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File 135254131076.jpg - (881.57KB , 1200x1682 , Bill_Gates.jpg )
358 No. 358
What is your opinion of Bill Gates?
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>> No. 359
Made Microsoft which was (like it or not) a great force in bringing computers into households and making them available to all types of users, and helped shaping the digital world we live in. Ballmer on the other hand can suck dick!
>> No. 361
I recently heard that Ballmer fired the engineer/programmer/whatever that saved Microsoft's face during the Vista crisis, and helped conceptualize Windows 7. Someone's feeling threatened, apparently.
>> No. 362
>goto youtube
>search "steve ballmer"
how the fuck did that guy got to where he is today is a freegin' mystery
>> No. 363
File 135328103025.gif - (12.42KB , 150x151 , ballmer.gif )
Easy. He was Gates' roommate (or neighbor, I'm not sure) during college. it's either that or because jews
>> No. 364
He's being good these days. Donated a lot of money.
>> No. 365
when you have this much money, its an unwritten rule to donate to charity. the fact that you know about him donating is probably because he is talking about it in interveiws, while other rich people donate anonymously.
>> No. 366
We know about it because he has a foundation for donating to other foundations.
>> No. 404
File 137142503226.jpg - (19.45KB , 220x319 , Carlos_Slim_Helú.jpg )

>when you have this much money, its an unwritten rule to donate to charity.

NO. Refer to picture.

Charity doesn't actually solve anything.

The gatesfundation is doing quite a lot of PR AND actual projects around the globe nowadays to simply "not notice it". Whether if this is good or not is an interesting argument.
Are GMO's really that bad? Im no expert on the subject but i have seen reasonable arguments on both side of the line, but the point is gates is in bed with monsanto. Deeeeeeeep in bed. Still, i can't help to see the fundation's push for global education, health and access to information not only as beneficial but utterly necessary.

Couldn't say gates is a total asstwat but Steve Jobs definitely was.

I would say Bill Gates is kind of a practically minded, regular human being. That means, of course, he is kind of a dick and i wouldn't trust him.
>> No. 428
but kinda needs to be said maybe -
charity is good for looking like a good person, but it's set up kinda funny if you think about it.
the upshot of extremely rich people giving charity to extremely poor people is:
a) we have a harder time stomaching the idea of revolt
b) it rewards those who come across as "poorest". middle class individuals don't get to participate, but there is absolutely a reward for not trying at all.
>> No. 431
Far better than his reputation.
>> No. 432
While I wouldn't trust Gates because I can learn with others mistakes, saying "charity doesn't solve anything" is at best wrong. And no, I won't watch a retarded Youtube video. Give me a proper peer-reviewed study and I'll skim it.

>b) it rewards those who come across as "poorest".
It's their money. You're free to "help" those who don't need help with your own money if you want to.
>middle class individuals don't get to participate
Middle class individuals do not need anyone's charity. Are you really arguing that Gates' Foundation should be taking money they'd invest in miserable people to give it to people who live comfortably?
>but there is absolutely a reward for not trying at all.
If you call dying of hunger or a stupid disease in the middle of Africa a reward, yeah except it isn't that they don't try. The game is rigged. If the dice screws you at the beginning (e.g. you're born in Africa, NK, etc) you're basically doomed with no chance to reroll.
>> No. 490
I heard he hates babbies.
>> No. 491
I heard he hates babbies.
>> No. 512
He could have been a better man, but he could also have been a much worse one. His pursuit of monopoly supremacy probably turned back advancement by a couple years, but you have to expect that.
>> No. 516
He totally blew it when he chosed not to cooperate with Commodore.
>> No. 517
His ideas for nuclear power are pretty cool. Aside from that, I haven't liked windows since they took out the DOS kernel

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