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File 134342014549.jpg - (22.83KB , 297x304 , mountain-lion.jpg )
270 No. 270 hide quickreply [Reply]
What do you guys think of Mountain Lion? It's fast as fuck for me, so much better than Lion.
>> No. 279
kitty isn't happy
>> No. 302
Pretty awful if it's installed over Lion. Clean install works awesome. But, Mission Control is still a huge piece of shit. Install TotalSpaces instead. Can't deal with how slow the animations are when switching desktops - a whole 2 seconds.
>> No. 336
10.6.8 Snow Leopard master race reporting in.

the features that were added in versions after this seem to be just gimmicks to me, no real revolutions in the interface. all they really added was a notifications sidebar, twitter integration, a lot of things i wouldn't use.

i don't see any really compelling reason to upgrade.
>> No. 341
>the features that were added in versions after this seem to be just gimmicks to me
you must be new to apple in general
>> No. 347
In other news, NetBSD 6 was released the other day.

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30 No. 30 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
let's get this baby back on board
5 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 80
How to think like a computer scientist - Python version:

How to think like a computer scientist - C++ version
>> No. 146
>> No. 231
this right here
>> No. 238
Lions' Commentary on the 6th edition Unix OS

Source code for Lions Commentary

Unix Programmer's Manual, 7th edition, referenced by Lions Commentary

PDP11/40 Processor Handbook, for the assembly routines referenced
>> No. 375
OP's link is dead !

any other similar knowledge repositories on the web ?

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348 No. 348 hide quickreply [Reply]
I have a programming assignment due in 13 hours and I'm a bit stuck on it guys,
We're doing this in C.
Basically we're given a chunk of text, and our job is to compress this. the output contains number pairs that are 'offset, length': the number of characters you have to go back, and the length of the copied string. eg for the phrase 'she sells sea shells he shells and she sells',
the first four characters (including the space) are new, so their offset is 0 and their length is their ASCII code, but the 's' in 'sells' has been seen before, so its offset is 4 (you have to go 4 characters back to find the other s) and length = 1.
The next part is to basically speed up the process by replacing brute force by algorithmic force. Instead of using nested loops and literally comparing each character to every one before it, we have to get smart, and I can't quite do that right now.
If anyone wanted to help me out that would be so fantastic guys! Below is the start of my code, moving the input file into an array:
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAXBYTES 1000000
char input
char text[MAXBYTES]
int textlength = 0;
while(textlength<MAXBYTES&&scanf("%c", &input)==1) {
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>> No. 351
> due in 13 hours
stackoverflow.com is your friend, if you have a google account (gmail) you can log-in through that
>> No. 353
I'm kind of confused OP.

So you get a string, and then you're asked to compress it. Compress the string into what exactly?

Do you mean remove redundant words in a string? I don't understand lol.
>> No. 357
read length(i) offset(i)

store length(i) in array{i}

read length (i+1)

store length(i+i) in array{i}

check if length(i+1) is in array

if then offset(i+1) = array{i+1} - array{in which length(i+1)}

I've stumbled upon this thread and shitted it with what came to my mind at 3:29 without any effort. Sorry you have to see this.

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405 No. 405 hide quickreply [Reply]
Rate your living/contemporary figures from the digital world in relation to their human worth. This may or may not take into account their contributions to computer sciences.

7.-Steve Jobs - CEO of Ass putrid, pungently lurid essence.

6.-Jeff Bezos, Steve Ballmer, Mark Zuckerberg - Total Ass-twat-hats.

5.-Bill Joy, Fredrik Neij, Mark Shuttleworth - Asshats.

4.-Bill gates, Linus Torvalds, Kim Schmitz - Regular human. Meaning they're kind of dicks.

3.-Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, Vint Cerf, Gottfrid Svartholm, Tim Berners Lee, Donald Knuth, Steve Wozniak - They be Ok.

2.-Marvin Minsky, John McCarty - Cool guys.

1.- Whitfield Diffie, Martin Hellman, Richard Stallman, Julian Assange - Very Cool guys
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
>> No. 406
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wghy im getting resized? :(
>> No. 430
Really? Total foilhat.

