Rate your living/contemporary figures from the digital world in relation to their human worth. This may or may not take into account their contributions to computer sciences. 7.-Steve Jobs - CEO of Ass putrid, pungently lurid essence. 6.-Jeff Bezos, Steve Ballmer, Mark Zuckerberg - Total Ass-twat-hats. 5.-Bill Joy, Fredrik Neij, Mark Shuttleworth - Asshats. 4.-Bill gates, Linus Torvalds, Kim Schmitz - Regular human. Meaning they're kind of dicks. 3.-Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, Vint Cerf, Gottfrid Svartholm, Tim Berners Lee, Donald Knuth, Steve Wozniak - They be Ok. 2.-Marvin Minsky, John McCarty - Cool guys. 1.- Whitfield Diffie, Martin Hellman, Richard Stallman, Julian Assange - Very Cool guys
wghy im getting resized? :(
>>405 >Assange Really? Total foilhat.