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File 134554439516.jpg - (206.88KB , 399x301 , 6a00d8341bf98153ef013485c343a0970c-800wi.jpg )
288 No. 288
So I have NO idea what just happened to my hard drive. I was playing a game and suddenly my mouse stopped responding to movements (I could still click but it wouldn't move). At first I thought it was simply the game glitching a bit or lag (since it's a closed beta and is loaded with bugs) and simply tolerated it until I finished the match expecting everything to be fine afterwards. Turns out as I moved my mouse more and more, it slowed more and more until it did the same thing and refused to move and only responded to clicks. I turned my laptop off by holding the power button and then turned it back on. Everything seemed to be ok as I expected but when I tried to mount my drive in Trucrypt, it started telling me "Incorrect password/keyfiles OR the Trucrypt volume does not exist.". I then noticed that my drive was no longer formatted and every attempt to use the "check disk" failed for that drive and only stated I needed to format the drive to do anything with it. I tried using a defragmenting program in case the table header was messed up but it wont even show up in those.

I have a backup but it is from a few months ago and I would rather not lose the data I gained between then and now. Is there any way I can fix this without formatting and losing everything (if I haven't already). If I DID lose everything, is it possible to recover it all with a hard drive recovery program?
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>> No. 289

Sounds like quite a sticky situation there.

Is your laptop completely unusable? If not, I would suggest backing up whatever you can to an external HDD or something and re-installing the OS.

It might just be that you will have to lose the data through re-formatting if you have no other options available to you.

Next time, maybe don't encrypt your entire hard drive (I assume you did)? Bear in mind that you (if you did encrypt the whole hard drive) encrypted all of the operating system's core files needed to work properly, so if something fucks up (like it did to you) your OS will become unusable as your OS can't access the core system files.

Just put everything you want to encrypt in one folder and encrypt that in future. Either that or don't bother encrypting unless you're a pedo or a chinese activist or something.
>> No. 291
It wasn't the entire drive. Just the partition I store everything on.

I found a recovery program and I'm trying it now. Not sure how well it's going to turn out.
>> No. 300
Download a rescue Linux liveCD, like http://www.sysresccd.org/ , and run a SMART check on it. It sounds like your drive is failing.
>> No. 349
File 135128134216.jpg - (78.68KB , 974x436 , vi.jpg )
seems like you got a virus. If the game you were playing is multiplayer over the internet. someone could have you one. Some viruses delay/lag or disables your mouse or keyboard and mess up your c:/ drive.
>> No. 350
someone could have send you a virus*

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