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  • Blotter updated: 2015-09-02 Show/Hide Show All

No. 391
I could learn to code well when I was 11 but did so so intermittently I basically have only 1-3 months expiriance by the time I'm 23 and a CS student.

how fucked up am I? or is it possible to catch up and get "fluent"?

picrelated - what I did with my time in my youth.
>> No. 392
If you start from first year then you should be fine.

CS isn't just about programming. The main focus is on algorithms, networking, databases, computer architecture and other types of shit. You don't need to have a lot of experience with programming to understand those concepts.
>> No. 574
pic no longer related

i'm going to assume it was a guy sucking off a dog
>> No. 576
I also started programming when I was 11 and I also progressed terribly slow. When you're that young, you don't know what or where to learn and you waste a lot of time. It wasn't until I was around 14-15 that I started to really learn something.

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