No. 367 hide quickreply [Reply]
Hey crew.
I feel really embarrassed to have to ask this, so please don't make me feel any worse.
I had graduated 2 years ago, and haven't programmed since, getting more into the networking and managed services type roles. Today, my manager gave me a 2 minute assignment, that I cannot complete. And am too ashamed to admit it.
Here goes:
Create an access 2003 database with 1 table, two collums. A (primary key) and B.
Create a form, with an input box, button and label that techs can run in a corner of the screen. Then enter a value in the text box, click the button, and if it matches something in Col A, it will spit out it's related value from Column B.

In 30 minutes I got as far as creating the form and table, and on button click, a new variable will be assigned the value from the text box as a string, and the lable caption will change to it.

Could someone here, please take the time to help me with this?
>> No. 369
Well i'm sure it's a little late now.

That said; I would use button on-click event macros.

When creating macros there are a bunch of drag+drop commands you can call that should be able to do what you want.

Also, don't stress - no real job should contain any trace of fucking Access. Tell your boss to grow a dick and use a real database system.
>> No. 370
Thanx, I did manage to complete it after all. Took me like 5 business hours.
But we were light on work, and since no one else had a clue how to do this either, no one batted an eyelid.
But yes, I do need a new job.

On a side note, I discovered, that for some reason, running the set focus command, does not trigger the on focus command. Just found that odd.

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358 No. 358 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
What is your opinion of Bill Gates?
11 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 490
I heard he hates babbies.
>> No. 491
I heard he hates babbies.
>> No. 512
He could have been a better man, but he could also have been a much worse one. His pursuit of monopoly supremacy probably turned back advancement by a couple years, but you have to expect that.
>> No. 516
He totally blew it when he chosed not to cooperate with Commodore.
>> No. 517
His ideas for nuclear power are pretty cool. Aside from that, I haven't liked windows since they took out the DOS kernel

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5 No. 5 hide quickreply [Reply]
If I have installed LXDE on arch, just using pacman -S lxde, how do I change the theme of the operating system? Do I just get an openbox theme and change that?

Pic unrelated.
>> No. 11
What do you mean by theme of the operating system? Have you read the wiki page on LXDE?
>> No. 12
Read these pages for all the info you need on LXDE.
>> No. 13
From what I can gather on this page http://www.archlinux.org/packages/?q=lxde which lists all the packages that have to do with lxde you'll see one that says lxappearance. Try installing that one with Pacman. You also might be able to find additional themes that you can install somewhere on the internet but I am not willing to do that for you.
>> No. 14
I have read both wiki pages. With themes I mean the way the start-menu (to use windows terms) etc looks. All I have found about themes is few links to openbox theme sites so I was wondering if the openbox themes change the way lxde looks because lxde seems to be running on top of openbox.
>> No. 556
i do love me a nice wide open box

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462 No. 462 hide quickreply [Reply]
when i connect my hdtv up to my laptop, as you'd expect, sound comes out of the hdtv. can i make it come out of the laptop seakers? fyi, it hasn't bothered me yet, but i want to use my headphones at night, and the tv is too far away to simply plug in the headphones to the tv, short of getting a long ass headphone cable
>> No. 463
Do you mean HDMI?

Whatever it is, there should be a way to change the default audio output. On Windows 7 go to the taskbar, find the speaker icon, right click and select Playback Devices.
>> No. 598
its right there in your winblows audio settings

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522 No. 522 hide quickreply [Reply]
I hear about huge password dumps (100,000+) once in a while, but I can't find anything that large. Where are these things found?
>> No. 524
Mostly insecure databases run by companies thinking that SQL injection doesn't affect their systems.
>> No. 525
No I mean where can I find a list of let's say yahoo emails and passwords. Check out this article:


Where the fuck are they? How do I find the passwords taken from these sites?
>> No. 537
Most of the dumps Solidus is talking about can be found if you Google around. A lot of the dumps are either put on pastebin or torrent sites.

In the case of the (not-so?) recent LinkedIn hack, the list of password hashes is available here: http://dazzlepod.com/linkedin/

If you want emails too just learn to search better, I suppose. And/or find some SQLi in a popular forum and cross-check the passwords against the email accounts.

