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File 139948068176.jpg - (34.05KB , 668x900 , wind-swept-businessman-1-20263171.jpg )
492 No. 492
You are to write a flowchart describing the process needed to count how many of each coin is in the jar (make amount up yourself) and also, total the value of coins in the jar. You have to also use fake coins (like Chuck-E-Cheese Tokens)

You are required to use the following variables in your solution:
 coinName
 coinValue
 totalAmount
 totalPennies
 totalNickels
 totalDimes
 totalQuarters

Valid coin names are:
 Penny
 Nickel
 Dime
 Quarter
 Invalid

Assume a function already exists to return the name of the next coin in the jar. The function returns the name, not the dollar value of the coin.

The function name is: GetNextCoinName

Example of use:
In the example below, the variable named CoinName has been declared and holds a text value of: CoinName = GetNextCoinName
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>> No. 493
File 139948368651.jpg - (35.47KB , 657x733 , Drawing1.jpg )
Here's what I came up with. Do you think this would work?
>> No. 494
I would count the invalids instead of printing every time.
>> No. 495
Sounds good. My professor also pointed out that I'm not adding to the grand total. And not adding to the count for each coin, that I'm setting it to zero. I figured I would set it to zero because that's where it starts. Then it will count went the coins come out of the jar, but I guess that's not what he wants.
>> No. 542
Passes for kaiser sose these dayz.
>> No. 567
remember Canadian pennies are invalid

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