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File 140573857141.gif - (3.51MB , 543x220 , fToE7IM.gif )
522 No. 522
I hear about huge password dumps (100,000+) once in a while, but I can't find anything that large. Where are these things found?
>> No. 524
Mostly insecure databases run by companies thinking that SQL injection doesn't affect their systems.
>> No. 525
No I mean where can I find a list of let's say yahoo emails and passwords. Check out this article:


Where the fuck are they? How do I find the passwords taken from these sites?
>> No. 537
Most of the dumps Solidus is talking about can be found if you Google around. A lot of the dumps are either put on pastebin or torrent sites.

In the case of the (not-so?) recent LinkedIn hack, the list of password hashes is available here: http://dazzlepod.com/linkedin/

If you want emails too just learn to search better, I suppose. And/or find some SQLi in a popular forum and cross-check the passwords against the email accounts.

Finally, you can buy such lists on various websites using TOR.
>> No. 539
Hang out on IRC. fubar used to dump shit like that all the time. I think 99chan's IRC has calmed down now but I'm sure there are still many wild west style servers floating around.
>> No. 597
infinity chan where anything is possible

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