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581 No. 581 hide quickreply [Reply]

>Better characters
>Better animation, and more of it
>Better fights
>Better writing, plot, and dialogue
>Better worldbuilding
>Actual cinematography
>Actual lighting and depth in scenes
>Actual tension
>Actual humor

When RWBY's highway scene ends up way suckier than RvB's, you know you dun goofed.

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580 No. 580 hide quickreply [Reply]
Okay SpeedPlay vs SPD-SL style pedals

I can't get a clear reason on why one is better than the other, the LBS says I'm getting better performance on my SL's but I like the aesthetics of the SpeedPlay a lot more; and seeing Grand Tour riders use them makes me think that there has to be some race quality ones out there.

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212 No. 212 hide quickreply [Reply]
ipv6 is not being deployed because we dont need more ip addresses. Carrier grade NAT and a die off will ensure ipv4 will outlive us all.

>> No. 213
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If you are asking for more IP addresses you're asking the wrong question.

20% of humans still suffer from enteric diseases (ring worm, etc).

Why should we care about the adoption of a protocol when 256 children die of starvation every day?

It's more fun that way!
>> No. 229
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That's not true at all. IPv6 provides a LOT more than just new IP address spaces. The main reason some ISPs don't want to move to IPv6 isn't technical, really, its because in a world where you can do address-proxy anchoring and all your devices can have permanent prefixes you don't have to cough up extra for pointless "services" like a "static" IP address or "dynamic DNS" if you want to host things from your own computer. Everything gets simpler and that lets new ideas in, and this threatens some of the guys who have gotten fat, defensive and stale instead of lean, aggressive and innovative like they used to be.

Its part of what happens when you realize you have been successful somewhere one day and suddenly let your mindset shift from one of "creating success" to "avoiding failure". Its a totally different mindset and it ruins a lot of stuff. Slow IPv6 adoption, especially outside of the US, is due mainly to this. I'm in Japan and NTT and ISPs here charge outrageous fees for basic stuff like addressing and don't want to lose that because of a new addressing paradigm that obsoletes their paid service plans. (ISPs in Japan is a farce to begin with because there are no ISP's here at all -- NTT owns all the wires as a state communications monopoly, ISPs only exist to keep people employed on state subsidy and pretend there is an actual market, which there isn't.)

Blah blah blah...

tl;dr: OP is an uninformed faggot who never studied networking very hard (or at all).

1/10 trolling in that direction here. But nice try.
>> No. 579
> NTT owns all the wires as a state communications monopoly, ISPs only exist to keep people employed on state subsidy and pretend there is an actual market, which there isn't.)

plz post ur rant in /r/canada

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2 No. 2 hide quickreply [Reply]
Welcome to /nerd/

I don't know anything about programming but I want to see if I can get a sticky for a welcome topic. Probably not.
>> No. 4
start with this
>> No. 555
step one. get some hot pockets and redbull
>> No. 578
step two: get a canoe

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32 No. 32 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
hey /nerd/s,

What language are you in the process of learning or want to learn? I'm currently getting into scala, an imperative/functional hybrid that runs on the jvm. I mainly come from a java background, but the practice of using only immutable values is really pushing me. That plus the syntactic sugar makes it feel really awesome.
51 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 507
OH man, get rid of Java, switch to something more mainstream.
>> No. 508
It doesn't 'learn', but fuck it.

cat $0 > $NEW; chmod +x ./$NEW; ./$NEW
>> No. 543
I'm learning Racket and Python right now.

As of the moment, I'm just doing Python online course because I think Python is the most practical. I find it to be so-so enjoyable. The syntax is simple, somewhat clean, but I don't like how it uses whitespace.

Racket: Seems like a really fun language where I can learn so much from it. I'm doing an online course and coursera and reading Picturing Programs. http://picturingprograms.com/

The Racket stuff is on the backburner since the Python course is going to end soon.

I have a question. I want to do web related work, ie websites, server related etc....

So far I've learned HTML5/CSS3, Javascript (going to learn Jquery) and going to learn some PHP as well.

