interface is going to mount/access the filesystem you're using and how it will present that filesystem to userland -- and that's about it. FUSE and memcached already have the hard parts taken care of.

As far as mapping stuff into memory, that's what memcached is for. You've got some reading and playing to do, but this isn't that hard and there are many fine examples of excellent implementation out there already. Most of them do stuff you don't need to worry about, like security implementations, versioning, replication, striping/network-fragmentation, etc. but reading a bit about their design at a higher level might be informative (AFS, Globus, GFS, NFS, etc).

blah blah. This post is a bit scattered. The docs for memcached and fuse are too (sorry... lulz). But you can get this done if you familiarize yourself with these tools. Anyway, play with this and have fun. This is the beginning of learning how really cool stuff works, so have fun, not stress.
>> No. 185
Thanks! And yeah, I'm sorry. English is not my native language, and translating technical terms is kind of hard. But yeah, I've been playing a bit with systemcalls in C to see how I can work with a ext2.disk file. It's not exactly rocket science, I know, but I have three months to develop it, and so far we've seen mostly object-oriented languages in class.
So seriously, thank you a lot! I've read up on FUSE and Memcached a bit already, but what I was mostly concerned about was the VFS part. Now I have an idea about how to go on with it.

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126 No. 126 hide quickreply [Reply]
So I'm a rookie programmer trying to make a program that creates text files and then reads and writes data to them. I've got everything down but the writing part. Currently I get errors when I try to write to my text files. The most common of witch is error 70. I've been stuck with this problem for 3 days now and I was wondering if any of ya all could help me out.

O ya this is the bit of code I have been working with.

Private Sub cmdCreateFile_Click()

'Data for text file

Dim strName As String
Dim strSoul As String
Dim strBody As String
Dim strMind As String

strName = txtName.Text
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
>> No. 127
The two "Set obj..." lines need to be removed. Those look more like what's used in VBScripts, and in this case the objFile is keeping the file open so that the normal way (using Open) can't access it. All you should need for file writing is an Open, Write, and Close command.
>> No. 128
Thanks, I was lucky enough to figure out how to use the close commands and have got things working.
Its a bit clunky still. Now I just need to figure out the write commands. I'm not looking for a way to write on several lines rather than having one very long line of text on my file.
>> No. 129
Check that. I got that working too now. :) Now just to start moving this data around.
>> No. 130
echo "what" > a.txt; cat a.txt

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113 No. 113 hide quickreply [Reply]
Hello /g/. I was looking to purchase a 4GiB RAM stick today and I went along to JB HIFI and asked about RAM for a desktop machine, (DDR3) and I was pointed to a few laptop ram sticks and I was told that I would be able to use that in my machine if it was a Macintosh.? Can you use laptop RAM in a 27" Mac, that is what the idiot teenage salesman told me. I ended going to a proper computer store and paying AU$40.00 for a 4GiB stick.
>> No. 116
Last time I checked all the parts inside a mac were identical to those in a laptop. The only reason people pay buttloads of cash more for a mac is for the OS and the shiny exterior
>> No. 119
I assume you went along with the details of what RAM your machine takes? Don't accept anything else (obviously).
Also, if the clerk was wrong, inform his superiors.

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91 No. 91 hide quickreply [Reply]
Hey /nerd/

Just bought Land of Lisp from Fry's a week ago (stuck out like a sore thumb) and now I can't get enough of Lisp. So what are some good Lisp books I should get?
>> No. 92
Sounds like you already have one.
But seriously, SICP, or Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, gets recommended a lot, and I'm really enjoying the videos.
>> No. 103
Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming (Peter Norvig)

It's a much lighter read than it sounds like, and the examples are actually fun because they're all tied into AI somehow (no "make a database for your cd collection"). Plus it contains some of the best code you'll ever see, the guy who wrote it is insanely good.
>> No. 104
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Get on this. Even from a language-agnostic perspective, it's excellent.
>> No. 118
It is also an insane fucking novel.

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45 No. 45 hide quickreply [Reply]
Hi there /nerd/ I'm here to ask advice one what language I should learn to code a project I've been wanting to do. My goal is to make a program that does several things.

I basically want to make a program that works along side a table top RPG I will be making alongside with this program. I want to use this program make playing a table top RPG easier for host and player alike.

My goals for this program is that it act as an encyclopedia for my game world and rule system. I also want it to be able to replace paper character sheets. My last goal would be to make it so I can change data on the players side such as there XP and hit points.

So that's the gist of it. I myself have only a little experience with coding. I've only played with some C++ and some ancient form of VB.

So, what language should I learn to make this in?
Will one be enough?

>> No. 46
Any language would be fine. Do it in C++, Python, Java, whatever you're more comfortable with.

Also, I'd bet there are a few such programs out there already. http://sourceforge.net/projects/dd-manager/ seems to do at least the character sheets, not sure about the encyclopedia part.
>> No. 47
Forgot to add: the three languages I cited were examples, they are by no means better or worse than other languages for this specific case (as you basically need something that can draw a GUI).

SAGE has been used.

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9 No. 9 Locked hide quickreply [Reply]
Hello and welcome to /nerd/.
This board, as you probably see, is for computer programming and operating systems.

Here's some base rules that I'd love for you to abide to.

1. This is a SFW board, so no porn/guro or anything else NSFW.

2. No blatant bashing of OSes, debating why/how OS 1 is better than OS 2 is fine, but no bashing, let's keep things friendly. :3

3. No trolling, this is not /b/.

4. Have fun. :3
>> No. 26
Oh hey if anyone's up for making a thread for ebooks and other miscellaneous info sources on programming and operating systems, that would be swell.
I'll be sure to sticky it if it does get created.

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