Finally, you can buy such lists on various websites using TOR.
>> No. 539
Hang out on IRC. fubar used to dump shit like that all the time. I think 99chan's IRC has calmed down now but I'm sure there are still many wild west style servers floating around.
>> No. 597
infinity chan where anything is possible

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583 No. 583 hide quickreply [Reply]
What's the best linux command?
>> No. 596
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda1

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595 No. 595 hide quickreply [Reply]

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528 No. 528 hide quickreply [Reply]
I've done things in a pinch that are not very pretty but often work for months, if not years in a not so aesthetically pleasing manner. Please, share yours. If no picture, tell a story!
>> No. 536
When I was younger - and before I had a solid non-Mac box at home - I used to collect the old PCs and miscellaneous hardware that I found discarded in my neighbourhood and salvage them into workable rigs.

I successfully installed OpenBSD on one of them, Arch on another. I actually ran a nulled vBulletin forum for my mate on one from my home internet connection for a few weeks, before he bought hosting.

I had such a great pile of shitty old 80MB IDE rives, it was insane. No pictures though, unfortunately!

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288 No. 288 hide quickreply [Reply]
So I have NO idea what just happened to my hard drive. I was playing a game and suddenly my mouse stopped responding to movements (I could still click but it wouldn't move). At first I thought it was simply the game glitching a bit or lag (since it's a closed beta and is loaded with bugs) and simply tolerated it until I finished the match expecting everything to be fine afterwards. Turns out as I moved my mouse more and more, it slowed more and more until it did the same thing and refused to move and only responded to clicks. I turned my laptop off by holding the power button and then turned it back on. Everything seemed to be ok as I expected but when I tried to mount my drive in Trucrypt, it started telling me "Incorrect password/keyfiles OR the Trucrypt volume does not exist.". I then noticed that my drive was no longer formatted and every attempt to use the "check disk" failed for that drive and only stated I needed to format the drive to do anything with it. I tried using a defragmenting program in case the table header was messed up but it wont even show up in those.

I have a backup but it is from a few months ago and I would rather not lose the data I gained between then and now. Is there any way I can fix this without formatting and losing everything (if I haven't already). If I DID lose everything, is it possible to recover it all with a hard drive recovery program?
>> No. 289

Sounds like quite a sticky situation there.

Is your laptop completely unusable? If not, I would suggest backing up whatever you can to an external HDD or something and re-installing the OS.

It might just be that you will have to lose the data through re-formatting if you have no other options available to you.

Next time, maybe don't encrypt your entire hard drive (I assume you did)? Bear in mind that you (if you did encrypt the whole hard drive) encrypted all of the operating system's core files needed to work properly, so if something fucks up (like it did to you) your OS will become unusable as your OS can't access the core system files.

Just put everything you want to encrypt in one folder and encrypt that in future. Either that or don't bother encrypting unless you're a pedo or a chinese activist or something.
>> No. 291
It wasn't the entire drive. Just the partition I store everything on.

I found a recovery program and I'm trying it now. Not sure how well it's going to turn out.
>> No. 300
Download a rescue Linux liveCD, like http://www.sysresccd.org/ , and run a SMART check on it. It sounds like your drive is failing.
>> No. 349
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seems like you got a virus. If the game you were playing is multiplayer over the internet. someone could have you one. Some viruses delay/lag or disables your mouse or keyboard and mess up your c:/ drive.
>> No. 350
someone could have send you a virus*

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10 No. 10 hide quickreply [Reply]

I just install crunchbang linux on my machine and I would like to know what would you suggest me to install on my machine to make my integration in this distro and debian in general a good one.

I already installed a few favorites like Wine, Audacious, Virtualbox and so on but I would also hear ideas of what to include and what does it do, basically. Although I did use linux for about a year or so now (started with Mint), I still consider myself noobish at times :3
>> No. 24
Most of these will be available on Crunchbang.
As far as a few favorites, I prefer MPD and clementine for audio, firefox-nightly as the main browser, GIMP for image-editing, evilvte for a terminal emulator, pavucontrol for audio adjustments, and scrotwm as the WM.

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71 No. 71 hide quickreply [Reply]
Hey /nerd/, I need your help with Java.

I'm working on a program that creates a table of objects (right now it's only needs to take in strings and numbers), and one of the functions takes all of the values in a column and, if they are numbers, finds their sum. Since this is supposed to be an API and expanded on later, I've decided to implement it as a two-dimensional ArrayList that takes in a generic. However, I'm not sure how to find the sum of the values.