So, what other languages should I learn for web related programming? I was thinking C# .....
>> No. 544
PHP is awful. Either use Ruby on Rails or Python with Django. C# or Java would probably work too, I guess, but you'll probably have an easier time with a scriptier language.

Also, learn some SQL and read about database design. Even if you don't use SQL directly, understanding databases is crucial to any sort of complex website.
>> No. 577
anal warts

No. 391 hide quickreply [Reply]
I could learn to code well when I was 11 but did so so intermittently I basically have only 1-3 months expiriance by the time I'm 23 and a CS student.

how fucked up am I? or is it possible to catch up and get "fluent"?

picrelated - what I did with my time in my youth.
>> No. 392
If you start from first year then you should be fine.

CS isn't just about programming. The main focus is on algorithms, networking, databases, computer architecture and other types of shit. You don't need to have a lot of experience with programming to understand those concepts.
>> No. 574
pic no longer related

i'm going to assume it was a guy sucking off a dog
>> No. 576
I also started programming when I was 11 and I also progressed terribly slow. When you're that young, you don't know what or where to learn and you waste a lot of time. It wasn't until I was around 14-15 that I started to really learn something.

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393 No. 393 hide quickreply [Reply]
Did you know that 90% of people in the UK access their online information through one source? Do you care?

Well. Think of it this way: We wouldn’t watch just one TV channel for our news. We certainly wouldn’t be happy with just one newspaper.

Most people get online, use whatever search box is there, and just click on whatever results they're given, without thinking about what they might be missing.

We're trying to spread the word about searching differently.
>> No. 575
have you tried google ad words?

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122 No. 122 hide quickreply [Reply]
I see we don't have a rain meter board started yet, it's a pretty cool interface lets share ideas and thoughts?
(this is mine, it's the most basic ... they get really good after time)
>> No. 123
Idea: We also make this a conky thread, and you have to post pastie/pastebin links to your config files.
Can't contribute. *nix box is dead :'(

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 135
I like this idea
>> No. 573

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186 No. 186 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
KDE 3.1.3 sure is fast as fuck in virtualbox. Why are the modern desktops so bloated? And the installer is so easy to use, I wish every modern distribution was this easy to install and use. Can we have a Linux nostalgia thread?
7 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 220
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Maybe you can try CrunchBang, since it's interface is really minimalist and don't require modern graphics.
Uses Openbox as desktop interface.

>> No. 222
If you want a very lightweight system, you could try configuring an Openbox setup with a panel such as tint2. However, this will take some non-gui configuration to complete.

X11 in general was a bloated, yet all-enompassing system from its creation, with bits that no one uses from the 80s and 90s still being maintained (can you still make circular windows in X?) and with a design that is steadily starting to show its age. Even lightweight WMs are just standing on the hands of an obese giant. Combine this with DEs that follow Moore's Law to a tee, and have the current situation on the Linux Desktop.

As far as Desktop usage is concerned, I cannot wait until Wayland becomes a feasible option.
>> No. 242
I love IceWM, although I don't use it currently (Fluxbox 4lyfe). Fedora is also my favourite distro, despite the regular releases (actually, I tend to like anything based on Redhat). Props to you. >>188
Try installing Slitaz: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slitaz

Alternatively, Debian with LXDE is an alternative to configuring Openbox with Tint2 or something yourself. It's heavier, yes, and it looks like ass, but it's the best of a bad lot of full DEs.

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 254
I hate how LXDE's panel/menu doesn't allow commands (or arguments, whatever they're called) in the application shortcuts, such as "/usr/bin/firefox -safe-mode". I'd switch immediately from Xfce if it allowed that.

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 572

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560 No. 560 hide quickreply [Reply]
Remember when gaming was just shooting things? In a time when JSW didn't pass themselves off as game reviewers and when nobody have a shit what someone else thought of their game anyways. When you could just wake up on a Saturday morning, hang out on a perch and frag any laggin newb that popped into view
>> No. 571
Pepperidge Farm remembers.

