No. 404
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>when you have this much money, its an unwritten rule to donate to charity.
NO. Refer to picture.
Charity doesn't actually solve anything.
The gatesfundation is doing quite a lot of PR AND actual projects around the globe nowadays to simply "not notice it". Whether if this is good or not is an interesting argument.
Are GMO's really that bad? Im no expert on the subject but i have seen reasonable arguments on both side of the line, but the point is gates is in bed with monsanto. Deeeeeeeep in bed. Still, i can't help to see the fundation's push for global education, health and access to information not only as beneficial but utterly necessary.
Couldn't say gates is a total asstwat but Steve Jobs definitely was.
I would say Bill Gates is kind of a practically minded, regular human being. That means, of course, he is kind of a dick and i wouldn't trust him.