My question is: Is there a way to pull this off with generics, or should I just make the table out of a 2D array of strings and scrap the ArrayList idea?
>> No. 72
I think that one well-written loop should solve yours problem.
>> No. 75

This should help you alot

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82 No. 82 hide quickreply [Reply]
Hello there. I am running a website at http://www.securitronlinux.com and I have forums at http://forums.securitronlinux.com but no one is using them. Should I leave them there or should I install something else instead? I have stopped the PHPBB forum spam with the Google capcha, but how can I make these forums actually a place where someone will post their questions.
>> No. 84
A few tips for you:
1) Don't use forums where article comments are sufficient for user interaction with what amounts to yet another Linux tip blog.
2) Don't use forums for a blog community unless you have enough of an active user base commenting regularly on articles to warrant it.
3) If you can somehow warrant having user forums, try to design your site layout to actually make the fact that you have forums available for usage easy to spot instead of burying it as a text link with a nondescript name in a pile of relatively useless and overwhelming text links that clutter up the layout.

>how can I make these forums actually a place where someone will post their questions.
Become a genuine seasoned expert on a couple topics, post useful and unique information on a regular basis instead of mostly reposting other people's content and showing off your desktop configuration, and build a community of active readers who actually respect your knowledge and want to ask you questions out of that.
>> No. 86
That sounds like a good idea, I have been posting some useful Linux tips and I guess I should focus on that instead of just posting Slashdot styled posts about the happening of the moment. I have had a dramatic increase in traffic in the last couple of weeks, so the amount of visitors I am getting is good for me, I am taking notice of which posts are the most popular and I am using that to decide what to post next, I will focus more on solving problems people are having as well as posting useful tips to help out Linux users.

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63 No. 63 hide quickreply [Reply]
Tell me, /nerd/,
Is there a way to configure mplayer to fallback on a particular video output driver? I want it to first try fbdev2, and then x11 if that doesn't work, so that I don't have to specify which I want on the command line.

Is it possible? atm my mplayer config file has the following:
>> No. 64
Turns out I'm a bit of a dork and a spot of googling could have helped: The line I needed in my config file is:

Putting "vo=fbdev2,x11" doesn't work somehow, as if the fbdev2 succeeds from inside X11 but doesn't display anything.
>> No. 93
Yes, fbdev2 will succeed from within X11 - if you switch out to the terminal, you'll see the video playing.

As an aside, when specifying vo in your config, it's often a good idea to end with a comma eg
The final comma will make mplayer use the vo specified in the default config if yours all fail.

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87 No. 87 hide quickreply [Reply]

Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 The FreeBSD Documentation Project
>> No. 88
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12.12 Tuning Disks

Disk space is not released until the updates have been written to disk, which may take place some time after running rm. This may cause problems when installing large amounts of data on a filesystem that does not have enough free space to hold all the files twice.
>> No. 89
26.5 The D Language

The DTrace Toolkit includes many scripts in the special language of DTrace. This language is called “the D language” by Sun™ documentation, and it is very similar to C++. An in depth discussion of the language is beyond the scope of this document. It is extensively discussed at http://wikis.sun.com/display/DTrace/Documentation.
>> No. 90
I don't get it. What's this thread about?
>> No. 96
2.11 Troubleshooting

The following section covers basic installation troubleshooting, such as common problems people have reported. There are also a few questions and answers for people wishing to dual-boot FreeBSD with MS-DOS® or Windows®.

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584 No. 584 hide quickreply [Reply]
Is there such a thing as a good and free (as in beer) MATLAB clone?

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582 No. 582 hide quickreply [Reply]
Welcome. Here's how this stuffarooni works.
Enter the Hall of Fame and unlock Kiloude City, then Friend Safari is available.
Post your IGN & friend code (3DS main menu > friend list). Ask someone what your mons are.
Once mutually added you may encounter the first two Pokemon in your friend's safari.
Both of you need to be signed onto the PSS for the third.

If you delete friends, they keep access to your safari, but you lose access to theirs.

Don't like your safarimons? You'd have to factory reset your 3DS to change them.
No worries, someone will need your safari!

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