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532 No. 532 hide quickreply [Reply]
How do I program my site (PHP, HTML and javascript) so that it can automatically do stuff on other sites - like buy x item on Amazon, or edit an article on Wikipedia, based on actions on my site?
>> No. 533
>> No. 534
You could either do it directly; by having your PHP program CURL a request to Amazon to buy the item just after you receive user input.

Or, you could have a cronjob set up to automatically change Wikipedia entries / buy things on amazon based on database variables, which you would change with your PHP front end.

You would want to do a lot of validation with each approach. Automated systems for buying things screams abuse potential.

Also, i'm not sure how feasible this is with Wikipedia CAPCHAs or Amazon payment APIs. Good luck, though.
>> No. 570
take a course

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386 No. 386 hide quickreply [Reply]
A simple game using street view API to port you to random locations where you guess against the clock.


Also should I go game center, or build omni functional score system myself to integrate
>> No. 569
not awful

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492 No. 492 hide quickreply [Reply]
You are to write a flowchart describing the process needed to count how many of each coin is in the jar (make amount up yourself) and also, total the value of coins in the jar. You have to also use fake coins (like Chuck-E-Cheese Tokens)

You are required to use the following variables in your solution:
 coinName
 coinValue
 totalAmount
 totalPennies
 totalNickels
 totalDimes
 totalQuarters

Valid coin names are:
 Penny
 Nickel
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
>> No. 493
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Here's what I came up with. Do you think this would work?
>> No. 494
I would count the invalids instead of printing every time.
>> No. 495
Sounds good. My professor also pointed out that I'm not adding to the grand total. And not adding to the count for each coin, that I'm setting it to zero. I figured I would set it to zero because that's where it starts. Then it will count went the coins come out of the jar, but I guess that's not what he wants.
>> No. 542
Passes for kaiser sose these dayz.
>> No. 567
remember Canadian pennies are invalid

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141 No. 141 hide quickreply [Reply]
I want to write something here because I want this board to be more active.

I want to build something with my fellow /nerd/s

What we do?! Let's write a potential plug-in for the site. To steal money, I mean donations.
>> No. 142
We're currently using a modified version of 0.9.3, I take it.

You want a plugin to accept paypal donations, or what?
>> No. 221
well we fail, we arent lulzsec :(
>> No. 566
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we ain't lulzsec ... we ain't nuttin

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487 No. 487 hide quickreply [Reply]
>> No. 518
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It won't load, so what's with the bright eyes?
>> No. 565
its his Spike impersonation

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564 No. 564 hide quickreply [Reply]
What was your first computer?

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557 No. 557 hide quickreply [Reply]
how long until we have robotic dachshunds?
>> No. 563
whose a good boy?

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467 No. 467 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
This is my Java version of Dawkin's weasel program. Can someone tell me if it's shit and how it could be improved, thanks.

1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 470
>> No. 483
I think I spent two evenings on it. It's nothing complicated and could be coded better using threads but I didn't know how to use them at the time.
>> No. 499
How do you use threads anyway?
>> No. 538
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Took me about 45 minutes. Reminded me that I haven't written Python in waay too long!

Output attached.
>> No. 562
fucked hoes. spent money

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454 No. 454 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Hi /India/,

I'm looking for a program to capture everything on screen as screenshots. So far, every program I've used fails at games, only a black image is saved.
5 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 460
Can't you use a video capture device and take what you need from there when you're done?

Alternatively I think most games have a built in screenshot function if you google how to screenshot [game]. I think the default for steam is F12 too.
>> No. 469
One completely dildoes idea is using a mirror driver and getting a program to capture what's on display on the mirror driver device.
>> No. 502
Get the latest crack of fraps
Printscreen doesn't like doing screenshots of a fullscreen window. alternatively, play through steam and use f5 or f12 to take shots.
>> No. 561
>> No. 568
probably because you want it to copy from graphics card memory, but it is copying from ram, and the ram is zero;d so it has no picture. hense all black.

can't steam do this?

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559 No. 559 hide quickreply [Reply]

I'm not against picking up new skills but is it worth it?

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